Chapter EIGHT ~ The Club

I arrived home andmade myself a delicious supper. Grilled chicken, rice and veggies. It tasted amazing, and the taste lingered in my mouth as I got ready. Having a quick shower to freshen up, straightening my brunette hair just the way I like it and applying makeup. Slipping into some lingerie that I’ll wear underneath my slim fitting black dress. The lingerie’s black with hints of red throughout and lacy. The lace made me feel sexy, just the way I liked it. Loving to wear it and this evening I’m going to feel on top of the world.

I deserve it after today.

I heard my phone chime on my bedside table and I peered down at it. It’s Blair sending me the address for the club, letting me know we’ll meet in twenty minutes and to look gorgeous. She’s already there from the sounds of it, and there’s some sexy eye candy with my name on it. Giggling to myself as I text her back and it feels nice to be making a friend at the workplace. Especially when she urges me to go out instead of lazing around at home. Going to work then home again every day was getting pretty lonely. Just grabbing junk food and binge watching my favorites with a glass of fine wine. The same thing every day with my life living on repeat and not living in the moment.

Tonight, I will drink at the club and have the time of my life.

Slipping into my sexiest heels, grabbing my clutch and keys. Heading for my car with a bright smirk on my face and a handsome gentleman gives me a double take. Feeling sexy, confident and ready for this night to begin.


I ARRIVED AT THE CLUBand the bouncer let me right in. It’s bright with shimmering colorful lights flashing before my eyes and the beat pumps throughout my veins. Swaying to the beat as I dance and eyes are on me. Loving the attention and making me feel hot. I flick my hair and stride over towards the bar to order a drink. Getting closer, I glance around and Blair’s waving overtop of the crowd at me. She looks amazing in a bright red knee-high dress and hooker boots to show off some long legs.

She grinned excitedly towards me and I returned her grin. “Girl, you finally made it!”

Screaming over the beat as I giggle and come up beside her. Flagging down a bartender and ordering some wine to start. Watching Blair as her eyes fuck a handsome gentleman staring at her from the dance floor. He’s tall, muscular with facial hair and dresses well.

“See something you like?” I asked, smirking and tapping her shoulder.

“Oh, hell yes!” Blair responded loudly and smirked back at me.

Her gaze continued to roam his wanting body, and the gentleman danced. Dancing like it’s meant for her and swaying his delicious hips. Their eyes locked and never wavered as he moved to the beat. It was a damn sexy sight and I couldn’t handle it. Blair shivered on the spot and flushed crimson as it lit up her cheeks. She fanned herself with her hand and giggled with excitement.

“That man sure knows how to dance!” Blair exclaimed close to my ear.

“Well, what the hell are you waiting for?” I responded loudly and elbowed her side. “Go get him, girl!”

“You think?” Blair asked with uncertainty, and her eyes narrowed.

“Oh, hell yes, his body is calling your name.” I exclaimed and nodded my head frantically as I nudged her forward. “Now go, I’ll be just fine.”

Blair smiled nervously back at me, but strode towards the handsome gentleman. She crept closer with his deep blue eyes firing up with lust as she danced towards him and his gaze never wavered. Their bodies connect through the music until they touch and sway as one to the loud beat. I leaned back against the bar and watched, sipping on my wine. Receiving glances from men as they pass and no one approaches me, but I was thankful for that. Not really knowing what words to speak if someone approached me because I haven’t done this in a long time. Feeling like I’m here just to pick up a random guy for the night, and that’s not really my thing. Just being out and doing something different was enough for me right at this moment.

I gulped back the last bit of my wine and turned around to order another. Calling for the bartender, but unable to receive a response. Frowning and feeling my body tingle. Waiting, but I knew I’m being watched. A pair of eyes staring at me, roaming over my body and making me feel completely naked. Coming alive under the stare and spinning around to look throughout the crowd. My gaze roamed, and the lights flashed in the club. Praying I’m not losing my mind and feeling crazy at the thought of someone creating this uncertainty inside of me. Shaking my head, feeling like a fool with no one in sight looking my way. Turning back to the bar and waiting. I felt a prickle on my skin just before a hand touched mine ever so lightly and sent tingles throughout it. I peered up into piercing green eyes and Mr. Grant Bennett stared intensely right back into mine.