“Okay, no hospital. Will you let me take you to the room I have here and let me look and make sure you are okay?” he asked, holding her tighter if possible.

Sniffling, she nodded her head and relaxed into him. She had had a crush on Derek Moore since the first time she had seen him. He was pure muscle and built like a mountain. Tall and huge all over. He carried her like she was a feather. Not many men could do that. Having a crush at thirty-six was ridiculous, but she didn’t know what else to call it.

Because of her job as correspondent to the White House, she and Derek mingled quite often, both of them having to be at the same functions. Every time she saw him, she creamed her panties, but she never saw any reaction from him. He was cool and polite, every bit the gentleman, and very distant. Even when he had patted her down before she entered the General’s room, there was nothing but professionalism. She was sure he had no feelings for her. At times she didn’t even think he noticed her.

And why would he? He was tall, very tall and built, a big, beautiful man, and she was…well…she was Dottie. Nothing special, nothing spectacular. She was tall for a woman and needed to lose a few pounds, but she didn’t consider herself unattractive. She had had her share of dates over time and was definitely not a virgin, but Derek did something to her libido. Every time she was in the same room with him, her panties were damp even before he noticed her. What it was about him, she didn’t know. Even now, if by some miracle he were to feel between her legs, he would find her wet.

What would he do if he noticed? Would he be disgusted? Would he be interested? Would she ever find out? What type of lover would Derek be? Would he be kind and gentle or fast and rough? She wanted to find out.

Dottie had heard that Derek and some of the other members of the service had opened a kink club called The Mix, but she didn’t know anything about it. What type of kink was he into? Could she be enough for him?

Dottie had been so lost in her wonderings that she hadn’t noticed Derek had stood up and was carrying her out of the room until she heard the General say, “It was almost a pleasure, Ms. Chapman, next time you won’t be so lucky.” Dottie shuddered and buried her face in Derek’s shoulder.

“It will be you that won’t be so lucky, General,” Derek replied as he walked faster.

Due to the nature of the negotiations with the General’s country, the entire floor of the hotel had been reserved for him, his staff, and the agents assigned to him. Derek’s room was at the end of the hall. He walked quickly with Dottie, not wanting to expose her any more than necessary.

Shifting her so that he could hold her with one arm, he opened the door and carried her into his suite. “Can you stand a minute, baby?” he asked as he stood her on her feet.

Dottie grabbed onto his shoulders as he set her on her feet and secured the blanket around her. “I know this is difficult, but you need to tell me what happened. Are your clothes in the room?” He wanted her to be comfortable and knew she would feel better in her own things, even though the sight of her in the blanket did things to his cock. Not now buddy, he thought, maybe soon, very soon.

“He cut and tore my clothes. I’m sure nothing I have is wearable,” she answered, pulling the blanket tighter around her.

“Okay sweetheart, we’ll get you something. For now, wear this,” he told her walking to the bedroom and coming back with one of his shirts.

Tucking the blanket so it was more secure, Dottie let him help her put the shirt on. Once she had it in place, he pulled the blanket away and knelt in front of her, buttoning the two middle buttons. When she went to do more buttons, he took her hands in his. “That’s enough, baby, I like it that way,” he told her with a soft growl in his voice.

Dottie looked down into his eyes and thought, oh my, thinking she needed someplace to sit before she fell.

Derek must have seen that her knees were weak and swept her back into his arms. He sat in an overstuffed chair, settling her into his lap. “Now tell me what happened,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

Derek knew he was on dangerous ground. Having her in his lap was the best feeling, but not the smartest thing he could do. They both would have been safer if he had left her in the blanket, but she was beautiful in his shirt, and only his shirt. He needed to find out what had happened and report in. He knew the rest of his team would be handling the General, but they needed to know what they were working with, if the man was truly dangerous or just a pervert.

“Well, he was fine right after you left. We talked and I asked several questions, which he appeared to answer truthfully. He poured us each a drink, which I did not touch. That seemed to bother him. When he finished his drink, he asked me back to his bedroom, stating he wanted to show me a rare artifact that he had brought with him to give the pre

sident. Out of curiosity I went. Stupid rookie mistake, I knew better. I should have never put myself in that situation. I know better, stupid, stupid, stupid.” Tears started running down her face.

“Oh, baby, it wasn’t stupid, you had no way to know what was going to happen. Can you tell me the rest?” Derek held her tighter and was soothing one hand over her thigh.

Taking a deep breath, Dottie went on, “Once he got me to the bedroom he pulled a knife out of his jacket. I remember his exact words. ‘I suggest you sit on the bed, Ms. Chapman, we will talk more once you have.’ Then he pushed me onto the bed and before I knew what had happened, he had my hands and feet tied to the bedposts. Then he gagged me. I tried to scream, but couldn’t get much sound out around the gag. You must have heard me though, thank you for saving me.” She reached up and cupped his face, looking into his eyes with relief and something else—not gratitude, lust maybe?

Derek looked down into her face and couldn’t help it, he brushed her lips with his. Dottie reached around and cupped his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. She parted her lips slightly and he slipped his tongue in, tightening his hold on her.

Cupping her head in both his hands, he held her tight and continued his assault on her mouth. When she parted her lips, he took the advantage and slipped his tongue inside, exploring every inch. She tasted so good. Kissing her was better than anything he had ever experienced. He wanted and was going to take more.

But first he needed to find out what had happened in the General’s room. He needed to inform his team, and then he would have the rest of his life to kiss her…and more.

Breaking the kiss, he pulled her close and, rubbing her back, said, “Dottie, tell me the rest of it.”

Dottie took a deep breath and continued her story. “After he had me gagged and tied to the bed, he took the knife and started cutting my clothes. Once he had all my clothes removed, he sat on the side of the bed and started running the knife over my body. Then he told me all the things he wanted to do and removed his clothes.” As she said the last, she again shuddered and buried her face in his shoulder, softly crying.

“That fucking bastard. He’ll never get near you again, baby, and if by some fucking chance in hell he does, I will personally rip his balls off and stuff them up his ass.” Derek growled as he held her tighter. He couldn’t believe he had stood outside the suite and let all this happen. Some fucking guard he was. The General was lucky he still had his balls. Next time he wouldn’t.

Loosening his hold on Dottie, he quickly spoke into the microphone on his chest. “Tyler, did you get all that?”

“Affirmative,” the reply came back.

“I’m going off comm now. If you need me, don’t bother. Briefing 8 a.m., Quantico.”