HE LEADS US DOWN TOthe door. At first glance, you don't notice anything because the light is so dim in this room, and the door is in the back, covered by a bookshelf.

“How did you even know to look for this?” Evie asks.

“There was a breeze coming from this side of the room; we checked it out and found it,” he shrugs.

“What's behind it?” I ask.

“I don't know, we didn't want to open it until we talked to you.”

“Well, what are you waiting for; open the damn thing,” I say, impatient because I really don't like secrets, and this door smells like trouble.

He slides the bookshelf out of the way, revealing the door.Well, here goes nothing.

When I open the door, I’m hit with the smell of sewage. I gag as I cover my nose, trying not to inhale the foul scent.

“What the fuck is that smell?” Evie gags.

“My guess, shit, piss, and other bodily excretions. I wouldn’t be shocked if there were some mystery things mixed in,” I cough. “You, give me your shirt and flashlight. Evie, stay here.” She looks like she's about to argue, but the look in my eyes tells her this isn't up for discussion.

The guy slips off his shirt, and I wrap it around my mouth and nose, thankful at least that it smells like clean laundry. Then take the flashlight he holds out for me.

“Be careful, Q,” Evie says.

“Always, Babe, always.”

The door leads down a long flight of steps into an empty room with another door. When I go through that door, I find myself in the motherfucking sewer. Like no joke, there is waste everywhere. Following the little path against the wall, I keep going until I see another door. Not wanting to be in this smell anymore, I take the chance and open it.

Well, fuck me! This just leads to a bunch of tunnels. If I had to guess, they probably lead all over the city. Not wanting to get lost, I decide to go back to Evie.

Heading back to the door that leads to the flowing river of shit, I almost face-plant when I trip over something. I shine the flashlight on whatever it is, getting a sparkly reflection in return.

It's... a shoe. A silver-studded high heel to be exact.What the fuck would a single heel be doing down here in the tunnels?

Then it hits me. This! This is what whoever-the-fuck-is-taking-the-girls uses to get them out without being seen!

Holy monkey balls!

I can't help the massive grin that slips onto my face right now. This, this is the big break we needed!

Doing a little happy dance, I pick up the heel and head back to Evie.

I find her pacing back and forth in the basement room.

“Q, you're okay,” Evie breathes, relaxing when she sees I'm safe.

“Oh, Evie, my cold, little heart hurts that you ever doubted my survival skills for even a second,” I say dramatically, bringing my hand with the heel up to my heart.

Evie’s eyes lock on to it. “What's that?”

“Come on, E. Are you telling me you don't know what high heels look like?” I grin, fucking with her.

She crosses her arms and gives me a stern look. “I know it's a heel, butthead. But why do you have it, and where did you find it?”

I gasp. “Did you just call me a butthead? What are we, six?” I laugh.

“Don't dodge the question,” Evie huffs.

“Well, my dear, bestest friend in the whole wide world, I found this through a door. A door that leads to an opening to a shit ton of tunnels that probably lead all over the city.”