“Affirmative,” came the reply again. The one thing about working together as long as they had was that they needed very few words to communicate. Tyler knew of his feelings for Dottie and he was sure Tyler knew why he was going off comm and would make sure his evening was not interrupted. Business taken care of, he could focus on his woman now.

“Derek,” she said hesitantly.

“Yes, baby?” he answered her.

“I want to take a shower, I need to wash the feel of his hands off of me.” She was crying again.

“Of course baby, anything you want or need.” He stood and walked to the bathroom with her. Luckily this room was equipped with a huge walk-in shower and it would accommodate both of them.

Sitting her on the counter, he turned and started the shower to warm it. When he started removing his clothes, Dottie looked at him in alarm. “Wh–What are you doing?”

“I’m not leaving you alone. I’m coming in with you,” he stated firmly.

“Thank you, but I think I can handle it,” she answered.

“Not going to happen, baby, I’m not leaving you alone.” By now he had removed everything but his briefs and had turned to her.

His chest was massive and rippling. She wanted to run her tongue over every inch of it. Oh God, was all of him massive? Looking down at his briefs, she knew it was true. Even encased in the soft cotton fabric, she could tell he was huge. Would he ever fit inside her? She had a feeling she would be finding out sooner rather than later.

While she had been studying him, he had removed the shirt she was wearing and she was now naked again. Remembering how she got that way, she shuddered again and a tear slipped down her cheek.

Seeing the tear, Derek reached out and licked it off. “It’s okay, baby, you’re safe with me. I won’t hurt you and I won’t do anything you don’t want to do. Trust me, baby,” he said, lifting her and walking to the warm shower.

Setting her down in the running water, he quickly removed his briefs and followed her. Closing the door and encasing them in the steamy warmth, he noticed her staring at him. He was huge, bigger around than her wrist and long, pointing straight at her like a divining rod.

“Just ignore him, baby, he just wants some attention. He’ll be fine,” he said, referring to his cock.

“It’s just so…big” she said reverently. She was in awe.

“Yeah, baby, there’s nothing small about me. Let’s get you washed,” he said grabbing the soap and lathering his hands.

“I can…oh,” she said as he started rubbing his soapy hands over her back and buttocks.

He continued washing her, kneeling to lift her feet and wash each toe. Moving his hand up, he slid his hands up her leg using both hands to cup her leg, even though he could have wrapped one hand around them, until he came to the apex of her thighs. Looking up into her eyes, he parted her folds and leaned in and licked from her back hole to her clit.

He felt her shudder and put his hands on her hips to steady her. “Okay, baby?”

“Oh God, yes, don’t stop.” She groaned.

“I’ll make it good for you, baby. Hold onto my shoulders.” He felt her brace herself and lifted her other foot to give that leg the same treatment. Again when he reached her thighs, he took another lick.

Still kneeling, he lifted her and turned, sitting her on the built-in bench in the shower. “Spread your legs, love,” he said, pushing her thighs apart and lifting her legs over his shoulders.

“Oh my God, I…don’t stop.” She was melting. When he took her clit in his mouth, her hips arched and she almost came off the bench. If he had not been holding her, she would have.

“Don’t stop, oh…oh,” she moaned, arching even more.

He used his hands to anchor her and ran his tongue around her little button. “Oh God, Dottie, you taste so good, and you’re so hot, baby, I may never stop.” He grasped both buttocks in his hands and lifted her so that she was leaning back against the shower wall with her legs wide over his shoulders. Using his thumbs, he parted her and continued licking and sucking taking her higher and higher.

“Come for me, baby. I want to feel you clench my tongue and taste all your juices,” he said just before he rolled his tongue and put it inside her.

She had never had anyone do what he was doing to her. The minute he put his tongue inside her, the dam broke and her juices flowed, coating his tongue and face.

Lapping at her like a small puppy, he drank everything she gave him, not letting her come down for what seemed like several minutes.

“Oh, Derek, what…oh my…Derek…I…” She couldn’t put a coherent thought together. It just kept going and going until she thought she was going to pass out.

Finally, Derek pulled back and sat back on his heels, a satisfied grin on his face. Knowing he could take a woman to these heights with just his mouth was a personal victory. He wanted to stand and shout to the world that Derek Moore had made Dorothy Chapman come.