They along with their other friends–Jett, Yardley, and Kaelyn–all stared at her curiously at first.

Oh great,Mila thought. They’ve heard of me.

After their initial surprise, Juliet hurried over and took her hand. “Are you hungry?”

“A little.” She’d eaten sparsely at the other party.

“Good. We’ve got loads of food coming thanks to these two-legged elephants.” Juliet motioned toward the guys and led Mila into a living room with a leather couch and TV on one end and a pool table on the other.

“You’re our new hero,” Yardley told her with a twinkle in his eyes.

“I am?” That couldn’t be good, Mila thought.

“Yep.” Jalen crashed into a leather chair nearby. “You’re one of the few women who’ve told my brother to shove off.”

Mila flushed. “Well, I…”

“A lot of women just play along because it’s to their advantage somehow.” Jalen glanced up at the ceiling. “But Savannah might be the only other one to reject his attempts entirely.”

Juliet crashed onto her husband’s lap, and he let out a grunt. She smiled over at Mila. “I guess you must know Savannah by now.”

Mila nodded, grateful for a change of subject.

“She’s nice,” Juliet added.

“She’s also the only child of Danny’s you can trust,” Wes added as he sat next to her.

“I’ve noticed she’s a little…different from her half-siblings.” Mila wasn’t sure that meant she could fully trust Savannah, but Savannah didn’t smell of ulterior motives like them either.

Everyone chuckled. “You could say that,” Wes said.

The bell rang and Juliet jumped up to answer. Apparently, they didn’t keep someone on call all the time for tasks like that the way her mother did now.

Jalen started to push up as Juliet came back but then he slid back down.

Mila looked over her shoulder right as Maddox walked in behind Juliet.