“You were seen with someone.” He couldn’t tell from her tone how she felt about it.

Maddox exhaled. More than likely, the rumor was about her. Again. But that didn’t seem to cross her mind. “I haven’t gone anywhere with any woman other than you lately.”

It took several seconds, but Mila finally blinked as understanding set in. “I see,” she said as she gazed up at him.

Their eyes locked and Maddox bent closer. Mila’s eyelids fluttered as he made like he was about to kiss her.

Then, he reached up and plucked a piece of string caught in her hair. Mila watched it float to the hardwood floor and then shifted her eyes back to him. Maddox smiled wide and leaned away again.

Mila steadied herself and brushed her hands along the sides of her dress though there was nothing to fix.

His lips curved up. “I’ll warn you that you’ll have a hard time holding anything over me.”

Mila nodded slowly though she still seemed out of sorts. “I know.”

Maddox searched her eyes but for what? She was more and more confusing as they went. And he had little hope of that changing.

Mila had no idea what possessed her to think that Maddox was about to kiss her. Or why her heart galloped in her chest at the thought. It’s not like it worked out well the first time.

But she had to act like she had an agenda. Even if she had no clue what to do next. Though she had managed to get Parker his job back–she hoped. And that was something.

Now she had to figure out how to extricate herself and get out of there without being seen by a bunch of people. She hadn’t met most of them but still. If they somehow recognized her as working for Maddox she was doomed.

“Take the back door over there,” Maddox said as if reading her mind. “Go right and there’s a gate in the fence. You can get out there.”

“What about you?” Mila felt odd slipping away like that, but it was probably her best bet.

“I need to hang around longer. And if anyone asks, I promise I won’t give away any secrets.” He half smiled though it was hardly reassuring.

Mila nodded tersely and slipped out the glass door, which took her to a patio. Or at least that’s what she guessed. It was unlit and once she got out of the house, she was dependent on lighting from the neighbors, and it wasn’t enough.

She went slow but still managed to trip on the edge of a curb and crashed onto her knees on stone.

Mila finally crawled and groped her way to a door, thinking she was finally free. But it was locked. “That little…” she muttered as she shook the door. This was the real Maddox Cross. Not the Prince Charming he pretended to be at parties.

She finally rested her forehead against the wood gate, wondering if the other side of the fence would work any better. She didn’t want to go back inside. Not when she’d fallen and looked like who knows what.

He did this on purpose,Mila thought, which made finding another way out even more imperative. Maybe she could climb over the gate?

As she gazed up at the dark outline of the fence, she heard metal scraping against metal. Then, Mila took a step back as the door slowly opened.

Wes filled up the other side. He grinned. “I thought you might run into this problem.”

Mila smiled slowly as Wes grabbed her hand and led her out. She hurried to keep up with his long strides. “How did you know I was back there?” Mila asked as he led her down the driveway.

Wes glanced over his shoulder. “I saw you go out. I took a wild guess what would happen.”

Mila frowned. Why did she trust Maddox? She had no reason to. It was probably the stupid fake-out she’d fallen for. Somehow, Maddox had temporarily lured her into his web. That would not happen again.

A car pulled up near the door and a valet handed Wes the keys. “Where are we going?” Mila said.

“First, we’re going to get you some new clothes.”

Mila followed his eyes down to her dress where she fell. She held out the fabric in dismay as a tear came into view where she landed. It was a dress her mother had bought too.

“Wonderful,” Mila said under her breath.

Wes smiled reassuringly. “All is not lost. Come on. Let’s get you fixed up.”

“And then what?” Mila let her dress fall around her legs.

“Then, I’ve got some people I want you to meet.” His eyes sparkled as he smiled down at her.

Mila ducked into his sports car and Wes revved the engine. First, he took her to her aunt’s house and waited while Mila ran in to change. Why she was just going along with him she didn’t know, but she kind of wanted to for some reason.

Mila flew in and picked out something less formal since Wes promised it was nothing fancy. As she ran back downstairs, her aunt called, “What’s going on?”

“I’ll fill you in later!” Mila shouted before shutting the front door.

After weaving all over the place, Wes finally pulled up to a gate in an expensive neighborhood outside the city. He knew the code, so Mila thought this might be his house.

But when he led her inside and introduced her to a small group of friends, it appeared to belong to someone else. And that person and his wife happened to be Jalen and Juliet Cross.

Maddox’s younger brother. Perfect.