Chapter FIVE ~ Beautiful Day

Thinking back to thatmoment in time is almost unbearable, but it’s a part of me I had to face. A time where I needed to see the truth, even though it turned out to be absolutely crushing. It’s something I no longer wished didn’t happen. Something I knew had to happen so I could move forward with my life and close that chapter. It’s something that strengthened me. Wandering over towards many photographs that hung up on the wall and seeing my favorite picture of them all. The picture of my mother smiling beside me, hugging me close as a small child with no father in sight. I always wondered if my troubled past had something to do with me being unable to love or be close to another man. Knowing how much it affected me growing up and wondering if it still haunts me.

Would I even realize it?

Could I even recognize if that’s what’s holding me back?

Therefore, my attraction towards Grant has left me conflicted. How am I to know what genuine attraction, lust, longing and love is if I haven’t seen it myself? Not experiencing love between my parents and feeling like I’m walking into this blind.

How do I know what it’s actually like?

“Oh, mom, I wish you were here to help me...” I sighed and looked at her smiling face.

Life had been difficult after my mom’s passing. Her death was another reason I moved to the city in pursuit of my dream. There was nothing for me in that small town anymore. I had no family, friends and nothing to hang onto there. My mom was my universe until she wasn’t anymore. She fought an amazing battle against her disease. The disease that just deteriorated her memory until there was nothing left. To the point where she couldn’t remember me, our memories, and how to take care of herself. She could no longer dress herself, go to the bathroom or even eat. My mom starved to death in her last weeks before there was no more pain. No more suffering and her soul could finally be free. Alzheimer’s is a terrible and life altering disease. I miss her every day, but I know she’s no longer ill. No longer clinging to a life that was slowly being taken away from her. She’s now free and will always be with me. In my heart and my memories. No one could change that, and one day if I ever become a mother, I hoped to be just as great of a mother as she was. I gently touched my mother’s face in the photograph and turned towards my balcony door. I needed some fresh air to clear my mind. Tomorrow’s another day of work, but it’s an important one. I have to be ready and focused with my mind clear. Not only for the photo shoot I needed to capture, but for the magnificent man I’d capture through my camera lens.


IT’S A GORGEOUS DAYas the sun shines down on my skin and the rays feel like they're dancing across my skin. Loving the feeling of the heat on my bare arms as I outstretch them and look up towards the sky. I loved this time of year and getting outside to enjoy it. The day was perfect for a photo shoot with the natural light just right for astounding photos.

I’m very excited.

Walking towards my place I see Merlin pacing; he seems off and not like his cheery self. “Is something the matter?”

“Grant’s makeup artist can’t make it and I’m at a loss on what to do?” Merlin pondered, stress and wrinkles took over his face.

“Well, could I help? I’m not bad at makeup and I know what to use. He won’t need much makeup. The day is gorgeous and a more natural look would be best for the shoot.” I explained with as much confidence as possible.

Merlin stopped pacing and thought about my idea. Tapping his chin, peering at me and walking closer. “Yes, yes, you may be onto something here. Very well then, get back there and do your best. We have a photo shoot to start!”

Merlin clamped his hands together and shooed me away. Grinning and nodding, I proceed to where I’m instructed. Feeling happy, helping and wanting to make a good impression as much as possible around here. Being on Merlin’s good side appeared to be the place to start.

Now, do not screw shit up.

“And who may you be?” A young woman asked with her eyebrows knitted together and I walked towards my destination. “No one’s supposed to be back here except for hair and makeup.”

“I’m hair and makeup.” I said, confidently. “I’m actually the photographer, but the makeup artist didn’t show and I’m taking over for today. Who might you be?”

She peered at me as her eyes roamed up and down. She sized me up, grinned and nodded her head in approval. “Girl, thank god, I’m Grant’s helping hand in the fashion department and ensuring his outfits are just right. My name is Blair.”

“Hi, Blair, I’m Becca and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I said and took her hand firmly in mine.

