My groan deepened and I pinched the bridge of my nose. "As sweet as that is, please, put that down. There's nothing wrong with me." I jerked a thumb over my shoulder. "That one spent the night for God's sake."
She raised a brow before realization hit her. "Oh, it's like that."
"Yes," I sighed. "It's like that."
Mrs. Lopez put the gun down and sighed. "Why didn't you tell me? And you," she said as she pointed at Amadeo. "You still shouldn't be kicking down doors in this kind of neighborhood. Anyone would think you're trying to rob someone blind! Especially if you walk around looking like thugs."
"Sofia," I whispered and shook my head hard as my pulse quickened. Did she know who she was insulting? "No," I mumbled.
Gabriele and Amadeo looked at each other before they both burst out laughing. I stared at them like they'd lost their minds. When I glanced at Mrs. Lopez, she shrugged, equally as confused as I was.
Amadeo shook his head and sighed. "Can you get dressed and get in the car?" he said as he looked me up and down. "Bring him too."
"Where are we going?" I asked.
Gabriele shook his head. "Closet. Clothes," he said shortly. "We'll be down in a minute Ama. And keep your eyes to yourself."
Amadeo whistled. "You really do love this one, huh?" he asked as he took another look at me. "I've never seen you be so overprotective."
Gabriele growled. "One more glance," he said as he shoved me behind his back. "And we'll go right back to being on the verge of killing each other."
"Fair enough," Amadeo said before he turned around. "Sofia, is it? Come on, I'll walk you back next door. I saw you on the porch when I pulled up."
"Yes, I watch the neighborhood," she said as she walked beside him. "Don't think I won't shoot you if you try anything funny."
Amadeo held up his hands. "I wouldn't dream of it."
"Well, that guy back there is always threatening me."
"Yes, he's the rude one of the family. I apologize on his behalf."
Sofia scoffed. "I'll tell you about rude ones. My sister Camila is the worst of them..."
Their conversation trailed off as they disappeared down the stairs. Huh. Maybe Amadeo isn't so bad. Gabriele turned to look at me and frowned.
"We have more to talk about, don't we?"
"Big time," I said as I grinned at him. "Why is he so nice to Sofia?"
Gabriele blinked. "That's what you want to talk about?"
I shrugged. "I'm curious."
"He's always had a thing about old ladies," he sighed. "I mean he's a complete asshole, but he's a respectful asshole sometimes."
I grinned. "I like that."
Gabriele grabbed a handful of my hair. "Don't smile like that while looking wistfully after my brother or I might take it as I need to fuck you all over again."
"I don't think we have time," I pointed out. "Your brother's waiting."
"And he can wait even longer for all I care."
Gabriele took my mouth in a punishing kiss. My lips ached and I sank against him as he moaned against my mouth. I had more questions for Gabriele, but now wasn't the time to ask him. Once I broached the big subjects, I needed there to be no one else around. I wanted all of his attention on me.
I'm becoming as possessive as he is.
The thought made my lips curl into a smile. For the first time ever, I gave enough of a damn about a man to be possessive over him. And I wouldn't change it for the world.