There were several people standing and sitting around the alcove and Theresa knew them all. She was very self-conscious, but Alan’s hand in hers kept her grounded. She tried to keep her eyes on the floor, but it was hard when people spoke to her. She was used to looking at people from her work as the receptionist and it was hard not to look people in the eye.

Alan led her to a reserved seat in the front and sat her on his lap. “You can look up and watch baby, if you have any questions, you have permission to ask them.”

Theresa sat stiffly in Alan’s lap, uncomfortable with the situation and atmosphere. She wasn’t sure how to act and very afraid of screwing it up and getting in trouble. The thought of punishment really scared her. She knew in her heart that Alan would never hurt her, but her brain told her that punishments were meant to hurt.

Alan could feel the tension in Theresa’s body and knew he had to do something to get her to relax. He pulled her tighter into his arms and leaned down and kissed her. She was stiff and unresponsive at first, but Alan persisted, taking small nips at her mouth and gently pushing past her tightly held lips.

He continued the kiss until he felt her begin to relax. Still holding her with one arm, he used his other to stroke her back and hair. As he felt her relax more, he slipped his hand into the top of her dress to play with her breast and nipple. Feeling her respond to his touch, he pulled his head back, leaving his hand on her breast.

Theresa looked up at Alan, forgetting where they were and what was happening. At this moment in time, there were only the two of them. No one else mattered. “Thank you,” she whispered, knowing he was trying to help her relax.

She leaned back into his chest and let her body go slac

k. Nothing else mattered. She was with Alan and he would take care of her.

Dave and Evan started the demonstration, explaining that Sadie was pregnant and all the precautions they were taking to protect her and the baby.

Theresa could tell how much Dave and Evan loved Sadie, by their actions and the tone of their voices. Sadie was radiant and even bent over a spanking bench, ass in the air, she looked relaxed and seemed to be enjoying herself.

Rachel came and sat with Theresa and Alan, and in a quiet voice explained more of what was happening to Theresa. Rachel was able to give Theresa the sub’s insight of what was happening and Theresa understood more about her body’s responses to what she was seeing.

The demonstration didn’t last long. As the crowd broke up several people came up and spoke to Theresa, complementing her on her outfit and the way she looked and telling her they were glad to see her playing in the Club.

The more people who came and talked with her, the more Theresa relaxed. When the last person walked away, Alan still sat with Theresa on his lap. “Would you be willing to try something like that with me?” he asked her. “I have a private room set aside for us if you want to play in private. No one will bother us and no one will see you.”

Theresa’s eyes got wide and she smiled, nodding her consent. Just watching Dave and Evan play with Sadie had affected her and she was curious to see if she would have the same reaction that Sadie had. Evan and Dave had made Sadie come several times and the look on Sadie’s face was euphoric when Evan carried her off. Theresa wanted to have that feeling.

Chapter Seventeen

Alan stood Theresa up and taking her by the hand, he led her to a private room. What Theresa didn’t realize is that by responding to the people that had spoken to her without getting his permission first, she had broken the rules he had set before they entered the Club. He had decided to wait until he got her in the room to explain it to her, he had the perfect punishment in mind.

When he got her to the room, he sat in an overstuffed chair that was provided and pulled her to stand in front of him. “Do you remember the rules I told you about before we came in the Club?” he asked her.

“Yes,” she answered him, trying to remember everything he had told her.

“Did you break any of those tonight?”

“I…well…maybe,” she answered, still trying to remember what he had said. She must have done something or he wouldn’t be questioning her.

Raising his eyebrows, he looked at her. “Maybe?”

“I…didn’t ask permission to talk to any of the people that stopped to see me and I haven’t been calling you Sir or Master?” she asked him hesitantly, even though she knew this was the correct answer.

“So, what do you think I should do about that?” he asked her, wanting to see her reaction.

“Umm…well…you said you would punish me, I guess we could just go home and go to bed and not play.” She didn’t like this idea, but didn’t know what else to suggest.

“That would punish me, too. Do I need to be punished?” he asked her, wanting to push her a little.

“No, but I don’t know what else to say.” She was chewing on her bottom lip.

“What about a paddling? Would that be punishment?” he asked her, looking toward the paddles hanging on the wall.

“A paddling? With a paddle?” she asked, looking around at the implements hanging on the walls, just now noticing them. There were several paddles, straps, crops and other things she didn’t know what to call hanging. What would he use? He had paddled her once before, and that had been ok, but would this time be the same?

Standing up, Alan turned Theresa toward the rack of implements, and walked her to stand in front of them. “Which one do you think I should use?” he asked her, sweeping his hand over the arrangement.

Still chewing her lip, Theresa looked wide-eyed at the selection. What would hurt the least? Would he really let her choose? What if the one she picked really hurt? She reached her hand tentatively toward the wall, only to pull it back quickly, like she had been burned.