Page 58 of Just for You

Not a name I’d heard at the clubhouse, but it was obviously a road name. Manic listened for a bit and glanced at me. I raised a brow.

“Need to talk to my old lady first, see if she’s in the mood to party.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and he winked.

“Okay, brother, I’ll be in touch.” He ended the call. “Hammerhead’s the president of the Pythons. They’re a support club of the Ramblers. They’re having a party tonight, found out I was close, and he wants us to stop by for a drink.”

“And you want to go?” I couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. This was our last night together.

“I should probably make an appearance.” He watched me through thick, dark lashes. “But if you’d rather not—”

“No, let’s go. It might be fun.”

Manic pulled out his wallet, dropped some bills on the table, and stood. He seemed to have things under control in the pants department, thanks to the call from Hammerhead, no doubt. As we walked out, he rested his hand at the back of my neck.

“You told him I’m your old lady,” I said. “Why?” We didn’t need to pretend anymore.

“’Cause he’ll tell everyone I’m coming with my old lady, and they’ll know you’re hands-off. You know how parties like this can get, and those guys won’t know you like my brothers do back home. So you’ll stick close to me, and we’ll have some drinks and a good time.”

I thought tonight would just be the two of us, but this was probably better—for a lot of reasons.

This was our last night, and whatever we did, I planned on making the most of it.