Chapter TWENTY-ONE ~ Meadow Lilly Park

I’m beside myself withworry as I drove through the city and rushed to find Hope. Still unable to believe that, I let this all happen and set this terrifying situation into motion. Drake’s words still hung inside my mind and if something were to happen to Hope, I couldn’t bear it. He was right to call me careless, and he had every damn right to be furious with me. I hate myself just as much as he hates me right now. I’ve made him experience a pain he never wanted to feel after his entire world crashed down around him. Making him ruthless and cold, but only loving with his daughter. I’d lost the one last precious thing he had in life after he lost the second. I should’ve been more careful. Feeling beside myself, thinking that I’ve put him through this kind of heartbreaking situation all over again. He’s lost enough, and he didn’t deserve to lose his child too. He needed her, and she needed him. I had to make this right and bring Hope back to his loving arms.

“Come on, come on!” I shouted as I laid on the horn and urged the car in front of me that the light was green.

My hands vibrated against the steering wheel as I drove forward and searched the busy city streets. Wondering where she could be and thinking the worst. I’ve already checked places I thought she’d be with no luck. Running around frantically as I search, but come up empty-handed with the time stretching by. Checking the clock and fearing too much time has passed since I’d seen her last. She wasn’t at the movie theatre, the zoo or our favorite shopping mall and there’s one last place I could think of searching. It was the park. Her favorite spot we’d first visited together, and I hoped against all hope that she was there. Playing, sitting on the bench or watching the butterflies. I step on the gas to pick up speed and to hell with a speeding ticket. Two hours had passed since she’d gone missing and the evening was fast approaching. Finding a missing child was far more important. If I got pulled over, I prayed they would understand. Passing car after car as some honk and others gave me the middle finger. I didn’t care because all I could see was Hope. Her innocent, smiling face and twinkling hazel eyes. The same color as her father’s and the one man I never wanted to let down.

“Focus Gemma...” I muttered to myself as I saw the park and trees coming into view. “This is it, it’s now or never.”

I pulled into the parking lot and slammed on the brakes. Flinging open my door and running. Looking back at the car parked sideways and taking up multiple spots that may piss off many people. But I couldn’t care less. My hair whips in my face as the cool breeze plays against me and my eyes search. I’ve created this mess, and I needed to fix it. I needed to find Mr. Drake Lawson’s missing daughter.

“Hope! Are you here?” I shouted as loudly as I could, and my frantic eyes searched. “Hope where are you?”

Running past the rushing water and benches with people staring. Not caring what they thought, and kept moving. Wandering towards the park where many children play and I call for her with no luck. My hope is drawing closer towards the end and fearing someone could’ve taken her. Taking her away from everything she loves and everyone who loves her. Prying her away and thinking of her worry. Hearing her cries as she screams for help and puts up a fight. My heart shatters at just the thought of it, and I push it aside. Nearing the flowers closer towards the water and seeing the beautiful butterflies. Flying throughout the air with brunette hair coming into view and the beautiful face I’ve been searching for.

“Oh my god, Hope!” I cried out as I ran closer and couldn’t believe my eyes.

She turned to look in my direction and I prayed my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me. Drawing closer and seeing her blue dress with her hair still tightly pulled back in a ponytail. Sitting amongst the grass and half smiling my way. It was her, and I’d found her. Quickly pulling my cell phone out, placing a brief text to Drake because I couldn’t deal with him on the phone right now.

Come to Meadow Lilly Park. I’ve found Hope and we’re by the water.

“What are you doing here, sweetheart?” I asked calmly, and didn’t want to frighten her. I didn’t want her to see just how worried I’d been until I figured out what’s going on. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

“I’m sorry, Gemma. After I ran off, I realized it wasn’t the right thing to do. I just felt terrible about myself and needed to get away.” Hope sighed as her shoulders slumped and she stared off into the distance.

“What made you feel terrible?” I asked as I sat down beside her in the cool grass and dabbed her shoulder. “I thought we were having so much fun?”

“That’s just it, we were, and I felt upset with myself.” Hope explained with her eyes full of sadness. “I love you, Gemma, and I wonder if this is what it feels like to have a real mommy. I don’t want my mommy to hate me for loving you so much.”

