“So, Dean. How are you doing, buddy?” I say, slapping him on the back. He lets out a pained grunt.

“You okay?” Cass asks.

Dean sits up straighter, gritting his teeth as he does. “I’m fine, just a gunshot wound. I'm all stitched up,” he says, shrugging like it's no big deal.

“A gunshot! Who the fuck shot you?! I’ll fucking kill them,” Axel growls.

“No, you won't, silly,” I say, leaning over his shoulder to see his face. “But I’d like to see you try,” I taunt before licking the side of his cheek and snatching his muffin.

“What the fuck?!” Axel bitches, wiping the side of his face. I giggle, taking a bite, backing away. “You're fucking weird, you know that, right?”

“Ah, Axel, with you sweet-talking me like that, I might think you liiiiiiike me,” I sing-song with a smile, and biting my lip to keep me from laughing at his resting bitch face.

“Dean. Who shot you?” Cass asks.

“Harlow,” Dean says, looking quickly at me, then back to Cass.

“Why?!” Cass asks, looking from Dean to me and back to Dean.

“I was a fucking dumbass and broke,” Dean sighs.

“Broke how?” Axel asks.

“Harlow found me with a girl on her knees and my cock down her throat,” Dean won't meet my eyes, shame filling his face.

“Son of a bitch,” Axel curses then huffs out a laugh. “I thought I’d be the one to break first. Now I definitely won't even risk it. Knowing her, she would aim for my cock.”

“Wanna test out that theory?” I coo.

“Fuck no,” Axel scoffs, getting up and leaving the room. What a fucking asshole. Whatever, I don't need him putting a damper on my day.

“Damn, dude. She got you good,” Neo crows, looking at the stitches under the bandages. “I don’t have to worry about ever wanting to stray. I already have the best pussy to ever exist. A rare, golden pussy that men would literally die to have. Too bad you can't speak from experience yourself,” Neo says, sounding like he actually feels bad that Dean will never get to fuck me.

Little does he know.

My eyes are focused on Dean, waiting to see if he says anything about what happened last night and if he will go against my word, again.

“Yeah. Too bad I’ll never know the feeling,” he says, slapping Neo’s hand away when he goes to poke at the wound.

“Come on, My Queen, I know Susie will be happy to see her mama,” Neo grins, holding out his arm for me to take. Cass chuckles, heading out into the backyard ahead of us.

Hooking my arm through Neo’s, I look back at Dean over my shoulder.

He’s staring at me with a mix of emotions; pain, regret, shame, guilt, and... love.

Unable to deal with the mixed feelings, I break eye contact and head to the funny farm.

Because why the fuck not.

EVIE, ROSIE, AND Iare sitting on the ground in the backyard, taking turns tossing grapes for Daisy to catch when there’s a big crash followed by a loud curse and“You fucking bastard!”.

Neo comes storming over to us, his face a mask of fury. “You!” he growls, pointing to Daisy. “I'm gonna murder you!”

Rosie's eyes go wide before breaking down crying. She buries her face into Evie's chest. Evie consoles Rosie, and I jump up fast, getting into Neo’s face.

“What the fuck is your problem?” I hiss. “You can’t just come up to a little girl and threaten to murder her pet!”

“Fuck. I'm sorry,” he sighs, running his hands through his hair, then down over his face. “It’s just that since that little demon bird came into this house, Bob and Susie started copying the little fucker, and now they think it's okay to bite me! Look,” he says, pulling down the back of his pants to show me a big, red mark with teeth imprints. I can't help but giggle.