“Nonsense. I like helping you.” His smile was broad. Confusion seeped into her brain. Why couldn’t she like him? Why was it Loucas Aleksandros, a total control freak, who drove her body wild?
“Thanks.” They finished the fitted sheet and both reached for the top sheet at the same time.
Mikey moved her hand away quickly, her eyes not able to meet his.
“Snap,” Bobby grinned, and he lifted the folded sheet and tapped her lightly on the rear. It was at that moment (of course, because clearly there was a divine plan to tangle Mikey’s love life just as much as possible) that Loucas strode into the room.
He had pulled on a pair of low slung jeans, and nothing else. His expression gave little away, but the way his eyes darkened when they met Mikey’s told her everything she needed to know. He’d seen Bobby’s flirtation, and he wasn’t happy about it. His lips curled derisively as he surveyed the room.
“Bobby, you should go. I can help Mikey and Nanny Paxton to settle the boy.”
Bobby jerked his head in confusion. He wasn’t sure why the Greek tycoon was getting involved now, but he didn’t like it. “I don’t mind, fella,” Bobby said good naturedly.
“Nonsense. This is not your job. I need you at your best to tutor Andrew, not exhausted from... nocturnal activities.”
Mikey winced, and buried her head. She was glad to have the task of bed making to give her a credible reason not to watch the tense interplay. To her mind, Loucas could not have staked his claim to her any clearer than if he’d signed his name over her naked body.
She straightened, her cheeks flushed. “Loucas is right, Bobby. Nanny Paxton and I have this under control. Neither of you needs to stay.”
“I want to see my nephew calmed,” Loucas contradicted quietly.
Mikey gritted her teeth. Of course he had an answer for everything. She flashed Bobby a bright smile, and it was unknowingly filled with gentle affection. Both men saw it, and it sparked a very different reaction in each. “Okay, princess. If you insist. Thanks again for a great time today. Athens has never been so beautiful before.”
Her cheeks were pink. Mikey could only be relieved that Nanny Paxton had taken Andrew to her own adjacent bedroom, and was therefore spared the tensions that was throbbing between the three.
“Aleksandros,” he said, formally, nodding his head.
Loucas didn’t respond. His eyes were locked on Mikey.
He waited until they were alone, and then pulled her into his arms. “You cannot see him socially, agape mou.”
Her eyes were furious ice chips in her face, her voice a stony whisper. “You cannot tell me who I can and can’t spend time with.”
He kissed her, hard, on the lips. It was over almost before it had begun, but it still had the power to reduce Mikey to a puddle of sensation. “I can, and I will. The man is clearly in love with you. If you are with me, you are not with him.”
She chortled, a strangled cry. “I am not with you.”
She stabbed the sheet beneath the mattress with too much force, and it broke a nail right back. Mikey cried out in pain. “Damn you,” she said, scowling at Loucas as though he had personally inflicted the pain.
“Let me see,” he insisted, holding out his hand.
And because even when her temper was raging, she still found him mesmerising, she placed her small hand in his.
“This is just a broken nail,” he observed drily.
“Have you ever had it happen to you?”
“No,” he responded, amusement making his eyes crinkle at the corners.
“Then you don’t know how much it hurts. Let me tell you, it hurts like a ...” she swallowed the curse she’d been about to make. “Well, it hurts.”
“Poor little lamb,” he said, lifting the finger to his mouth. “Can I kiss it better?”
Her small sigh was all he needed for an answer. He took her finger into his mouth and ran his tongue around it. And all over again, Mikey’s body began to reverberate on his frequency.
She had to regain control of the situation. Or she’d be begging him to finish what they’d started earlier right here, on Andrew’s bed.
Reluctantly, she pulled at her hand, removing it from his mouth. His eyes, when they locked with hers, were full of emotion.