Tears glistened in my eyes, but I dare not let them fall. Hope’s words broke into my very soul and exploded wide open. This beautiful little girl loves me so much, but loves her mommy too. She’s so brave and innocent. Everything she’s been through amazes me and her strength to love so much warms my heart. I’m honored to have her love me and I’ll be damned if I let anyone wreck that.

“I love you too, Hope and I have a feeling your mommy would be so proud of you.” I smiled as I caressed her ponytail and gazed down into her tear-filled eyes. “She could never hate you.”

“Do you really believe that?” Hope asked with her eyes shimmering with wonder.

“I don’t just believe it, I know it.” I breathed as I hugged her close and we peered out at the water. “Love’s a precious gift and if you feel that towards others, there’s no way it could ever upset anyone.”

Hope’s tiny arms squeezed around me as she hugged me tight, and I returned the gesture. Feeling warm and complete all in that very moment, wrapped in this angel’s embrace. Her love for me was a bond that I never wanted to be broken. I’d do anything for this child and felt a connection towards her like no other.

“Hope!” Drake cried out from the distance as we turned and he ran towards us.

“Daddy!” Hope cried out as she let go of me and ran for her father.

He scooped her up into his arms and hugged her tightly. His face was full of relief as he kissed her head repeatedly and squeezed her tighter. “What on earth were you thinking, Hope?”

He held her in his arms as he walked towards me and I stood, but felt my body tremble. His eyes were unreadable except for the love he felt for his daughter. The one I’d lost because I was careless and I should’ve done better by him. If he hates me right now, I wouldn’t blame him. If he wanted to fire me, he had every right. I deserved all of it and so much worse. Nothing else compares to this beautiful little girl and I brace myself for the aftermath of it all about to explode.

“I didn’t want mommy to hate me.” Hope said, and Drake placed her back on her tiny feet. “So, I came here because I feel close to her.”

“Oh, sweetheart, mommy could never hate you, no matter what you did.” Drake explained as he bent down to her level and smiled. “Mommy loved you so much and she’d want to see you happy. Do you know why?”

“Why?” Hope asked curiously.

“Because it would make her so happy.” Drake sighed as he caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead.

“Well, that’s why I ran away, because Gemma makes me so happy. I love her so much and I didn’t want mommy to be mad at me.” Hope expressed as she blinked and glanced back at me over her shoulder.

That’s when Drake’s eyes met mine and all the anger I knew he’d felt melted away. They glistened, shined brightly at me, and searched mine with wonder. Blinking repeatedly at the shock of his daughter’s words and nodding his head towards me.

“Mommy would be so happy that you love Gemma because she’s pretty amazing.” Drake breathed as he looked directly at me and then down at his daughter. “It’s okay to love her, but it’s not okay to run away from her.”

“I know and I’m sorry.” Hope sighed with defeat and her shoulders slumped.

“Well, you need to apologize to Gemma because she was very worried about you.” Drake explained with serious eyes, stood up and nudged his daughter towards me.

“I-I’m sorry for running away from you and I’ll never do it again.” Hope apologized and her eyes glimmered with sorrow. “Please don’t be mad at me.”

“I know you are and I could never be mad at you.” I smiled as I took her beautiful face and cupped it in my hands. “I love you too much.”

“I love you too, Gemma.” Hope smiled brightly and jumped up into my arms.

We giggled, and I squeezed her tightly. Feeling the love for her swirling in my heart and my gaze locks with Drake’s once more. Everything about him was vibrant as he watched us embrace and glowed with happiness. His gorgeous smile lit up my heart even more and my soul felt free. His mouth moved to form the words I never thought I’d hear after what had happened today. What I’d put him through and what he never deserved. Fearing he’d hate me and I deserve every bit. Hating myself for what I’d let happen, but now seeing I no longer need to because he has forgiven me.

“I can ride home with Gemma!” Hope exclaimed as she leapt from my arms and bounced on the ground. “Can she stay with us for a bit?”

“Yes, she sure can.” Drake smiled as he took her hand in his and reached out for mine. “Are you coming?”

I gazed at them both, lost in wonder, and admired their joy. Happy to see this frightening day all in the past and moving forward. Not knowing how I became so lucky to have them in my life and knowing I must stay at Lawson’s Legal. Hope needed me just as much as I needed her. I couldn’t leave her after what had happened today, and the reality of it all hit me harder than I ever expected. I not only needed this loving child in my life, but I needed her insanely gorgeous dad, too.