Chapter SIX ~ Accidental Embrace

My breath caught, mypulse quickened and my body quivered. The fire had completely lit inside of me. My body felt like it came to life as his kisses continued and his gaze pierced into my very soul. The attraction between us was undeniable and as strong as it was the last time we were this close.

Damn it, Becca, snap the hell out of it!

Your career is on the line, so pull it together!

“I-I need to finish because everyone's waiting and we shouldn’t keep them.” I stammered as I looked towards myself in the mirror and gasped at my reflection. My face was completely flushed and almost unrecognizable.

“Are you alright?” Grant asked and his eyes narrowed with concern.

“Y-yes, I’m fine, but let’s finish.” I replied as I grabbed the brush I’d dropped and wanted to get this over with.

I didn’t even recognize myself, and it caught me by surprise how much this man could change me. Grant sat in silence, lost in thought, and it had me ponder if it was about me. He’d glance at me now and then, but I’m thankful for the space. I needed to get this done and get the hell out of here.

“Is everything all set and ready to go?” Merlin asked as he entered, looking towards Grant and myself. His eyes landed on mine, looking rather suspicious. “Is everything okay here because it seems to be taking too long?”

“Yes, Merlin, everything’s fine. I was just giving Becca a hard time, but she’s been amazing.” Grant said as he grinned up at me from his seat and my heart stopped. I’m thankful he answered because I wasn’t sure what to say and felt like a teenager caught in the act.

“All right then, very good. Now let’s get this show on the road, shall we?” Merlin announced as he turned around and exited the trailer.

“Shall we?” Grant asked as he stood and reached for my hand. My mind screamed not to, but my body deceived me with my hand taking his and we walked out towards the set.

He let go of my hand as people crowded and turned to look at me. “I look forward to seeing what you’ve got today.”

All I could do was nod towards him and take my place. Grabbing my camera and taking some test shots before we begin. I wouldn’t need my flash because the natural light was just enough. Moving this way and that, figuring out what angles to shoot with the lighting. Grant stepped out, and he looked right in my direction. No shirt on and still in tight underwear that made my breath hitch. He’s breathtaking with just a leather jacket swung over his shoulder. Placing one hand on his hip and Blair stepping out to hand him something. He took it and placed sunglasses over his beautiful eyes.

My god, he looked amazing.

He moved this way and that. My main focus was to make the underwear stand out because they’re the selling point. He posed, and I snapped repeatedly. Running right along with him and his creativity. The sun shone in just the right spot as it glistened off his tanned and toned muscles when he moved. His muscles didn’t require flexing to be noticed and my mouth became dry at the sight of him, but I continued to click away. He ran his hands along his face, but I envisioned him caressing mine. The breeze caught his hair, and I imagined running my fingers through it. His legs would flex and I pictured him thrusting into me. He lifted his sunglasses and placed them in his hair. Gazing right into my lens and I came closer towards him for the next shot. Envisioning his gaze roaming over my wanting body and waiting for him to devour me.

“Oh, god!” I cried out and stumbled over something on the ground.

Feeling myself falling with the ground coming closer and feeling powerful arms entangle me in their embrace. “Hey, beauty.”

Falling into the powerful arms of Grant and peering up into his beautiful face. It’s only inches from my own with our noses almost touching and his warm masculine scent filling the surrounding air. I couldn’t move or think, and all I could do was feel his nearness. Remembering what it did to my body, making me feel feverish and wild.

“Are you...” His voice trailed off and his gaze roamed over my body. Shivering in his arms with his stare landing back on my eyes and knowing he feels it too. “Okay?”

“I-I tripped, at least I think I did.” I whispered and gazed down at the camera still in my hands. “I’m physically alright.”

Emotionally, I’m a mess.

This man had me all wound up and I don’t know how I felt about it. Grant helped me to my feet and whisked a strand of hair behind my ear. Leaving tingles in its wake with my body reacting to his touch strongly and longing for him.

“Thank you, Grant.” I sighed and stared up at him.

“You’re very welcome, beauty.” Grant said as he smiled and I turned crimson.

“What on earth is going on here!” Merlin shouted as he stormed over and his face shone with irritation. “We’re already behind schedule and now my photographer is falling on set?”

“Our photographer, Merlin.” Grant puffed as he stared straight at Merlin and made him appear insignificant. Puffing his chest like he’d pounce on him at any moment. His body became tense and his words sound dominant.

“You’re right, but we need to finish up here. The sellers are waiting on these images, let’s pull ourselves together and get this done.” Merlin glared as he looked right in my direction and never wavered from Grant’s intense stare. “Shall we?”

I simply nodded my head because my words have failed me. Grant continued to glare in Merlin’s direction as I dabbed his arm and he turned towards me. Smiling to help calm him because we didn’t need tension on set.

There’s already enough.

The sexual tension between us was electric, and I’m afraid anyone could see it. Being in Grant’s arms left me feeling confused. It felt right, warm and sexy. The incident happened in front of everyone and the way Merlin glared towards me left me worried. Deep down in the pit of my stomach, I had this feeling that I’m in trouble, but in more ways than one.