“Yes,” he says with an uneasy look on his face that has me on edge. “It wasn’t easy to get.”

“Of course it wasn’t,” Queenie laughs. “It’s a deadly poison.”

Tommy hands her a box. Queenie opens it and takes out four needles. “What’s that for?” I ask.

“This is for our friends here,” Queenie explains, taking one of the needles out and walking over to the four men, who are now down on their knees in a line while Lucas points a gun in their direction, aiming at their stomachs ready to shoot if any one of them try to take off. She takes the first needle jabbing it into Jose's neck. He starts to freak out, but Queenie kicks him to the ground.

One by one she takes new needles and injects them with whatever poison was in those syringes.

“Now,” Queenie says, tossing the empty needles into the van. “I just injected you with a deadly poison. You're gonna start to feel the effects soon. It’s going to make you feel like your body is burning from the inside out. Like your muscles, organs, and bones are melting. It’s gonna be the worst pain you could ever imagine. Then, just like the drug you sold to those teenagers, your heart is going to stop. Just like that.” She snaps her fingers.

They all start to lose their shit, real fear in their eyes. Not so tough now.

“But... Thereisan antidote. It’s waiting next to my campfire deep in the woods,” she says, pointing in the direction she came from before. “You wanna live? Let’s see how fast you can run.” She finishes her speech with a Cheshire cat grin. Queenie heads over to the van again, grabbing something before turning to us. She tosses Neo a bow and arrow. He catches it and lets out a whoop of excitement.

Tommy and the guys untie Diego and his men, keeping the gags in place.

Diego looks at Queenie and screams against his gag, making Queenie grin wider.

“Now, now, I don’t think wasting time getting mad at me is a smart idea. Time’s a ticking.” Queenie cocks her head to the side, waiting to see what they will do.

Diego looks to his buddies, nodding. He gives Queenie one last glance before taking off towards the woods.

“Boys.” She turns to us and her grin is something from nightmares. “Let the chase begin.”

Neo lets out a war cry before taking off into the woods after them.

“Really? What do we do, just run after them?” Axel asks, looking into the dark woods.

“Yeah, pretty much.” Queenie shrugs, then starts towards the woods, still without any shoes on.That woman is crazy, how do her feet not hurt?“Oh, feel free to shoot at them, give them a little fright. Just don’t kill them! And watch out for the booby traps.”

She calls over her shoulder before running off.

“Is this for real? Are we really doing this?” Axel asks.

“Could be fun,” I tell them. The idea of just letting loose in the moment, to lose control and strike some fear into vile creatures doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea.

“You could use the exercise,” Cass chuckles.

“Fuck you, I work out more than you do,” Axel laughs.

“You mean fucking?” I grin. But Axel doesn’t deny it, he just smirks wider.

“Come on, we at least have to make it to wherever Queenie has everything set up. I have no idea where to go,” Cass says.

Neo’s laugh rings out through the night sky. “Follow the crazy people’s cries,” I say, shaking my head in amusement. This is gonna be one eventful night.


BEST FUCKING DAY EVER! I know I say this a lot... but this time I mean it.

I race through the forest after them with a massive smile on my face. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins. My heart pounds like a drum, and I’m fucking loving every moment of it.

Queenie gave me a bow and arrow, knowing that a plain old gun just won’t do.

I can hear them racing through the woods ahead of me. Their startled cries pierce the air as they trip over their feet. They took off their gags by now, shouting things in Spanish. I have no idea what they’re saying, but they should be praying to God. Not that it will do them any good.

Branches snap under my feet as they pound against the forest floor. They come into view when there's a break in the trees, the moonlight allowing me to make out their forms. I let out a manic laugh. One of them curses, shouting for the others to move faster. Another looks over his shoulder, his eyes searching the darkness. He can’t see me, but he can hear me.