“Well, come on, Grant’s been waiting.” Blair announced and pulled my extended hand along with her. “Best not to keep a fine-looking man like Mr. Bennett waiting.”

Blair peered back towards me and smiled with a mischievous glare in her eyes. She pulled me into a small trailer with mirrors situated all around and many angles of makeup. Lots of it. I felt lost and not sure where to start.

Maybe this was a mistake.

“Grant will be right out, I sent him back with the first outfit. Tell me what you think when he comes out.” Blair explained and smiled brightly.

“Okay, I can do that.” I answered and tried my best to sound confident.

I continued to gaze at my surroundings. Everything was always so elegant and masculine for Mr. Grant Bennett. It made me wonder what his home would be like. If it’s the same or this was just what his workplace looked like. It would be amazing to shoot him from home. The place where he’s most relaxed and comfortable. It would be a sight I’d love to experience, and just the thought of it made my skin tingle with need. A need to shoot this gorgeous man in his most comfortable area.

Suddenly, Grant appeared. He was wearing nothing but underwear and my mouth went dry. The underwear chosen was much too tight, but I loved the sight. It showed off his package magnificently. So magnificent, I’m frozen in place and felt myself staring. Realizing I’m gawking at the man who hired me and giving my head a quick shake. Peering up at his much too gorgeous face with Grant grinning wickedly at me.

God, this was such a bad idea...

“Becca, it’s nice to see you.” Grant said as he smirked and looked down at himself. “You like what you see, beauty?”

I turned crimson under his glare and pivoted my attention towards Blair. “B-Blair, could you help me find the makeup I should use today?”

I ignored his question. Knowing I needed to focus, and this man had me anything but that. I needed to snap out of it, and fast. Blair grinned at me, I’m sure anybody could see how flustered I was at that moment and she took me over towards the makeup.

“Just so you know, I don’t blame you one bit.” Blair whispered as she glanced back at Grant and towards me. “I don’t know how you can control yourself around him because he’s quite the specimen.”

“T-thanks.” I stammered as I fumbled with the makeup, tried to focus, and decided which to use.

“I will leave you two and you can work your magic.” Blair announced as she clapped her hands together and playfully winked at me. “Thanks for saving the day, Becca.”

“You’re welcome and not a problem.” I responded with a smile and turned my attention towards the makeup in front of me.

Grant walked over and took his seat. The trailer felt much too small with him this close. It’s hard to breathe, and I gulped with anticipation. He’s staring at me through the mirror with his intense gaze unwavering. I’m left blushing as I picked up a brush and began.

“So, how did you end up with this job? You couldn’t get enough of me, could you?” Grant teased playfully, and I blushed under his gaze.

“Your normal makeup artist couldn’t make it, and Merlin's stressed, so I volunteered for the day.” I responded and tried my best to keep it together.

Trying to keep my nerves from getting the best of me and applying what little makeup he needs. His gorgeous features don’t even require makeup and his masculine skin was flawless. He’s just pure perfection and being this close to him was affecting me in more ways than one.

“That’s very nice of you, Becca, you’re a very special woman.” Grant breathed and my hands worked through his hair. His brown gorgeous locks had an auburn tint to it when the light hit it just right. His hair was so soft and silky under my touch. “Very special indeed.”

My womanly parts sang.

His hand reached up and took mine as he jogged it down his face. I dropped the brush I’d been holding, but it doesn’t stop either of us from being lost in the moment. It completely drew my body towards him. Watching him with my breathing picking up and hearing my heart pound in my ears. His piercing green eyes watching me, bringing my fingertips to his lips and gently caressing his bottom lip.

“I can’t help myself with you, beauty. There’s just something about you, something I can’t place.” He sighed as his breath caressed my skin and goosebumps prickled my body.

He ever so slowly caressed my fingertips one by one and kissed them softly. His lips are full and soft. His gaze did not leave my face, and I sighed under his touch. My body felt like it’s on fire and I couldn’t pull myself away. I’m trapped under his spell. Mr. Grant Bennett was doing something to me I had absolutely no control over and loved every damn minute of it.