Chapter Sixteen


I woke up today still in a great mood. Having London home is like the world lifted off my shoulders. When she ran to me in the front yard and jumped into my arms, I knew everything was going to be fine. That night, I did make love to her. I couldn’t fuck her. I wanted her to feel exactly how I feel, and what better way? Spending the day together yesterday, just goofing around, talking, and getting a little kinky in the pool, shit, that was amazing. It was one of the best days we’ve had together for sure. I hated letting her leave last night, but I knew she had crap to do, so I didn’t fight her too hard. I texted her before bed, but she must have been asleep already.

I finish my breakfast and get dressed before Jax starts bitching we need to leave. I don’t know why he does that. We take different vehicles most of the time. He just likes to be a dick sometimes, I think. I get dressed and smile when I pass him in the hallway. “Shut up, asshole, I overslept.” I just laugh as I sit down on the couch to have a quick s

moke. I just put it out when Jax comes down the hallway, hopping on one foot trying to tie his shoes. “Come on, we’re going to be late.” I try to hold back my laugh, but hell, he’s too easy to laugh at right now.

“Brother, what the fuck are you doing? Sit down and tie your damn boots. Brody isn’t going to fire us if we’re five minutes late.”

He flips me off, but sits down to tie his boots. “So, London coming over for dinner?”

I stand up and put my phone and wallet in my pants. “Nope. She’s making me dinner tonight. You and Kallie will just have to learn to entertain yourselves without my help.”

He laughs and we leave, taking separate vehicles like usual. It’s about an hour drive to the job, so I have the radio turned up, tapping on my steering wheel. It’s nice out this morning, so I have the windows open and I laugh when Jax tries to be an asshole and stop short in front of me. I mean, shit, I’d crush him in this truck.

We finally get to the job, and I grab my tools and head inside behind Jax. “Finally.” I laugh and look at Jax, who doesn’t find it funny at all.

“Brody, relax. We hit a little traffic.” He mumbles under his breath, and I walk over to him, wrapping my arm around his shoulder. “Lack of sex getting to you, man?” He elbows me in the stomach, but never denies it, so clearly that’s it. Jax and I laugh, but Brody never joins in.

We work for about three hours, and as usual, Jax and I are goofing off. I just put his hammer up in the rafters and hid the ladder outside. I can’t stop laughing, and he picks up his water bottle and throws it at me, hitting me in the chest. We both laugh and I feel my phone buzz my pocket. I pull it out and it’s Shannon. My heart drops and I press answer but don’t talk to her yet.

“I need to take this. I’ll be right back in.” He nods and finds another ladder, setting it up to get his hammer. “Shannon? What’s wrong?”

“Blake? I don’t know what’s wrong, but I have a bad feeling.”

I pull out a cigarette because now I’m getting really nervous. “Why? What happened?” I don’t like the panic in her voice.

“I can’t get a hold of London. I know her schedule as well as I know mine. I always talk to her on her way to work. I called her and she didn’t answer. I called back like thirty times and nothing. I finally called her work, and her boss said she didn’t show up, but also didn’t call out.”

My heart is beating frantically in my chest. I feel like I’m going to have a fucking heart attack. “Fuck. I’m an hour away, but I’m leaving right now. I’ll call you when I get there and find out what the hell is going on.” I jump up and throw my cigarette.

“Blake, has London talked to you since she came home?”

That stops me in my tracks. “Talked to me about what?” She doesn’t say anything and I’m losing patience. “Talked to me about what, Shannon?”

“Her past?”

I don’t have time for these fucking games. Something could have happened to her, and suddenly Shannon wants to talk about her past. “Seriously? Right now, you want to talk about this? We’re wasting time.” I hear her blow out a breath and my stomach turns. “What the fuck is it, Shannon? Just say it.”

“It’s her ex. He’s crazy. What if he found her?”

What the fuck? “Crazy how?”

She’s quiet again and I have no time for this shit. I mean, she tells me all this, and now she wants to dive into some deep conversation. I need to get to my girl.

“Just crazy. I’m probably just paranoid, but she wasn’t happy I put that picture on Facebook, and now I can’t get a hold of her. Just hurry and get there and call me when you do.”

I tell her I will, then hang up, and run into the house. “Jax, Brody. I need to go. Something is wrong. No one can get a hold of London.”

I don’t grab my tools, and I don’t wait for a reply. I run out to my truck and peel out of there, kicking up dust from the dirt driveway. I blow through stop signs and barely stop at lights. I can’t get to her fast enough. My mind is all over the place. A crazy ex-boyfriend? What the fuck? She wasn’t happy about Shannon putting up a picture on Facebook? What the fuck is going on? Was she hiding from him, was he just a crazy, stage-five clinger, or was it serious crazy? Honestly, Shannon might have us both going crazy for nothing. Maybe London just overslept or was drunk and passed out like the other time I couldn’t get a hold of her. I need to calm down because I’m going to be no help to anyone with the amount of adrenaline going through me right now.

My cell phone rings and I don’t bother looking at it. I just hit speakerphone. “Yeah?”

“Blake, what the fuck is going on?”

Leave it to Jax to call me when I need someone the most. “Brother, I have no idea. Shannon told me she can’t get a hold of her, she didn’t show up for work, and she has a crazy ex. I don’t know what the fuck to think. My mind is all over the place and I don’t fucking like it.” I make a sharp right, causing the tires to squeal.