Page 73 of Fight Me Daddy

He smiled at me. "He'd try."


I jumped and Gabriele turned on his heels. He ran for the nightstand that had become his and dug around before he pulled out a gun. Normally, I would have protested. But someone had just broken into my home and I didn't feel like dying.

Heavy footsteps trudged up the stairs.

"Get in the closet," Gabriele whispered.

I didn't protest. As much as I didn't want to leave his side, if I got in the middle I might end up getting him killed. I slipped out of bed and quickly made my way to the closet. Once I slid inside, I closed it almost completely and stared through a slit in the door. My heart pounded in my chest and I struggled to take in a breath that wasn't loud as hell.

The door opened and I held my breath altogether as I heard Gabriele's gun cock. I waited for the gunshots to start, but they never did. After what felt like an eternal silence, someone sighed.

"Come out," Gabriele called.

I frowned and opened the door slowly. Once I stood in the open, I glanced at the person who had broken into my house.

Amadeo Bianchi. He stared at me, his eyes narrowed before he gazed back at his brother. The two of them didn't say a word, but I could feel the electricity in the air.

"I told you to meet me last night," Amadeo said.

"And I told you that I'd do it this afternoon. Last I checked, it's still morning."

"It's noon."

"Close enough." Gabriele shrugged. "What we need to talk about could wait. I put feelers out for more information, made sure my bases were covered and was going to report to you in a few hours. So, get off my back."

I shivered. Don't say that shit. Fuck, Gabriele.

Amadeo stepped forward. "Your mouth is going to get you killed."

"Not by you," Gabriele shot back. "You won't get off my ass about Calix, but I'm still working. I'm doing my part. And let's not forget how distracted you were when you were with Six."

"That was different."

"Was it?" Gabriele snapped.

"Yes, because I love him."

"And I love Calix," he growled. "So when I say back off I mean it. Because I'll kick your ass to keep him."

I froze and stared at Gabriele. Did I hear him right? The words I love Calix played in my head on repeat and I couldn't believe I'd actually heard it. I blinked at him, but he didn't look away from Amadeo. His fists were bawled up tight and I got the feeling they were going to come to blows if I didn't do anything.

Slowly, I reached out and took Gabriele's hand. He jerked, but when I tried again, he stayed still and let me pry his hand open. I slipped my fingers into his and when our hands grasped each other he finally glanced at me instead of his brother.

"You just said..."

"I know," he grumbled. "Don't make a big thing out of it."

I grinned, because what else could I do? Gabriele loved me. My own emotions were a tropical shit storm, but I knew I had feelings for him. Shit, I'd known for weeks now that something about him drove me crazy. I just didn't know that this was where it would lead.

"Gabriele," Amadeo started. "I think-"

"Get away from him!" The loud cocking of a gun drew our attention to the doorway where Mrs. Lopez stood with a handgun that looked way too big for her and pointed at Amadeo. "Get out!"

My heart nearly dropped out of my ass as I pulled away from Gabriele and held up my hands. "Whoa, whoa, put that down," I groaned as I walked over to her. "I'm fine, Sofia. This isn't what it looks like."

Her gaze darted from me to Gabriele, to Amadeo, and back again. "I saw someone kick in your door and I thought one of these thugs had come to hurt you."