Evan moves his hand from my back, and I watch as he starts to strum the guitar. Owen does the same, and soon, I’m lost in the music and the sound of the waves. The warmth of the fire makes it even more romantic out here, but I don’t think I can consider it romantic with Dart in the middle of everything. He’s sorta loud.

After singing an awful rendition of “Wild Thing,” he looks between the twins.

“Listen, you two can play and sing, but I can throw down in bed,” he declares.

Owen and Evan laugh and, at the same time, say, “So can I.”

I start to nod and notice that Angie is doing the same, which makes us all laugh once more.

Dart groans loudly. “I bet you guys do, fuckers.”

More laughter ensues as Angie leans on her knees, looking at me. “Have you heard them sing?”

I take the same position, basking in the warmth of the fire on my face. It’s a little chilly. “Not Owen and Evan together, but I did hear Shelli and Evan sing.”

Her eyes widen. “Oh my God, Shelli is incredible. I bet that was freaking awesome.”

I nod. “It was. I was in complete awe. I’ve never experienced anything like that.”

She grins. “Did Mr. and Mrs. Adler sing?”

“No, we all just watched.”

“Man, they’ve got some pipes too. At Christmastime, they used to send out sheet music, and if you wanted to join in, you got a part. I never volunteered ’cause I sound like a dying cat.”

I raise my hand. “Dying goat.”

We snicker as she pats my knee. “Good, so we’ll be in the back with the tambourine and the triangle.”

“Done. I’m there,” I say, and we share a grin. “I’ll start practicing now since I have no clue how to play a triangle.”

“Neither do I,” she laughs, and I can’t help but join in. “While I’m sure Shelli and Evan were amazing, wait till you hear these two,” she says to me, and I lean my head on my legs as the boys strum together. Owen starts to sing a slower version of “I Wanna Dance with Somebody,” and I find myself smiling. His voice isn’t as strong as Evan’s, but it’s still pleasing to the ears. Very soft and sweet. I love Evan’s for the roughness and power he has. But when their voices join, I can see what Angie means. It’s lovely. I’m fully amazed by them as they belt out the song, much to Dart’s dismay, and play their guitars like the pros they are. They play off each other, feed off each other, and I love the smile that’s sitting on Evan’s face. I love how happy he is when he is with his brother. He has been excited to come see him, and I can see why.

They’re so connected.

We sit out by the fire for a long time, listening to the boys and talking about the IceCats’ season. Evan is so at ease, and I can’t get enough. I lean into him for his warmth, and somehow, I end up in his lap with the guitar in my lap. I rest my face in his neck as he plays, and I just inhale him. As he talks about fond memories with the IceCats, my heart is the one singing. I haven’t heard him say anything positive about his career since we started dating. Tears burn my eyes, and I know it’s silly, but I just love him so much.

I know how I feel; I know what it means and how important our relationship is. That’s why it was easy to be so assured when I was talking to Aviva and Nico. I know what I’ve got, and he’s worth his weight in gold and then some. I sit in his lap for a long time as he plays, but then Dart declares he’s heading out.

“I’ll see you lovebirds later,” he calls to us, and I wave.

“See ya, dude,” Evan calls to him.

“We’re gonna head up too,” Angie says, taking Owen’s hand in hers. He goes willingly, a sultry look on his face that’s just for her.

The three of them walk away together, and I turn to Evan. “Did you wanna go in?”

“Not yet,” he says, strumming the guitar.

I place my nose back in his neck and close my eyes as he plays.

“Wanna tell me what’s wrong? And before you say nothing, I know something is bothering you.”

I exhale against his neck. “Nico is being an ass, and I got Aviva involved, which was a bad idea.”

He stops playing, leaning his head into mine. “What happened?”

I tell him, and he listens intently. I feel his pulse kick up, the vein in his neck throbbing against my nose as I tell him everything. “I’m just so frustrated. Nico’s always been protective ever since I’ve known him, but he also knows I’m not an idiot. I know what I want, who I want.”

“I was worried about this,” he says softly, and I sit up, looking at his profile.

“What do you mean?”

“After Nico confronted me, and I basically said I wasn’t going to stop seeing you, I worried that he would put you in the middle of it.”

“It’s stupid,” I say sternly. “I’m not a kid, and while I know I’ve asked him to be my dad, that can change very quickly.”

He gives me a look. “Callie, come on. You love him.”

“And I love you.”

He holds my gaze, and I notice the tautness of his jaw. “I know, but you’ve known him longer than me, and he’s always going to be—”

“And I feel you are too,” I say simply, holding his gaze. “Yes, I’ve known him longer, and yes, he has become such a huge part of my life, but so have you.”

His eyes burn into mine, and his voice is calm as he says, “I’d understand if you wanted to do as he asks. I don’t want to come between you two, that’s all I mean.”

“What the fuck?” I say, gawking at him. “I don’t want to agree with what he thinks of you, and neither does Aviva. I mean… Shit, Evan, do you not feel what I feel?”

His eyes hold mine. “That’s not what I mean at all.”

“Then why would you say that?”

“Because I love you so much that I would step aside if it was best for you. I’m not saying it would be easy, or that I would handle it well, but I would do it if it meant you had the family you deserve.”

“I know what I fucking deserve,” I say, standing up and glaring down at him. “I know what I want, what I need, and no one needs to tell me one way or another.”

Evan looks up at me, holding my gaze as we both breathe in deeply. He sets the guitar beside him then reaches up, taking my wrist in his hand and pulling me into his lap once more. I don’t go willingly, but when he wraps his arms around me, I don’t want to fight with him. There has been enough fighting tonight. I lean my head into his chin, and he kisses my forehead, holding me close. “I want for you to have everything, Callie. The family, me, and more, but I also don’t want to be a source of stress to you, or even Aviva.” He kisses my forehead again, his lips rubbing against my skin as he speaks. “I don’t want to think of my life without you, and my heart aches knowing you’re upset over this, which is why I said what I said.”

When tears leak out of my eyes, I close them tighter.