Page 31 of Cry For Mercy

Chapter Thirteen


The most frustrating part was that I could find her, yeah, but I couldn’t do it the easiest way, which would be to ring Nige, and ask him to do it. With his IT skills, he’d find her in probably a few minutes. Instead, I had to do it the harder way, which at least meant avoiding his cranky ass.

Bearing in mind that she worked in accounting, that actually widened the parameters more than I’d like. Most businesses have an accounting department, so it didn’t help me at all. I did remember, however, that Julie had told me that she worked with Cassidy. And I knew it was within walking distance of Harvey’s shop.

Using an app on my phone, I calculated the distance, and looked at the most obvious options first. I had twelve minutes left, but I was waiting at the café from yesterday, so I still had time.

There were two office buildings within reach. I rang the first, asking for Cassidy Donovan. They’d never heard of her.

I rang the other, and asked the same question. And I was advised that she no longer worked there. With a smirk, I started walking in the direction of that building.

“In that case, can I please speak with Julie Kim?”

I was put on hold, and I took the opportunity to sprint the next few metres.

I could see my destination up ahead, and when I heard the phone click again, I was in range. And not too out of breath.

“Julie Kim speaking.”

“I’m outside, little angel.”

She gasped. “You have four minutes left.”

I chuckled. “I’m just that good. I’ll wait here for you.”

Waiting for her was agony. She was just inside the building, but there was security, and turnstiles which needed passes to enter, so I was firmly kept outside.

I pulled out my phone, sending a quick text.

Me: Nothing new to report yet, but don’t want another pissy message from you.

I was dicing with death, every time I mouthed off at the Bennetts, but it was just my way. No point in showing fear. It just gave them more power over me.

Julie suddenly appeared, and everything else disappeared in that moment. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was smiling.

“I can’t believe you’re here.” She said, looking amazed. It was adorable, but also a little ego-crushing.

“Don’t look so surprised. I wasn’t lying about my skills. Any of them.”

She blushed as she looked up at me. Honestly, I could rest my chin on her head, and I wanted to. Just wanted to hold her against me, her head tucked in, my hand cupping the back of it. Protecting her from the world.

“So… are you going to feed me?” She asked, and my mind went like a fucking demon for the gutter. Hell yes I want to fucking feed her. Not food, though.

Her eyes widened. “I don’t mean you have to pay. I’m sorry, that was so dumb.”

Every time she did the wide-eyed thing, I just wanted to kiss her.

“Well, for now, I’m going to buy you lunch, with no arguments. Maybe later, I’ll feed you something else.”

She gasped, covering her mouth, those cheeks red again.

“Too much?”

She shook her head, taking my hand, practically dragging me away from her workplace.

“Julie, I don’t want to freak you out. I’m a little rusty with this whole flirting thing. If that’s even what we’re doing.” I had no fucking idea, but I didn’t want it to end.