James continued to intensely make love to me three more times. It was as if he couldn't get enough, kissing me, licking me, and devouring me as if I were precious to him. This, of course, pleased me to no end and made me so deliciously happy I couldn't help but express to him in my own way how gratified I was.

I did this by kissing him, pouring out all my love for him through my moaning and groaning, whispering words of love for him, of how wonderful it was to have him with me, doing this to me.

It was only when I was completely exhausted, when I couldn't move an inch, that James finally relented and ceased his lovemaking.

"I think that's enough for tonight," he said, gathering me into his arms, allowing me to drift off to sleep.

When next I woke, it was to find myself still embraced tightly in James's arms. I blinked twice, trying to remember what had happened earlier that evening. Suddenly everything came back to me in a flood of memories, and I found myself blushing profusely.

Gosh! What a day this had been. First I had enjoyed myself tremendously at Disneyland, not only with James but with Aria as well. Then after dinner, I had seduced James.

I sighed as I raised my eyes to look at the man sleeping beside me. To think he took me four times, thrusting into me so vigorously, making love to me so passionately, was beyond imaginable.

I rested my hand on his cheek and smiled, thinking how handsome he was. Wondering why on earth he was so attracted to me, the sister to a young man who owed him two million dollars.

I sighed and then snuggled my face against his chest, inhaling his scent I had come to love. Then slowly I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep once again, content.

When I next woke up, I realized it was nearly dawn and I really had to get back to my own room. After all, I didn't want anyone to walk in and encounter me in James's bedroom, in his arms and in this very intimate state. Not to mention I was butt naked. I'd surely be so embarrassed, and of course this would only confirm the staff's suspicions of me that I was trading my body in order to get my hands on a luxurious lifestyle.

I wiggled myself gently so as to not wake James. Once I was out of his embrace, I wondered what I should do in order to get myself back to my own room unseen. Obviously, I just couldn't walk out into the hallway and run to my room stark naked. And there was no way I could wear my dress or underwear now since James had already destroyed those during our intense lovemaking. Of course, wrapping a bedsheet around me was out of the question since, if anyone were to see me, it'd look even more suspicious.

I drifted my gaze to James's wardrobe, and my mind clicked into gear. His work shirt would have to do for now. There was simply no other option.

My mind made up, I rushed over to his wardrobe and raided his closet for something to wear. I grabbed the first one that caught my attention, which was a blue button-down. I quickly put it on, and thinking it was best not to waste time, I headed back out of the walk-in wardrobe as I was buttoning up.

I was just halfway done when I felt as though someone were watching me.

Hesitantly I raised my head, and not surprisingly, my eyes met James's.

I licked my lips as my heart raced. Shit! I was caught red-handed. No, I wasn't stealing. I was simply borrowing James's shirt--without his permission. But then again, he was asleep and I didn't want to wake him. That'd be bothersome. And I was going to inform him in the morning at breakfast anyway. So surely there was no harm done.

"Hello?" he greeted, his eyes intense on me. Well, more specifically on the blue shirt.

I replied guiltily, "Hi. Erm... I needed something to wear back to my room."

James narrowed his eyes and said, "Who said you're allowed to go back to your room?"

What is this? Why did he sound cold and controlling all of a sudden?

"Well...," I began, licking my lips. "I certainly didn't want anyone to barge in here and see me naked in your bed right next to you; that's for sure. Especially Aria."

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because," I said, but I didn't know how to continue. Honestly, he of all people should understand how fragile this situation was.

He changed the subject. "Mia, have you been having any pain or irritation?"

I cocked my head to one side. What was he on about now? Pain? Irritation? I frowned in confusion. As far as I knew, I didn't have pain or irritation anywhere. I shrugged and said, "No, why?"

He seemed to be relieved by my answer.

When he didn't probe further, I took a step toward the door.

"All right then," I said. "I'm going to go now."

James made a noise that sounded like a snort. Then he said darkly, "Is my shirt your clothing now?"

