“Couldn’t you change them?” Her mother’s voice betrayed some desperation.

Mila narrowed her eyes. “No. I couldn’t. And why do you care?”

Her mother tsked. “I’m only thinking about what this could mean for you. If Maddox Cross is interested in you–”

“He’s not interested in me.” Mila thought about how his eyes lit up when he saw who she was. Maddox Cross was interested in Danny Shaw. Not her.

Her mother ignored her. “If he’s interested in you, that could change everything.”

“I’m sure it would,” she said drily.

“You shouldn’t discount him so easily,” her mother said sharply and exhaled. “I’m only concerned.”

“About what?” Mila pulled the ironing board down on the closet door.

“About you!”

Mila’s face scrunched up as she fought with the board. “Why? I’m doing fine.”

Her mother sighed in exasperation. “You live in a rundown shoebox and have a job that barely pays your bills. That’s not my idea of fine.”

Mila gazed up at the chipped ceiling and moistened her lips. “You always exaggerate. Besides, we’ve always wanted different things. And you’re getting what you want.”

“I want to look after you. Just say you’ll keep an open mind about Maddox.” Her mother’s voice was pleading. Mila hated when she did that. It was harder for Mila to ignore.

“I doubt it matters now.” Mila couldn’t picture him wanting to try again anyway. After all, Mila made it clear she wasn’t encouraging him.

“You can be so clueless sometimes, Mila. Men like him didn’t get where they are by giving up easily. So, tell me you’ll reconsider if he asks again.” Her mother always blamed Mila’s father for her stubborn streak, but Mila felt she got it from both sides.

Mila sighed. Life would be easier sometimes if she played along with her mother. But she just couldn’t bear to all the time. “I’m sure he won’t. But if it makes you happy, I promise.”

That satisfied her mother. “That’s all I want you to say.”

Mila didn’t quite believe her. But for now, she would have to accept it. She hung up and stared at the ironing board. After a second, she shook her head and got moving as she realized what time it was.

Jackson waited outside the restaurant as she dashed toward it. She slowed down and caught her breath before he turned and saw her.

His eyes squinted up as he smiled. His chestnut brown hair had grown out slightly since she last saw him, and it revealed a wave to his hair.

Mila waved as he met her. Again, she wondered why he wanted to see her. She could just ask, but she always stopped herself though she wasn’t sure why. After all, she couldn’t be afraid of the answer, could she?

He gazed over her as his face lit up. Mila thought that maybe she should feel butterflies because Jackson was attractive. Or because of how he gazed over her. But other than a little anxiety because of not seeing him for a while, she didn’t feel much of anything.

That was probably just as well, she told herself as they exchanged courtesies.

He held the door open, and the host led them to a table.

“Are you worried about the wedding?” Jackson asked after they settled in.

“I don’t think worried is the right word. I’m just not looking forward to it.” She had a dress fitting soon. Her mother’s fiancé was decking them both out for the wedding, which made sense. But it made Mila want to squirm. She didn’t want to end up indebted to Danny somehow.

“I’ll be there to support you if it helps.” Jackson let go of a small smile.

“You’re invited?” Maybe she should have guessed he would be. But Mila didn’t quite know where Jackson fit on the social scale. She knew he had some money but that was about it.

He nodded. “I wasn’t sure if I’d make the cut, but Danny and I have some mutual connections.”

“It will be nice to know at least one person.” Her thoughts drifted to Maddox Cross and how her mom wanted her to keep an open mind about him. He would be invited more than likely. So that made two people she’d met besides Danny’s children, two of whom hated her. “Do you know Maddox Cross?”

“Sure,” Jackson said tentatively. “Why?”

She shook her head. “No real reason. I met him briefly not too long ago and my mother keeps talking about him.”

Jackson scratched his chin. “Truthfully, I don’t know him very well. We’re only acquaintances.”

“I see.” Mila folded her arms on the table. “I’m trying to wrap my head around this new world I’ve been dragged into.”

Jackson mimicked her and leaned forward. “Then I’ll try and help you any way I can.”

Mila met his heathered blue eyes and noticed something in them she hadn’t seen before. And it disconcerted her. It was probably her imagination. But as he smiled, Mila worried she wasn’t dreaming it.

Maybe she should have agreed to go out with Maddox Cross after all.