Mila worked for an independent fashion house in Brooklyn. She was only in administration, but it was a smaller team of people, and she liked the environment. Plus, with a smaller workforce, there were opportunities to learn new skills, so she wasn’t necessarily stuck in one place forever.

A few days after the gala, her coworker ran over acting all giddy. “You didn’t tell me you met someone!” her colleague said with her eyes twinkling.

“What are you talking about?” Mila barely glanced up from her computer.

“There’s a guy–a really hot guy–asking to see you!” Her colleague clapped in excitement.

Mila couldn’t think of anyone who fit that description that she’d met recently. “I think you’re mistaken. Or he is.”

At her coworker’s urging, Mila went out to the lobby to meet him anyway. She fully expected this to be a mistake. And maybe it was but she found the guy she met outside at the gala–Maddox something.

She didn’t remember being blown away by his looks then. But it was dark out and she was in a bad mood.

Maddox turned as her bright red heels click-clacked on the concrete floors and he half smiled as he laid eyes on her.

From the light streaming in the windows in the brick warehouse, Mila supposed he was handsome. He was dressed more casually but his dark brown hair was still combed stiffly to the side.

“Can I help you?” Mila asked.

Her professional demeanor didn’t seem to deter him. “You do work here.”

“I do. What brings you here?” This part of the city seemed unlikely to attract a big-time business tycoon.

“Truthfully, you do.” He dug his hands in his jacket pockets casually. “I was hoping you’d have dinner with me tonight.”

Mila blinked. She was positive she didn’t come across as interested in him at the gala, so this seemed out of nowhere in her opinion. “Thank you for the invitation but I’m afraid I already have plans tonight.”

His face betrayed disappointment. “I don’t suppose you could make an exception since I’ll be leaving tomorrow.”

“I’m afraid I can’t.” She’d never met him before and had no intention of going anywhere with him. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I need to get back to work now. I hope you have a nice trip.” She waved a hand as she headed out of the lobby. Mila thought he appeared puzzled.

While she waited for the elevator out of sight from him, Maddox’s jaw flexed and his eyes hardened. After a moment, he spun around and marched out.

All the more reason not to go out with him,she thought as she stepped inside the elevator.

Once she finished work, Mila went straight home and laid out clothes on her bed for dinner that night, trying to choose between outfit options. She was meeting Jackson Burke at a local restaurant. He was a friend…sort of.

Well, honestly Mila didn’t know how to classify Jackson.

He was an investor in the fashion company she worked for. They’d met at a company function and since then they’d met up once in a while. But she wasn’t sure what that made them. Or even what she wanted it to mean.

She liked Jackson. But she couldn’t figure out if it went beyond the just friends department or not. And she was even less certain about his feelings. She never felt like he was asking her out. But why did he keep coming around?

With that in mind, she picked out her clothes and went to iron them when her mother called.

Mila shut her eyes. She could ignore it and call later, delaying the pain. But…she took a breath, forced a smile, and answered. “Hey, Mom.”

“How was your day?” her mother asked straight away.

“Fine,” Mila said suspiciously. “What’s going on?”

“Oh, nothing. Danny’s working late tonight, so I thought I’d call and see how my daughter is doing.”

Mila pursed her lips. She doubted it was that straightforward.

“Do you have any plans tonight?” her mother said.

“As a matter of fact, I do.” Mila held up her blouse to assess how much ironing she’d have to do.

“A date?” her mother said hopefully.

“I’m just meeting a friend.” Mila never told anyone about meeting Jackson. Mostly because she didn’t know what to say about it.

“Oh…” Her voice fell. “I was hoping…. Well, I heard Maddox Cross stopped by to see you. I thought you might be going out with him.”

Mila dropped her arm. She knew her mother didn’t call just to say hi. “How do you know about that?” She liked having some physical distance from her mother for this very reason.

“Danny saw him earlier and said Maddox mentioned it.” She paused. “Out of curiosity, why did you turn him down?”

“I didn’t turn him down.” Mila trudged over to the ironing board. “I had plans already.”