Chapter TWENTY ~ Missing

“Hope! Hope!” I shoutedas I frantically searched around the pick a duck game and my eyes were wide with fright. “Excuse me? Have you seen a little girl with brown hair in a ponytail wearing a blue dress?”

“No, ma’am I haven’t...” The balding man replied as he shook his head and pointed towards a building nearby. “You could check with security inside the building? Maybe she’ll be in there?”

“Thank you...” I breathed and took off for the building as my eyes wandered around the fair with Hope nowhere in sight.

Where the hell did she go?

She couldn’t be too far...

My body trembled with worry, and different scenarios ran through my mind. She could’ve simply lost sight of me and was lost somewhere in this busy fair. Hoping she will turn up with security and ask for help. But fear took hold, and I thought of the worst.

What happened if some sick bastard got his hands on that poor, sweet and innocent child?

It would be no one’s fault but mine. I shouldn’t be turning my back on her and watching her at all times. I should’ve known better and took care of her properly. Drake’s been through enough. Now I’ve gone and lost the one most precious thing he has left.

His daughter.

My feet hit the ground faster and sprinted towards the building for the first sign of security. Feeling my breath leave my body and sucking it back in. Knowing time was against me and every minute counts. I needed to find her and prayed she was here. If she wasn’t, I don’t know what I’d do.

“Oh, thank god, I found you...” I breathed rapidly as I tried to catch my breath and gazed at the man whose shirt read security. “A little girl is missing. Her name is Hope Lawson, she has hazel eyes, brown hair...”

“Ma’am, I need you to calm down...” The man said as he raised his hands in front of him and his eyebrows knitted together. “Slow down and explain to me what happened?”

I took a deep breath and leaned against the wall. Trying to collect myself before I began. Breathing in deeply and exhaling through my nose. The world spun, and I leaned my back against the wall. Pressing the back of my hand against my forehead as I see stars dance before my eyes and continue to breathe deeply.

“Ma’am, I think you should come inside and sit...” The man tried to explain and his hand rested on my shoulder.

“I don’t have time to sit and calm down!” I interrupted with frustration as I shrugged his hand away and stood. “I lost a little girl and she’s missing!”

I regained my composure and knew I needed to push forward. I’d let Hope down and I’d let Drake down. She needed me and I had to find her.

“Please calm down...” The man pleaded and reached for his radio. “Explain what happened and I will radio it in for help.”

My hands moved frantically in front of me and explained everything that happened with Hope. He listened intently and nodded his head. Describing where we were, what we were doing, what she said, how long ago, what she looks like, her name and what she was wearing.

“I’m just looking after her and I don’t know how I could let this happen?” I explained as wet tears dripped down my cheeks and wiped them away. “This is all my fault and her father’s going to hate me.”

“You need to get ahold of her father right away and I will send out a call for help.” The man explained as he quickly got on his radio and called it in. “We have a little girl named Hope Lawson missing. She was last seen at the games. She has hazel eyes, brown hair and is wearing a blue dress. Hope was last seen about fifteen minutes ago and...”

My stomach turned into knots as he explained, and time ticked by. It’s already been too long and I couldn’t just stand here waiting for word. I had to do something, but didn’t know what. I knew the one thing I could do, and that’s call Drake. He’s her father, and he has every right to know what’s going on. I reached inside my purse for my cell phone, but my hands trembled. Grabbing it firmly and pressing in his number as I hold the phone to my ear. Listening to it ring and regretting everything I’m about to tell him. Feeling like this all had to be a bad dream and wasn’t real, but it was. This was a nightmare that I caused, and I didn’t know if he would ever forgive me.

“Gemma? Why are you calling me?” Drake answered as my hand trembled and he already sounded irritated. “You know I’m in a meeting this afternoon.”

“Y-yes, I-I do, but something has happened and I-I need you to listen...” I stammered as the words were hard to get out and my body shook.

“Okay, well, out with it because I’ve got work to do.” Drake demanded, and I hated what I was about to speak.

“H-Hope’s missing, Drake, and it’s all my fault.” I breathed as more tears streamed down my face and felt like all hope was gone.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Drake asked with anger in his voice. “She can’t be missing because she’s with you.”

“S-she was, but then I turned my back on her for a second and she’s gone...” I explained as the phone trembled against my ear and the security guard looked at me. “Hold on, security’s here and trying to help me locate her.”

“Gemma, Gemma, goddamn...” I pushed the phone away and turned my full attention to the man, whose eyes shone with concern. “What did you find out?”

“I’m sorry, but she’s not here. My advice is to call the police and...” The man explained, but his voice faded away and my entire world spun out of control.

I slowly turned and wandered away from the concerned man. Hearing his voice, but no recognition of what he says. My mind was a blurry fog as I brought my hands over my head with the cellphone still in my grasp. Walking away from security and knowing she wasn’t here.

Hope’s gone.

“Ma’am? Ma’am, did you hear me?” The security guard asked as my feet walked faster away and I didn’t look back.

I needed to look for Hope, and Drake needed to know she wasn’t here anymore. I needed to break the most heartbreaking news Drake Lawson never wanted to hear. His child’s gone and someone he trusted lost them. I had lost his beloved child and I don’t know if I could ever forgive myself.

“Drake, Hope’s gone.” I breathed as I speed walked towards my car and looked for traffic. “She’s not with me at the fair anymore and I lost her.”

“You lost her! How the hell could you let this happen?” Drake retorted, and I could imagine his face beat red. “I trusted you, Gemma!”

“I-I know you did, and there’s no excuse for how I let this happen. I’m going to find her if it’s the last thing I do.” I explained nervously as I unlocked my door and flung the driver’s side open. “I’m going to search everywhere we’ve been and see if I can find her. I will bring her home, I promise.”

“Fuck your promises, Gemma! That’s my daughter out there and I shouldn’t have been so careless letting you take care of her!” Drake shouted through the phone line and it’s the last thing I heard before he hung up on me.