Chapter SEVEN ~ Warning

The shoot finishedup rather quickly, and I felt more than relieved it’s over. I made a fool out of myself and looked like a deer in the headlights wrapped in Grant Bennett’s arms. That was just the cherry on top. All eyes were on me for the rest of the shoot when it should’ve only been Grant’s. Which I’m more than fine with because his piercing green eyes are to die for. I could get lost in them forever.

“Goddamn, Becca, stop it.” I hissed at myself and gathered my belongings.

“Hey.” Blair announced and caught me off guard. “That was quite some fall right into Mr. Bennett’s arms. Girl, I’d die!”

I couldn’t help but giggle right along with Blair at her comment. Anyone would be lucky to fall into the arms of the famous model and billionaire, Mr. Grant Bennett. It just so happened to be me and I should feel over the moon about it, but I’m on edge.

“Hey, I was wondering, would you like to go to the club later with me?” Blair asked as she twirled her hair between her fingers and raised her eyebrows. “Lord, knows you look like you could use a drink.”

“You know what, I think you’re right.” I replied happily and smiled at her. “I could definitely use a drink.”

“Give me your number, I will call you later and we can meet there.” Blair commanded, smirking as she passed me her cellphone and punched in my digits.

“Okay, I better not regret this because I don’t get out much.” I said as I frowned down at her cellphone and typed in my number.

“Well, girl, you’re hot, single and you might as well mingle.” Blair teased with loud laughter and turned to leave. “Catch you later, Becca!”

“Bye, Blair.” I giggled and waved.

Turning to leave, but noticing Grant not far away and peering right at me. His green eyes never leave my body, devouring me and his creative mind, thinking of all the things he’d do to me. Well, at least that’s what I hoped when I knew I shouldn’t. Shivering with his intense gaze, stopping me in my tracks. He’s walking towards me and my mind reels with sexual thoughts as I bite my bottom lip. My feet wouldn’t move and my legs wouldn’t budge. My body froze under his magnetic haze and I couldn’t pull myself out of it.

Why won’t my body function when he’s around?

“I saw you talking with Blair, what was that about?” Grant asked and eyed me curiously.

“O-oh, just girl stuff, y-you know, making plans to hit the town.” I stammered as my cheeks flushed and ran my hand through my brunette hair.

“Is that so?” Grant grinned suspiciously as he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. The look suited him, my heart quickened, and I bit my lip. “Where are you headed?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I responded flirtatiously with the words slipping out of my mouth, and I kicked myself in the ass.

“I’d very much like to know.” Grant breathed with a husky tone as he stepped closer towards me and his arm brushed mine. Sending an electric current up my body and I quiver.

“Well, I’m not sure yet, Blair’s supposed to let me know the address later.” I snapped back quickly and flung my hair back.

“Well, beauty, maybe I will see you there.” Grant smirked wickedly as he turned and strolled away.

What the hell was that all about?

How am I going to see him later when he doesn’t even know where I’m going?

I stood there dumbfounded with confusion. Giving my head a quick shake and sighing with frustration. Trying to forget that encounter even occurred and moving forward with my journey home. Turning around, heading towards my car and looking down inside my purse in search of my keys. My body collided with a solid form and my purse fell towards the ground.

“Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry.” I mumbled with my mind, jumbled as I went to retrieve my purse and peered up into Merlin’s glare.

“I bet you are.” Merlin said furiously and his eyes burned into mine. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“I-I wasn’t watching where I was going.” I stammered as nerves took hold and my hands were clammy. “I apologize, I-I didn’t see you there.”

“I’m not talking about watching where the hell you’re going. This is about you and your boss.” Merlin hissed through clenched teeth as he stepped closer and my entire body trembled.

Merlin was more than furious and boiling with red fiery rage ready to irrupt. A ticking time bomb set to explode right in my face. I’ve never seen someone so angry, and it frightened me to my core. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to imply here, Merlin.”

“Bullshit, Becca, you know the boss is off limits. Mr. Bennett’s way out of your league and stumbling into his arms isn’t something his photographer should be doing.” Merlin glared, and he grabbed both of my shoulders with the motion rougher than it should be. “Don’t cross the line Becca or else I will have no choice, but to fire you. Do you want to lose everything for passion you could never handle?”

All I could do was stare into his heated eyes and his words pierced straight into my soul. My attraction towards Grant was noticed and Merlin knew too much. I couldn’t afford to cross that line and lose everything I’ve worked so hard for. I have to keep focused even though my body tried to tell me otherwise.

Merlin’s right, and what the hell was I thinking?

What the hell is wrong with me?

“I-I’m sorry, but please don’t fire me. I-I will keep our relationship professional from now on. You won’t see any more of that, I swear it, Merlin.” I said as my voice cracked and I prayed he believed me because his grip continued to tighten. “P-please take your hands off of me, sir.”

Merlin looked towards me with shock and glanced at his tightened grip upon my shoulders. Releasing me quickly, shaking his head and sighing. “Of course, Becca, but just remember what I said. You don’t want to lose everything.”

I simply nodded my head as Merlin turned and walked away into the distance. No longer in sight as I exhaled, but my hands shook. Fumbling looking for my car keys once again, but trembling inside. Feeling Merlin’s tight grip and warning lingering in the air.

“Where the hell are they?” I mumbled to myself with frustration and my hand found them.

Clenching them tightly and continuing towards my car with the keys jingling in my grasp. Unlocking the door and slumping down into the driver’s seat. My head falling into my hands upon the steering wheel with my body quivering in fear of what could’ve just happened. I could’ve lost everything today and the reality of it hit me hard. I needed to maintain control and stop this attraction towards the famous Mr. Grant Bennett before it meant the end of my career.