“How did it get there?” she asks.

I just grin at her, waiting for everything to click. When it does, her eyes go wide, and she gasps.

“Oh my god! That's gotta be from one of the missing girls! Q, this must be how they got the girls out undetected.”

“And now we have a solid lead,” I slip past Evie, and we start to head back up to the main floor of the club.

“But Q, there's gotta be hundreds of tunnels. It would take months to look through them all.”

“See I thought of that on the way back up to the basement. If it is a trafficking ring, then they are going to want to use only the tunnels leading outside of the city. And this club is already pretty close to the outskirts of LA. That lessens the options by a shit ton.”

When we get to the main part of the club, I pull out my phone and call Miller.

“What can I do for you?” he greets me.

“I need every blueprint the city has for the underground sewage tunnels,” I demand.

“And why do you need these?”

“Because I do. So, get them for me. Or I'll fucking stab you,” I say sweetly. Not the best idea to threaten a cop, but I'm strung tightly, and we just got a big lead in this case.

“Does this have to do with the missing girls?”

“Maybe,” I say, not wanting him to know my plan. I don't need him having the police taking over and getting in my way.

“Alright, I'll have them sent over as soon as possible.”

LAST NIGHT, ROSIE ANDI had a sleepover. I was in a really good mood, excited because of what we found. I needed some fun with my girl to keep me from going crazy until Miller could get me those blueprints.

I'm making Rosie and the guys some breakfast, feeling oddly like a domestic housewife, which is so not me, when my phone rings.

Seeing that it's Evie, I answer right away. “What up, Babe?” I greet, flipping a pancake.

“Low. Oh. My. God. Low. You have to get down here, like right NOW,” Evie says, sounding like a cracked-out chipmunk talking a mile a minute.

“E. Chill. Slow down. What's going on?” I say, putting the pancake on the plate and giving it to Neo. He gives me a panty melting grin and a wink before diving in. On the outside I’m playfully glaring, but on the inside my body fuckingflushes. Ugh, this man.

“You know how you thought you found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow with what you found last night?” she asks, her voice giddy with excitement.


“Well, I’m Charlie from Willy Wonka, and I just got the motherfucking golden ticket,” she squeals. It’s so un-Evie-like to hear her swear like this. It’s kind of hot.

“What did you find?” I ask, her excitement has me really invested now.

“I'm sending Penny over to watch Rosie. I have a feeling when you see this, the guys are gonna want to be here too.”

Hanging up, I tell the guys, and we wait until Penny arrives, with a few of my men.

When we get to my club, we head right to Evie’s office.

“Oh good, you’re here, come, come!” she says. “Okay, so you know how we had Dina tailed. Well, I’ve been going over the footage since last night, hence the red, tired eyes, but just as I was about to go to bed, like a half hour ago, I got sent this,” she says, turning the laptop to the guys and I, pressing play.

The video angle is from the top of a building, looking down over Dina and the whole motherfucking council of dipshits!

“I’m sorry, there's nothing I can do! She took over the club and fired me,” she sobs.

“I know, and that's such a shame. It was all going so smoothly. But now you're no use to us. You know too much, and we just can't allow you to live. You're too much of a liability,” Dick says in a cold voice.