“But I didn’t pack anything, are we going to come home tonight?”

“Stop trying to get clues, we’ll be there when we get there and I packed everything you will need. Now scoot that ass over here, and spread those legs. I had you wear a skirt for a reason and I want to play while I drive and you need a distraction. Now move it, and no coming until I tell you to or there will be a punishment when we get where we are going.” Alan patted the seat next to him, an indication that she should scoot over.

Theresa scooted over and spread her legs. “Won’t people driving beside us be able to see?”

“Honey, we are driving sixty miles an hour down the highway and will soon be moving on to mountain roads. I don’t think anyone will see much, and if they do, who cares, I don’t know them and they don’t know me. Chances are I will never see them again.”

Theresa still wasn’t sure, but when Alan started moving his fingers through her folds, she got so aroused, she didn’t care. She was ready to let him take her right there in the truck on the side of the road.

Alan’s plan worked and before she knew it they were pulling off the highway onto a mountain road. Alan pulled into a gas station/grocery store, and told her, “You need to get any food or other things you want to last the weekend. We have about two more hours to go and won’t be coming back here unless we really need something for the next couple days. Pick out anything you want to cook and if you need anything else, grab it.”

At least now she knew that they were going for the weekend. She hoped Alan had packed enough for her. He had been buying her new things left and right, and she had a closet full of new clothes and shoes, not that he let her wear them often. It seemed when they were alone, he spent a lot of time taking her clothes off.

Theresa got what she thought they would use for a couple days, not sure exactly what Alan had planned and they were ready to go back to the truck.

When Alan saw the amount of things she had bought, he rolled his eyes, and looking at the elderly clerk mouthed, “Women,” paying for everything.

“Did I buy too much? I wasn’t sure what to get.” Theresa was feeling insecure.

“No, baby, you did fine, what we don’t use, we’ll find something to do with, but what you bought should be fine. I didn’t give you much of an idea what we would need.” He leaned down and kissed her. “Back over here in the middle, we have a ways to go and I want you close. Maybe you can nap a little until we get there.”

Theresa thought she was too excited to nap, but with Alan playing in her pussy and after a few orgasms, she fell right to sleep.

When they got where they were going, Alan pulled into a parking space and sat there for a few minutes. He was falling and falling deep for Theresa and hoped he could convince her to stay with him. She was perfect, just feisty enough to question him and submissive enough to give in when he won, which was most of the time. Once she was fully immersed in the lifestyle, they would be perfect.

He watched her for a few more minutes, then slipping his hands inside her blouse reached and pinched both nipples, hard. She woke with a little scream, cussing at him, “what the fuck did you do that for, that fucking hurt.”

Perfect, the exact reaction he was looking for. “We’re here.” He grinned down at her, she had slipped down into his lap while sleeping and her head had been resting on his cock. He was hard and horny and wanted to get her somewhere he could fuck her. He had taken care of her on the way up here, now it was his turn.

Rubbing her breasts, Theresa glared at Alan, and slowly sat up. “Wow,” she stated, “this is wonderful.” We are really staying here for the weekend?” she asked, starry-eyed.

“Yes, it belongs to Kevin, my lawyer, and there are a few of us he lets borrow it occasionally. I have it until I decide we are done here, but we’ll probably leave Monday, because of the trial.”

“Can we hike?” Theresa asked hopefully.

“Yes, but first I have something you need to take care of. Here, carry this into the house,” he said handing her a duffle bag with all his toys. He had to make sure they didn’t forget that.

He grabbed the duffle bag of clothes he had packed and the groceries they had gotten and led her into the cabin, although Kevin’s place was much more than a simple cabin. An A-frame log house, two stories and all glass in the back, the place was a sight to behold. In the daylight it was beautiful. At night with all the lights lit, it was spectacular.

Chapter Twenty-One

As they walked through the doors, Alan slowed for a minute to let Theresa look around a little. The lower level had an open-floor plan and lots of windows and great views. The place really was marvelous. Alan thought he may need to find one of his own someday…sooner if things continued to go well with Theresa.

Although the house was beautiful, it had many unseen features. Upstairs was a fully stocked play room. There was a Jacuzzi out back that would fit ten and also had bondage attachments, and within a short hike, a lovely lake that was great for chilling a disobedient sub, and several trees spaced perfectly apart for suspending and flogging a sub. Theresa would be between some of those trees before the weekend was over. Alan had a little fantasy he planned to play out.

Alan took all the groceries to the kitchen and started putting things away, letting Theresa look her fill and wander in when she was ready.

“This place is great,” she said, walking into the room and starting to grab things to put away.

Slapping her hand away from a loaf of bread, Alan twisted her arm gently behind her and pulled her in for a smothering kiss. Releasing her hand and swatting her on the ass, he told her, “Upstairs, first door on the left, strip, you have five minutes, then I will add to your punishment.”

“But what did I do to get punished?” Theresa pouted, not sure what she had done.

“No talking back, you are down to four minutes.” Alan knew Theresa wasn’t sure how to deal with him in this mood, but he wanted to push her a little and see what she could take. So far, he had gone very easy with her, tonight was going to be different.

He could tell she was confused, but she obediently turned and went up the stairs and he saw her go into the room he had told her to.

When Theresa went into the room Alan had indicated, she was in a full blown play room, with all the equipment. She stood looking around for a few seconds, trying to imagine what some of the things were used for and how they would be used on her.