I raised my brows, wondering why he'd ask me such a question. I'd already told him why I needed it, didn't I?

I held my head high and said haughtily, just to get back at him, "It is."

With that, I continued my way toward the exit, thinking no more needed to be said. Surely he understood.

I was about to turn the door handle when, in a flash, I felt James behind me. Curious, I glanced over my shoulder, and to my horror and surprise, I found him looming over me, a dark smile playing about his sensual lips.

Then I was in his arms, and a moment later, I found myself on my back on the bed. Hovering over me was James, his eyes and face passionately dark.

"James?" I asked. "What are you doing?"

"You look beautiful in my shirt, Mia," he said, smiling. "I should have let you wear it sooner."

I smiled cheekily. "So you like me wearing your shirt?"

His reply was a kiss on my lips. "I fucking love it on you."

His words excited me, and I knew what his intention was. It would be the fifth time tonight if he was going to make love to me again, which I was sure he was.

And I wasn't wrong about that. James slowly unbuttoned his shirt and arranged it so it sat haphazardly around my body, my front completely bare, an enticing view for him to feast upon.

A moment later, I found him kissing me passionately, his tongue exploring me wildly. I responded to his kiss by wrapping my arms around him, drawing him even closer.

I cried out softly, moaning and groaning into his mouth. It wasn't long before James drove into me and made me cry in pleasure.

Chapter 11


As I sat there in the park, I watched Aria enjoying herself, playing with James and their dogs Sammy and Alfie. James was currently chasing after Aria, who had a fifty-count advantage starting the game of tag.

I knew James would catch up to her in no time, just as he had previously. Once he had seized her in his arms, he'd again kiss her repeatedly and tickle her, which would make Aria laugh out gleefully.

My eyes followed James's lean, fit form as he sprinted across the field. I couldn't help but marvel at how handsome he was as he laughed delightfully while chasing after his daughter. To me, this scene made me again wonder about James's character. When he was acting so down-to-earth and caref

ree like this, it just didn't feel that he was in actual fact a ruthless billionaire who ruled an underground business world and dealt with various brutal gangs.

Here he was, behaving so normally, like any other father with a young child would, pampering his daughter and enjoying spending time with her on a Sunday morning.

I chuckled when I saw Aria glance behind her small shoulder to take a peek at her father to see how far away he was, just like I'd no doubt do if James were to chase after me. To her shocked surprise, James was almost on to her. I could feel her excitement and alarm when the little girl laughed and shrieked at the same time in response as she tried to run faster. But of course, with her tiny legs, she couldn't possibly outrun James.

When she realized her endeavor was futile, she shouted, "Daddy! You have to slow down. It's not fair. Slow down. You're not supposed to catch me so fast like that."

James shouted in the distance, "Sorry, sweetheart." Then he reduced his speed, which in my opinion didn't really make much of a difference. Meanwhile, behind James, both Sammy and Alfie, two balls of fluffy white fur, were doing their best racing behind him, trying to catch up.

Aria, despite the advantage of that fifty-count start and James slowing his speed, didn't get very far. Not a moment later, James caught her in his arms, and the two tumbled onto the freshly cut grass, rolling themselves about, laughing heartily. Alfie and Sammy caught up to father and daughter and eagerly joined in.

From this far, I could hear their noisy, joyful laughter and, of course, vigorous barking from the two hyperactive canines. Suddenly the scene took me back to my childhood. It was when I'd been around eight or nine years old, living in New Hampshire. I remembered Mom, Dad, Andy, and I would go to the park every other Sunday for our picnic when the weather was good. We'd play tag, and Dad would chase after Andy and me across the field while Mom would just sit there and watch us from the distance. It had been great fun, and I didn't have a care in the world. Life had been beautiful back then, as I was sure life was exactly that right now for Aria.

The thought of Aria and her happiness reminded me once again that I really had to talk to James about Sophie and her behavior toward the little girl. When I saw James heading my way a moment later and that Aria was still playing with the dogs, I knew this was my chance.