Curling his fingers and finding that special spot, he stroked and sucked until she came, screaming. As she screamed, he reached up and twisted the nipple clamps. He couldn’t resist playing with her breasts.

Alan continued playing with Theresa and made her come several more times before he took her. They slept for a while, then it was time for Theresa to go to work.

The evening passed without incident and the next day Alan took Theresa to meet with his lawyer. He knew she had her own lawyer, but he wanted to make sure everything was filed correctly with her house and he wanted someone he trusted to do it.

“Baby, I’m sure your lawyer is good, but I’ve known Kevin for years, we were in the Army together and I trust him with anything.” Alan told her when she protested that she didn’t need to see another lawyer.

The meeting went as expected and they left the lawyer’s office with him promising to make sure everything was filed correctly and reassuring them the Joe did not have a claim on Theresa’s house.

Chapter Sixteen

It was Theresa’s night off and Alan was taking her to the Club. Theresa wasn’t sure if she was comfortable going to the Club to play, “what will they think of me?” she asked Alan.

“They will all be there for the same reason you are, Theresa, no one will pay you any attention, everyone is there to play.”

“But you don’t understand, I have to deal with these people as part of my work. If they all see me undressed, what will they think when they have to see me in reception?”

“Theresa, I do understand. No one will think anything less of you. When they see you it will be the same.”

Theresa was still unsure, but Alan was insistent that they go to the Club, so she gave in. She dressed in what Alan had lain out for her, one of the new outfits he had purchased for her.

He had left her a sheer, spaghetti strap dress that was low-cut in the front and barely covered her butt, the hem hitting just below her cheeks. It was a dark red and she had to admit, the color was good for her, and with the stiletto heels he left her, it made her legs look a mile long. She only had to manage the shoes until she got to the Club, subs were not allowed to wear shoes in the Club.

Finishing dressing and her make-up, she walked out to the living room to find Alan waiting on her. He was wearing black leather pants, biker boots and a black leather vest, left open to show off his magnificent chest. Theresa didn’t care if he was twenty years older than her, he looked good enough to eat.

He stood as she walked into the room and let out a wolf whistle. “You look good, girl. I knew you would,” he said, reaching for her. He gave her a steamy kiss and ran his hands over her body. “Feel good, too,” he whispered, chewing on her neck.

“We could stay here and play,” she whispered.

“No, I need to show you off,” he answered. Grabbing her hand, he led her out of the house and to his truck. Putting her in the vehicle, he drove them to the Club. When he got to the Club, he parked and turned to her. “Before we go in I need to explain some things to you. Since this is your first time in the Club as my sub, you need to know the rules. At Club de Fleurs, subs are not allowed to wear shoes, which you already know, they are also not allowed to speak to, touch, or look at others without their Dom’s permission. If you do anything of these things, I will have to punish you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“While we are in the Club you will address me as Master or Sir, failure to do so will also result in punishment. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Theresa I’m a very strict Master and will not put up with any transgressions. You will be punished for every incident and I will keep track, so you need to watch your actions very carefully. If I feel that you are misbehaving just to get punished, it won’t be any fun for you. I know all this is new to you, but you are a beautiful, intelligent woman and I know you understand everything I’ve told you. You can do this.” He turned and got out of the truck.

He helped her out and led her into the Club. Theresa was so afraid that she was going to screw up she was shaking. She thought this was supposed to be fun, but she hadn’t been aware of all the rules. She definitely didn’t want to disappoint Alan and punishment didn’t sound like fun. What had she gotten herself into?

Mulling things over in her head, she really worked herself into a state and by the time Alan had them checked in and was leading her into the Club’s main room she was in tears.

Once Alan got her into the Club he noticed that she was shaking. Pulling her into an empty corner, he sat down on the loveseat provided there, and pulled her into his lap.

“Hey, what’s got you so upset?” he asked in a soothing tone.

Hiccupping and trying not to sob out loud, she answered in a rush, “I’m so afraid I’m going to screw up and get in trouble, and then you’ll be disappointed in me and maybe not want me anymore and I…”

“Shhh, baby, you’ll do fine. I’m not that shallow that I would give up on you so easily. This is a learning experience, for both of us. You’ll be learning how to be my sub and I’m learning how to be your master. The only rules are the ones we make together. The only people you have to worry about pleasing are me and you. We’re in this together. You’ll do fine.” He held her tight and tried to reassure her with his words and body. He had never had a sub that tried so hard to please. He wanted this to be fun for Theresa. She needed to get as much out of it as he did, otherwise, it wasn’t worth it.

“Do you mean it, you won’t give up on me?” she asked insecurely.

“No, I won’t give up on you. I will punish you, but it won’t be bad, I’m a strict master, but not a harsh one. I’ll be fair to you, but I will punish or discipline you when you need it. Theresa, you will do fine. Just relax and remember what I told you outside.”

He kissed the tears from her face and stood her up. “Let’s go look around. I want to show you some of the demonstrations happening tonight, then we are going to a private room to play.” Taking her by the hand he led her to the first alcove.

Dave and Evan were doing a flogger demo with their sub/wife Sadie tonight. Alan knew it would be gentle and not too intimidating because Sadie was pregnant with the trio’s first child.