“It's not funny!” he snaps.

I raise my brow at him in response to his outburst. His eyes go wide. “Sorry, Mistress. I didn't mean to snap at you.” He looks sheepish, and it’s pretty fucking cute when he rubs the back of his head.

“Naughty boys need to be punished,” I say, trying to sound as serious as I can, when really, I'm holding back my amusement. What does he expect, they're damn farm animals.

Before he can say anything else, I bring my hand back and slap him really hard over the bite mark.

“Ahhh!” He jumps away from me, shock written on his face. He gapes at me like he can't believe I just did that.

Dude, are you new or something?

I burst out laughing so hard I almost piss myself.

“That's not nice,” he pouts. “My ass really hurts.”

“And it's not nice to say shit like that in front of Rosie. That duck is a hell of a lot more than just some pet to her. It’s helping her heal.”

“Okay, fine, I deserved that,” he says, rubbing his ass.

“Pull up your damn pants, dude, there's a child back here!” Cass yells from the barbecue.

But Rosie is too busy crying to see anything.

Neo looks over at Rosie. She’s still crying, but her sobs have slowed down.Neo better make this right before papa bear sees his little cub crying and beats the shit out of Neo.I’m pretty fucking close to doing it myself, but I know Neo didn’t mean anything by it; he was only reacting in the moment.

“Rosie Posy. Uncle Neo is sorry,” Neo soothes, rubbing Rosie’s back as he crouches down.

She peeks up at him with red, teary eyes, giving him a little sniff.Ugh, my fucking heart!Dude better make this better, like right now.

“You're mean,” she whispers, and Neo flinches like he's been hit. “You wanna hurt Daisy.”

“No, Baby Girl. It’s just that Susie bit me like Daisy does, and it caught me by surprise. It hurt my feelings. Like if Daisy were to bite you, you would feel a little mad and sad, right?”

She nods her head. “I'm sorry Daisy’s not nice to you.”

“It's not your fault,” Neo smiles.

Rosie gets up, wipes her eyes, and starts stomping over to Susie’s pen with a look of sheer determination on her face. Neo and I follow, wanting to see what this little spitfire is up to.

She stops next to Susie by the fence. “You’ve been a bad girl!” Rosie scolds, and I bite my bottom lip, holding back my giggle at how adorable she looks right now.

“You bit your Daddy. We don't bite daddies! So, say sorry. RIGHT. NOW,” she shouts, wagging her finger at the alpaca. I can't believe she's disciplining a five-foot tall animal with no fear.I'm so proud.

And, what do you know, the damn thing turns to Neo and makes a noise that sounds like a squeak toy, then licks his face. Neo’s face melts from anger to love like he's mush over this animal. He gives Susie a hug around the neck and starts petting her, telling her he's sorry for getting mad.

I just stand there shaking my head that this big, crazy killer of a man, who helps me mutilate people, then fucks me like a beast, is a puddle of fucking goo for his pet.

He really does surprise you.

“Hey, Low. Are you ready? We should head over there now if we want to get anything done today,” Evie says.

“Yeah, let's go.” I turn to Rosie, and we say goodbye. I shout my goodbyes to the rest of them. Neo looks at me like a sad puppy.

“What?” I laugh.

“No goodbye for me?” he pouts again.

Feeling the need to fuck with him and take him by surprise, I do something that I haven’t done with him or anyone but Evie and Rosie. I hug him. I step up to him, wrap my arms around his waist, and give him a quick squeeze, then quickly back away.