Page 59 of Just for You



The Pythons’clubhouse was an old converted factory.

They’d gutted it and built rooms inside. We were in the main room. It was a large space with several pool tables, a freestanding fireplace, and a massive bar. There were old couches along the walls and a few tables and chairs scattered about as well.

The place was full of bikers and biker babes.

Manic had been greeted like a long-lost brother when we arrived. He’d curled me into his side as soon as we’d walked in, and he hadn’t taken a hand off me once. We’d been standing by the bar for the last hour, both of us sipping beer that had been handed to us minutes after arriving.

The president, Hammerhead, or Ham, as everyone called him, was deep in conversation with Manic. And weirdly, I was happy to people watch. Manic’s hand slid up my back, and he massaged my neck, almost absentmindedly, while he talked.

I liked the way it felt way too much.

The beer had given me a slight buzz, and the music was good. I couldn’t stop myself from swaying to the beat while I watched the girls, a lot of them half naked, dancing and enjoying the hell out of themselves.

I glanced around the room. Things were definitely starting to get wild. There was a guy getting a blow job across from us on one of the couches, and it was hard to tell from this far away, but I was pretty sure another girl, who leaned against one of the tall tables, was getting taken from behind by a huge and very hairy biker.

I sipped my beer, and Manic pressed his lips to my ear. “Okay?”

I looked up at him. “Yeah.” I lifted my bottle. “Could do with another of these, though.”

Manic lifted his hand and got the attention of a young guy down the bar from us and held up his bottle. The guy nodded, and a moment later, I had a fresh one. Nice.

“Manic, brother, good to see you,” a tall, skinny dude with a scraggly goatee said, joining us.

They shook hands. “Cracker, been a while.”

“Too long.” He looked at me, then back at Manic. “You brought us a gift. That was cool of you.” Cracker reached out to touch my hair.

Manic grabbed his arm and shook his head. “You touch my old lady, I take off your fucking hand.”

The skinny guy grinned. “Old lady? Bullshit.”

Manic didn’t answer, just stared him down.

The guy grinned wider and lifted his hands. “Okay. If you say so. Just never thought I’d see you pussy whipped.” He chuckled. “Last time you were here, things got kind of crazy, if I remember right.” He motioned across the room to a topless blonde dancing on one of the tables. “Francine still talks about you. Surprised she hasn’t clocked you already. Way I hear it, you rocked her world.”

I stiffened. I didn’t want to hear this, and I wasn’t excited about being in the same room as the club girl whose world Manic had rocked the last time he was here. I sure as hell didn’t want that image in my head.

Manic’s grip on me tightened. “You done?” he growled at Cracker, low and kind of scary.

“Oops. Did I fuck up?” The grin stayed on Cracker’s face, and he looked at me. “Sorry, sweetheart, didn’t mean to upset you.”

I sipped my beer and forced a smile. “I’m not upset. I wasn’t exactly a virgin when Manic met me either.”

The guy laughed and thumped Manic on the arm. “Come find me later. I got the good whisky hidden.” Then he wandered off.

Manic looked at me and I struggled to meet his eyes. I didn’t want him to see that Cracker was right, that I was upset. I took another sip of my beer, my buzz in full swing now.


“Manic!” a woman squealed and ran at him.

Not just any woman.Francine. She raced in our direction, bare breasts bouncing and throwing herself at him, giving him no choice but to release me and catch her, or she’d land on her ass. I stepped back and spotted Cracker. He stood by the table she’d been dancing on and was watching the scene with a smirk on his face.
