There was a wall full of canes, whips, floggers and things Theresa had never seen before. There were eye hooks in the walls at various heights and chains suspended from the ceiling and hooks imbedded in the floor. There was a huge bed in one corner, with a canopy and four posters. If not for the eye bolts and ropes connected to the bed, it would have been fairly romantic.

She heard Alan coming up the stairs and thought, oh shit, she hadn’t even started undressing yet, and he was in a weird mood. She wasn’t sure what he was thinking. She was just a little apprehensive of what was going to happen.

She trusted Alan and wasn’t really scared, but just unsure on how to behave and what to expect. The way he had woke her up when they had arrived and the way he acted in the kitchen had her on edge. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to act or react to what was going on.

As she heard the door opening, she quickly grabbed the hem of her blouse and started to pull it over her head, hoping to get points for effort.

Not turning, she continued to remove her clothes, waiting for Alan to say something. When she stood, totally naked, she waited for what seemed like several long minutes and still nothing from Alan.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Alan walked into the play room and closed the door, standing in front of it. Theresa had her back to him, but he knew she had heard him come in from her frenzied movements. He watched her remove her clothes and then stood there a few minutes waiting to see what she would do next.

Watching her squirm a few minutes, he walked up behind her and reached around and rubbed his palms over her breasts and nipples. Nuzzling her neck, he bit the area between her collarbone and base of her neck. “I thought you were supposed to be naked when I got in here, what took so long?”

Taking a deep breath, Theresa leaned back into his embrace and relaxed, “I was looking around,” she answered truthfully.

“Did you see anything interesting, anything you want to try or ask questions about?” he asked, nuzzling and licking her neck more.

Leaning further into hi

m and arching her breasts into his hands, she moaned. “I don’t know.”

Taking more of her weight, he pinched and pulled her nipples, playing with her breasts. He let one hand drift down between her legs and circled her clit, slipping two fingers inside her. “I took care of you on the way up, are you going to return the favor?”

Moaning again and arching further back into him, she answered breathily, “Whatever you need.”

“Are you sure about that?” he asked as he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed. Sitting on the side, he stood her between his legs and said, “On your knees.”

Theresa’s legs were so weak, she almost fell. Managing to catch herself, she lowered to her knees between his legs and looked up at him.

Threading his hand in her hair, he looked down at her and said, “Take me out and suck me, baby, will you do that for me?”

Like a kid with a lollipop, Theresa eagerly undid his jeans and eased him free. Grabbing his erection with both hands, she opened wide and took as much of him in her mouth as she could. Using her hands and mouth, she licked, sucked and rubbed until, using his hands in her hair, Alan steadied her head and began to fuck her face.

“Sit back on your heels, and put your hands behind your back. Don’t move unless I tell you to,” he told her, breathing hard.

He fucked her face until he came in her mouth. Letting go of her head, he leaned back on his hands and let her lick and suck him clean.

When she had finished, he pulled her up to lie over him and held her tight. Not caring that he would be tasting himself on her, he took her mouth in a rough kiss and said, “Thank you, baby, that was wonderful. Thank you for doing that for me.” Still holding her, he pulled them further onto the bed and pulled a blanket over them. He knew Theresa hadn’t been sleeping well and was worried about the outcome of the trial. He hoped between the mountain air and the fact that he planned to keep her worn out, she would be able to get some good sleep while they were there. Other than playing and some hiking, he planned lots of rest and relaxation.

Theresa woke later, she wasn’t sure how long and she was spread eagle on the bed, and couldn’t move her arms or legs. What had woken her was Alan’s tongue between her legs. He was licking and sucking. Looking up, he said, “Hi, beautiful.”

She smiled and arched her back as he took her clit between his teeth. “Ohh!” she moaned.

“Don’t come, I’m not ready for you to come,” Alan instructed her, as he reached for lube and a large butt plug. “You are going to wear this and tonight I will take your ass,” he told her as he lubed her and the plug. Slowly inserting it, he went back to her clit, sucking and biting. “Okay you can come.”

No sooner were the words out of his mouth than she did, thrashing and screaming.

Alan released her arms and legs and held her in his arms for a short while, until she had calmed down again.

He carried her to the bathroom and they showered. He gave her jeans and a sweatshirt to dress in with hiking boots and heavy socks. “We’re going to hike up to the lake. I have a picnic packed and we’ll come back here in time for dinner. Maybe we’ll be able to catch a few fish today.” He grinned at her.

It sounded like fun, but Theresa didn’t want to hike with the plug in her ass. “Alan, please take the plug out,” she whined.

“No, it stays in until I say otherwise.”

“But I don’t want to hike with it in.”