Grabbing the bow, I start to blindly shoot at them because do you know how hard it is to aim at anything while running? I try to keep it directed towards the ground, not needing Queenie to be pissed at me for killing one of them before she gets to have her fun.

An arrow hits the grass in front of them, making one of them fall to the ground. He quickly gets back up, and I let another one fly. That arrow hits another's foot, making him cry out in pain.

I cackle as they keep tripping. Out of nowhere, one of them falls to the ground, then is flung upside down. “Holy shit!” I laugh. “Fucking booby traps.” I guess I’ll stick to running behind them. Angel hangs there, swaying back and forth, shouting for his brother. They stop for a moment, but when their eyes land on me, they fill with terror and take off running, forgetting all about their brother strung up in the tree.

“Well, well, well. Look at what we have here. Got myself a little piggy. Maybe the big, bad wolf should eat you for lunch.”

“Fuck you, you crazy bastard,” he spits. I snort out a laugh as his words come out funny from his lack of teeth.

“I’m so glad you noticed, Mr. Gummy bear. As much as I’d love to end you right now, my Queen has plans for you. You must play the game to get the prize. I gotta give you a fair chance.” I aim the arrow and shoot it at the rope that he’s hanging from. It cuts through making him drop to the ground with a thud. He screams, but quickly gets to his feet. “Do you feel it? Do you feel your insides melting? Better get running, little piggy.”

Without another word to me, he takes off again, and I stay hot on his heels.

A few moments later, I hear footsteps coming from behind me. Looking over I see Queenie catching up to me. “Having fun, Pet?” she asks with a laugh, her breath coming out in pants as a bright, excited smile takes over her stunning face.

“Fuck yeah,” I laugh, running next to her. She looks so different tonight. She’s wearing a white nightgown that hugs her breasts but flows just under her bust. She’s still sexy as hell.

“Come on, we're not done just yet. Wouldn’t be a D-Day without some music.”

She grabs my hand, lacing her fingers with mine as we take off, running faster while laughing.

Not long after that, I can see a glow in the distance, and the smell of campfire hits my nose. When we get to the little clearing, I see a massive fire. Around the base aren’t rocks but piles of skulls. And in front of them are four stakes.

“Are we burning some witches at the stakes?” I ask Queenie. “Or are we having ourselves a pig roast?”

“I do love me a good roasting.” She laughs, and we both turn to see Diego and his men running around, looking for something.

“Where is it!” Diego booms. “Where is the antidote?”

“My skin!” Jose screams. “Make it stop!”

“It burns!” Luis cries, falling to his knees as he scratches at his face. Angel starts going crazy as he claws at his arms, leaving big gashes behind.

“Oh, you silly, silly men. Don’t you know better by now? I won't be letting you make it through the night. Not after everything I’ve done to get you here tonight. You are my guests.”

They all drop to the ground, whatever she gave them, the effects are becoming stronger by the minute.

“Damn,” Cass says as the other three finally join us. He puts his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. “I really need to start working out with you guys.”

“What's going on here? Having ourselves a fire, I see,” Axel says, stepping up next to Queenie.

“Or is it a reenactment of the Salem Witch Trials?” Dean laughs, looking at the stakes.

“Nah, these guys deserve it. Death by fire,” Cass adds.

“Boys, do me a favor and get our guests situated on those pretty wooden stakes. The show is about to begin,” Queenie asks.

“Sure thing, my Queen.” I blow her a kiss, loving the hungry smile she gives me. I walk over to Angel and grab him. He starts to fight me, thrashing and screaming. His elbow comes up and smashes against my cheek. “Fuck,” I hiss and back hand him. “Who knew gummy bears could be so violent,” I grumble, dragging him by the hair over to one of the stakes.

“Man, they are feisty tonight,” Axel grunts as he fights Jose.

“Yeah, leave me with the biggest guy,” Cass mutters as he struggles to get Luis.

“Fuck off,” Dean snaps, punching Diego in the face when he tries to headbutt him.

“I thought I was tonight's entertainment.” Queenie laughs, standing there and watching as we get them against the stakes.

“Well, if you wanna help, feel free to step in at any time,” Axel calls over as he grabs the rope from the pile next to the stakes.