“Fuck, slow the fuck down. You getting killed in an accident isn’t going to help anyone. Listen, Brody just talked to Shannon, and he said she’s really upset, but he said that she told him she’s upset for probably no reason. So just calm the fuck down. It’s probably nothing.”

I want to believe him, I really do, but something is telling me he’s wrong. There is something wrong. I feel it. “I want to believe it, but I can’t. Not until I know everything is fine.” I hear Brody yelling and Jax throwing tools in his box.

“How far away are you from her place?” I don’t know how I did it so fast, but I’m only fifteen minutes away. I tell him that and he tells me to hold on. I curse and smack my steering wheel when I get stuck at a light. “Brother, listen. Brody and I are leaving here in a few minutes. We will meet you there, so if you leave for some reason, make sure you call me and let me know, all right? Don’t forget.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” I hear his car start and he’s yelling for Brody.

“Blake, you are our brother, which makes London our sister. We’re there for family.” I hear his door close and listen to him peel out, much as I did. “All right, Brody is with me. We’re right behind you.”

You couldn’t ask for better family. We hang up and minutes later, I’m flying up her street. I pull into the driveway and jump out of the truck, running to the door. I try the handle but it’s locked. I bang on the door, but nothing. Her car is here, so she must be. I peek in the front window but the house is eerily quiet. I go around back and try the sliding door, but it’s also locked.

“What the fuck!” I search for something to break the glass, and I end up picking up a chair and hitting it against the window next to the door. I hit it three times before it finally breaks, and I use the legs of the chair to knock out all the glass so I don’t cut myself. I climb in and look around the dining room, seeing nothing. “London?” I rush into the living room, and I stop dead in my tracks when I glance down the hallway. “London?” I start walking toward her, but the guy who I have to believe is her ex has one arm around her throat and the other around her waist. I want to fucking kill him. No, I am going to kill him, but not until he drops the knife he’s holding against her stomach. She’s crying uncontrollably, her lip is swollen and bloody, her eye is swollen shut, and I can only imagine what else he’s done to her.

“Blake, I was losing faith in you. I thought when you didn’t hear from your piece of ass, you’d come running a lot faster.”

My blood is boiling. I want to fucking lunge at him. “Listen, why don’t you just let London go and you and I can handle this like men. Real men that beat the shit out of each other, not women.” He jerks her head back and she screams out. “Fuck, stop.” I’ve never felt so useless. I start to slowly walk toward them, hoping to get close enough to grab his hand.

“Stop right there or I will fucking stick this knife in her.” I stop immediately. “Good. Let’s go to the living room, because this little slut has a lot to tell you.” I can’t take it. I run at him and he cuts her


“You fucking piece of shit. I’ll fucking kill you, that’s a promise.” He just stares at me and London shakes her head. “Fine, to the living room.” I watch him drag her, and I feel sick to my stomach. If I try to help her, he’ll hurt her worse, so here I am like a fucking pussy watching my girl bleeding. He pulls her down to the floor with him and points for me to sit in front of them.

“This is cozy. Now, like I said, she has a lot to tell you.”

I stare at London and the fear and pain I see brings tears to my eyes. “Talk to me, baby.”

He tightens his hold on her neck and I shut up. “Shut up! Tell him who you are and who I am.” I watch her as she closes her one eye that isn’t swollen shut already.

“My real name is Laken Walsh. London Tweed is the name I picked for writing. This is Axel.” He shakes his head and whispers something in her ear. “We were supposed to get married but I ran.” What the fuck? Her name is Laken and this fucking piece of shit was her fiancé?

“So, you see, Blake, she was never yours. She belongs to me, and she’ll be coming home with me. She was a dirty slut, sleeping around and who the fuck knows what else, but her play time is over. Time to come home and be my wife.”

Is this guy for real? He’s crazier than I thought. I need to get him to come after me and leave her alone. “You really think she’s going to choose you over me? I mean, shit, look at you. Not only are you a pussy who beats women, but you’re a dork. Maybe if you went to the gym, got a few tattoos, and learned how to treat a woman, you’d be half the man I am, but from what I see, that’s not happening.” I can see it in his face. I’m pissing him off. I just fucking hope he comes at me and doesn’t hurt her anymore. “I bet you have to pay women to fuck you. You probably can’t even get it up most of the time.” I can see panic on London’s, or Laken’s, or whatever the fuck her name is, face, but I need to keep going. I need to get him off her. “London and I have the best sex life. She loves when I fuck her. She screams my name, my name.” Nothing yet. “That make you happy? Knowing I can please her and you never could? She told me that. She told me that you were the worst sex she ever had and that I am the best she ever had. I mean, look at me though, compared to you.”

That finally does it. He comes at me with the knife and London screams. I grab his arm. I’m surprised by his strength, but it’s nothing compared to the rage running through me. I punch him in the stomach, and when he tries to punch me with the other hand, I knee him in the junk.

He drops the knife and I throw him up against the wall. I start hitting him over and over in the face and in the stomach. I’m no longer in control of my body. Seeing what he did to London, I’m going to kill him, and I couldn’t stop even if I wanted.

“You fucking piece of shit. I’m going to kill you. I’m going to kill you with my bare fucking hands for what you did to her.” I just keep going, even when he starts sliding down the wall. I grab him and wrap my hands around his throat. “My face is the last face you’ll ever see, so get a good look.” He tries to pull my hands away, but I’m no match. I can see his eyes starting to close, and I don’t even give a fuck I’m taking his life.

Suddenly I’m ripped off him with my arms pinned at my side. “What the fuck are you doing?” Jax yells. I don’t know what to do at this point. I just start to cry. I haven’t cried since I was a kid, but it comes crashing over me. “Go to your girl. We’ve got him.” I turn around, see London lying on the floor, and I run to her.

“Oh God, baby, please look at me.” I pick her up and hold her against me. I’m crying harder than I’ve ever cried in my life when she stares up at me. “Holy shit, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here. I’m so sorry.” She swallows a few times, and I can’t handle the pain she is in. “Jax, call 9-1-1, fuck.” He yells that he already did.

“I’m sorry. I should have told you everything. I was scared to lose you.” We’re both crying, and I can see the physical pain she’s in.

“Never. I told you, you’d never lose me. I don’t care what your name is, what happened in your past, I love you.” She tries to wrap her arms around me and cries out in pain. “What hurts, baby?”

She swallows again a few times and tries to get her tears under control. “Everything. I have a few broken ribs for sure.” I break down and let out a sound that I didn’t know was possible. She’s in so much fucking pain because of this, and I don’t know how to handle it.

“Blake, the cops are here. I’m going to let them in. Brody has that piece of shit pinned on the floor.”

I don’t even care. I can’t turn away from her. “Help is here. They’re going to help you.” We continue to cry, and when one of the cops comes over and sees us, I hear him curse when he takes London in. “He did this to her, please help her.” Within minutes, the paramedics are there wheeling in a stretcher.

“Sir, I’m going to lay this board down, and I want you to help us put her on here, all right?” I nod my head, staring down at her. They lay it down in front of me, and one paramedic goes by her head and another by her legs. “I’m going to wrap this around her neck first.” He puts the brace around her neck, and she cries, with pleading eyes at me. “All right, on my count, we’re going to lay her down.” He begins counting, and I kiss her swollen lips.

“I’ll never let anything bad happen to you again.” We lay her on the board and she screams in agony, causing me to buckle over and cry into her chest. “I’m so sorry, baby.”