“Completely, undeniably, murderously so.”

Penny put her hand on his. “It was one dance,” she said. “As friends. I think…I think his interests lie elsewhere.”

Gage flipped his hand to hold hers, squeezing it. “Good. Because you’re spoken for.”

“I am?”

“I want to be your date for the night. No—fuck that. I want to be your boyfriend.”

She gasped. “Boyfriend?”

“Yeah,” he said, nodding. “I’m going to be your boyfriend. And then, in a few months, I’m going to be your fiancé. And then in a year—if I can wait that long—I’m going to be your husband. And we’re going to have kids. Like, immediately. Honeymoon baby.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Do you like the sound of all that?”

Penny didn’t hesitate, didn’t need a single second to think about her response. She nodded. “Yeah. I do.”

“Then when we get home tonight, we’re going to talk, I’m going to explain why I left, I’m going to apologize, and then we’re going to start the rest of our lives. Okay?”

She gave him her second “okay,” and when he laughed that wonderful, boisterous, joyful laugh of his, she couldn’t help but laugh too.

“Oh, hey. I got you gifts,” he said, reaching for his phone.

“You didn’t have to buy me anything. You’ve given me enough. The hair, the nails, the makeup, the clothes.”

Gage waved her list away as if it was inconsequential. “Rich guy, remember? Here.” He pointed to a picture on his phone, and her eyes widened.

“Holy shit. That’s the biggest cat tree I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“I know,” Gage said, beaming. “The cats will love it. Look at all the hiding places for Luna. And there are two top perches so Harry and Forrest can both be alpha male. No more fighting.”

“Gage,” she said, “there’s no way in hell that will fit in my apartment.”

He pointed to the photo again. “I know. That’s why it’s set up in my living room.”

She looked more closely at the picture and realized he was telling the truth when she saw the floor-to-ceiling windows and the Philadelphia cityscape in the background. “But—”

“And I got you this.” Gage swiped to the left and another picture came into view.

“Whoa!” This time, she saw two top-of-the-line, all-the-bells-and-whistles gaming chairs. “Two?”

“Yours and mine. They’re already set up and ready for us in the gaming room at my place.”

She was starting to sense a theme. “You know, I do have room in my place for the chair.”

He shook his head. “They’re a matched set. They need to stay together.”

“Gage—” she started once more, but he wasn’t finished.

“Here. Last one.” He swiped left again, and this time, she saw a simple stool next to his kitchen counter.


Gage was quick to explain. “Now, when we’re cooking together—something we’re going to do a lot—you don’t have to stand. That seems to be your major complaint about cooking, right?”

She laughed, deciding Gage had managed to buy the most perfect gifts ever. Every single one of them proved how well he’d come to know her.