“I don’t want you to lose Aviva in all this.”

I hadn’t even thought of that. If I stop talking to Nico because of Evan, does that mean Aviva will stop talking to me? Surely not. But if so, would I be okay with that? I’ve only ever had Aviva, but she has her own life. It makes no sense. I know in my heart that she’d never cut me off because of Nico. But if I feel for Evan what she feels for Nico, doesn’t that mean she would since I’m almost ready to cut Nico out?

What the hell am I even thinking? No. None of this will happen. Nico will get his shit together, he will see how wonderful Evan is, accept him, and everything will be fine. We’ll all live happily ever after.


“It’s so frustrating! All because things didn’t work out with Shelli. Doesn’t he realize he wouldn’t have Aviva if they had?”

He nods, his lips against my head. “I said the same thing.”

We sit like that for a long time, the fire burning down as we hold each other. All I’ve ever wanted was to be loved. Completely. I missed out on it when it came to my parents. Aviva did her best, but she was going through cancer and trying so hard to keep me in gymnastics, and sometimes, I felt like I was a burden rather than her sister. When Nico came along, it felt like things shifted and I became her sister again and not her burden. She didn’t struggle anymore, she got to love me for me and not as an obligation, and I thought that’s what I wanted. To be loved by my new family. But being on my own, learning who I am, I know I want more. I want to be loved completely for who I am, and Evan gives me that. No one has made me feel loved in the way I know Nico loves Aviva until Evan.

Nico will see that when Evan and I are together.

Nico will have to feel it.


I kiss Evan’s jaw. “Evan.”

“Yes, my love,” he whispers back.

“Will you come to breakfast with Nico and Aviva so he can see how great we are?”

He pauses, and his jaw goes taut under my lips. He moves his hand along my leg, pulling me closer to him as he thinks it over. “For you, I will.”

Evan turns his head, and our lips meet as the waves crash against the shore in such a beautiful rhythm. We kiss, and I’m sure tomorrow will be better. I’m sure Nico will come around. Because I know, after everything I’ve been through, it’s time for me to get all the love I deserve.

The family and the man I love.

All of it.