
“Ididn’t expect you to come,” she said, aware that Gio wasn’t the only Moretti primed and ready to pounce if Penny gave any indication of distress.

“I know. And if you’d prefer I leave…” Gage glanced at Gio, and it was obvious that while he’d abide by her wishes, he wouldn’t find it an easy task.

She shook her head. “I don’t want you to go.”

He gave her another one of his sexy grins, and the fluttering she hadn’t felt since he’d walked out of her bedroom last week returned with a vengeance. That was when she realized she’d danced with at least five super-hot guys tonight, and not one of them had affected her like Gage did.

“Then I won’t go.” While Gage had been looking at her, the strength in his tone made it clear he was talking to Gio. But then his gaze traveled around the room, drawing her attention to the fact that most of the conversation had died away and they had an audience.

“Penny,” Gio started, not yet ready to accept their new guest. “Listen—”

“Thanks for the dance, Gio,” she said quickly, before walking off the dance floor. For the first time tonight, she was uncomfortable being the center of attention. She glanced back at Gage and tilted her head toward a table tucked in the corner.

He followed her—mercifully—without comment or one of his signature smirks, certain to provoke every Moretti male within a twenty-mile radius.

He joined her at the table, moving his chair close to hers.

Conversation started again, and a few people resumed the dancing, her parents—God bless them—leading the charge with Aunt Berta when the song “Shout” came on.

“Gage—” she started.

He touched her lips with just one fingertip, but her entire body heated as if he’d struck a match to a bonfire.

“I have a lot to say to you, Penny. And I’m going to say it all. I also owe you an apology, a big fucking one, and you’re going to get that too. But not here, not right now. Your family and friends went to a lot of trouble to put this party together, and the things I want—Ineed—to say to you should be said in private.”


“Okay?” he asked, as if surprised.

She nodded. “Yeah. Okay.”

He chuckled. “You’re so easy to be with.”

She wasn’t sure what to make of that. Perhaps he’d expected a fight? Maybe that was what she was supposed to do, make him work for her forgiveness, make him sweat a little, give him the cold shoulder, rant and rave and yell.


But none of that felt right to her. Because she’d heard the brokenness in his voice when he’d told her his mom committed suicide. It didn’t take a genius to figure out he had some issues with commitment and relationships because of that.

But he was here now. With her. And that gave her hope. So she would wait.

“Where’s your date?” he asked, looking around as if prepared to wage a battle.

Penny sighed. “That fell through spectacularly. The guy was dull as dirt and, despite this being my party, he felt as if all my attention should be focused solely on him. When I didn’t give him that, he left early.”

“Good for you. Life’s too short to date assholes.”

“Another lesson?”

He shook his head. “The lessons are over.”

She considered that for a second then said, “Good.”

“So after David split, Gio stepped in?” he asked darkly.

“Jealous?” she teased.