Wearing just a casual gray T-shirt and jeans, James looked disarmingly hot and sexy, the down-to-earth type I found hard not to fall deeply for. As he strolled toward me, I didn't miss the graceful sway of his hips and the slight swing of his powerful shoulders. Not to mention his gorgeous face, which at the moment was grinning with delight from the fun time he had with his daughter.

The man made himself comfortable beside me. He even planted a kiss on my cheek when Aria wasn't looking.

"You're having fun." I began the conversation as I gazed at his profile.

"You should join us," he said.

I chuckled. "I'd probably demand you slow down, as Aria did."

"Was I really too fast?" he asked innocently.

Gosh, this man was truly more than meets the eye. The more I got to know him and the deeper our relationship became, the more he revealed himself to me.

I licked my lips and touched his strong jawline with my palm. That made him turn his eyes to me.

He grinned and asked, "What's this all of a sudden, Mia? Are you teasing me again?" He leaned closer and whispered hotly, "Do you want another sexy session like last night?"

I blushed at his inciting suggestion and pulled my hand away. I held my head high and said haughtily, "That was way too much, James. Honestly, five times? I don't think I can handle that too often. You need to think about my health. I'm not fit like you, you know."

He chuckled and made me a lascivious offer. "How about me as your personal trainer?"

I cocked my head to one side. "What?"

"Both in the gym and in the bedroom," he explained.

I chuckled at the same time I gave him a weak, playful punch on his shoulder. "No thank you," I said. "I'm fine as I am."

After that, I was quiet for a moment as I watched Aria playing with Sammy and Alfie. I thought it'd have to be now or never if I were going to bring up the topic of the little girl and her overbearing nanny.

Clearing my throat, I began. "James?"

"Hmm?" He glanced at me. "What is it?"

I licked my lips and then said, "It's about Aria."

I noted he became serious instantly. Perhaps he could sense in my voice the subject needed his full attention.

"What about her?" he asked.

I sighed, praying hard he wasn't going to be pissed that I was intervening in his family affairs.

Before I freaked out and changed my mind, I blurted out, "Do you think Sophie is somehow bullying Aria?" I paused and shook my head, needing to clarify my proposition. "What I mean is I noticed Aria behaves differently when she's around Sophie, like she's afraid of the woman or something. Not like when she's around you or me. With me, she's so outgoing and hyperactive, and she speaks her mind and behaves as a child should. But with Sophie, she's different. She's distant and quiet and-- I don't know. Her behavior is just different, like she has to sort of restrict herself somewhat."

I finally drifted my eyes to James to see if his expression would tell me he was upset with me for bringing up this subject about his daughter's behavior.

His expression was a sort of mask, which I had no clue what it meant. Then I wondered if this was the poker face he usually wore when he was doing business deals.

I licked my lips and continued in a hurry. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have intervened." I turned away, hoping like hell he'd forget the topic.

The moment I did so, however, James demanded, "Mia, look at me."

I regretted it immediately. God, I shouldn't have brought up the issue, and now I must suffer the consequences.

Reluctantly I turned to look at him, more than a little afraid.

"Why do you bring up the subject?" he asked.

I blinked. Shit! Why was he asking me this? Wasn't it obvious I cared about Aria? That I cared about him? That I was head over heels in love with him and I wanted to be more than just his mistress? That I wanted more to be than just a friend to Aria?

"Because I care about Aria," I said, looking into his eyes. I wanted to tell him I meant what I said, that there was no hidden agenda.

His face still a hard mask, he asked, "Why do you care about Aria?"

I furrowed my brow. God, did he really need me to spell out each word and explain its meaning?

"Because I love her, James; that's why. She's such a sweet child, and she's your daughter. Granted, I've never been with children before, but with Aria, I feel we just kind of click."

Like it clicks when I'm with you, I wanted to say.

"I care about her a lot, James. I'm worried Sophie is hurting her like..."

"Like?" He probed.

I sighed and reluctantly said, "Like the way my aunt and uncle used to hurt me. It's not nice, James. It hurt and scarred. It breaks you and drags you down. The scars, they don't go away. It haunts you at night and..."

I took in a deep breath, feeling tears brewing in my eyes. "And... it's painful, those nightmares... Those memories..."

Suddenly I felt my body being pulled forward, and I found myself burying my face against the side of James's neck. I was in James's arms, I realized, and I took full advantage of it. I just didn't care at that moment if Aria saw us in such an intimate embrace. I needed to be in James's arms. I wanted to be in James's arms, and nothing else mattered.

I sniffed and inhaled his manly scent, which calmed the turmoil that erupted within me.

"You've been through a lot, haven't you?" he asked softly.

I had no idea how this came to be. I thought we were talking about Aria and Sophie. So how did it turn out like this? Me blurting out my past? Me being consoled by James?

Nonetheless, I didn't care and took advantage. It was nice in James's comforting arms, being pampered by him. He made me feel safe. He made me feel I was of worth, like I was one of a kind and important.

"Feel like telling me about it?" he asked gently. "I'm all ears."

I shuddered involuntarily at his kind offer and lightly chuckled with joy. I'd been waiting for this moment, hadn't I? I'd been wanting to tell someone, anyone, I could trust. And here was James, like a knight in shining armor, presenting himself to me in such an unconventional way.

I wrapped my arms around him and nodded eagerly. Then I began my tale, telling him of how my wonderful parents had died during a car accident when I'd been twelve, of how Andy and I were severely injured. This was followed by our new home with Uncle Herbert and Aunt Miley, which began our teenage years of being bullied and molested. I recited how Uncle Herbert had sexually assaulted Andy and me, how he'd whip us with his belt, how he and his wife would verbally bully us, which ultimately planted some very dark scars inside us.

I told him when I was seventeen, I took Andy with me and ran away, thus ending that torturous life. I still had nightmares of the car accident, and sometimes I dreamed of Uncle Herbert coming to me at night and doing all sorts of disgusting things to me, like torturing me and whipping me. That sometimes he'd go too far and end up killing me, which scared me witless.

By the time I had finished, I was crying like a baby, tears streaming down my cheeks. God, I couldn't believe this was happening, that I was telling James about my dark past, that I was in his arms and crying my heart out.

"Shh..." James comforted me, his hands stroking my back, which helped ease my painful thoughts of my past and fears of the unknown future. I was still scared that one day Uncle Herbert would eventually find me and...

I didn't want to think about it and blanked my mind at the possibility.

James kissed my forehead gently and said, "You're safe with me, Mia. Nothing is going to hurt you again, not your aunt, not your uncle, not anyone. I promise."

I looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity there. I knew he meant what he said because he was James, and James never went back on his word where I was concerned. I knew he'd keep me safe, that he'd annihilate anyone who would dare to hurt me or anyone I cared about. Hadn't I seen it already when Andy had been kidnapped by the Mexican?

I felt my heart glow w

ith affection and nodded my head. Then I couldn't help myself and raised my face to his in an offering. I wanted him to kiss me, because to me, that intimate act was like a seal to our promise, an oath of sorts of him keeping me safe and bound to him.

James lowered his face toward me and was about to kiss me when Aria's voice interrupted us.

"What ya doing, Daddy?"

I hastily pulled back and hid my face against James's chest, feeling totally embarrassed, as if I'd just been caught red-handed doing something very wicked.

I wiped tears from my eyes and cheeks before the little girl could see me in such a disheveled state.

"Mia?" Aria queried tentatively.

I could feel her adorable face close to mine as I was doing my utmost to hide from her. The little girl wouldn't let me off the hook and even went so far as to draw my attention by touching my cheek with her small hand.