He shook his head. “Never.”

He paused only to provide them both with the necessary protection, a sheath to maintain that vital distance, then, he nudged once more at her entrance. A cry broke out, that startled him. He looked down at her. She was still beneath him.

“What was that?”

“Andrew,” she squeezed her eyes shut, as reality finally burst through the wall she’d constructed.

“Oh my God,” she pushed at his chest, and wriggled out from beneath him. Nausea rose in her throat, as the realisation of what they’d been about to do – what they’d already done, crashed against her. She looked around for her clothes. Her underwear had landed on the floor across the room, and the flimsy white cotton of her briefs was taunting her now.

She got up and walked, on legs that wobbled, to the panties.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her around. She hadn’t even realizedd he wasn’t still in bed. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to him,” she said, unable to meet his eyes. “It’s what we do when he has a nightmare.”

His cheeks were flushed with color. “Can’t Nanny Paxton see to him?”

Her level gaze was filled with ice-cold judgement, to hide her own pain and desperate disappointment. “No. I am the only one who seems able to calm him of a night.”

Another cry broke through the walls of his room.

“Will you come back here afterwards?” Loucas didn’t like this. He thought he had things in control, but her leaving him like this was making him furious. Angry and dark. He wanted to take her away, to his Athens home, so that there could be no interruptions. Just day after day after day of exploring one another’s bodies.

She shook her head. “I can’t,” her voice cracked. Her body was still raw with need. But guilt was there, too. She’d taken advantage of Loucas when he’d been emotional and overwrought. She touched his shoulder gently. “This was not your fault. I wanted you as much as you wanted me. But... maybe we should be saying saved by the bell, huh?”

“Saved by the bell?” He dragged a hand through his hair. “Damn it, Mikey, this is not over. I don’t know what is going on between us, but I know that I am going to have you.”

Mikey pulled her shorts on, then her top. It was torn a little at the collar. Loucas watched in chagrin as she arranged her hair over the tear, so that it was disguised. He had become an animal with her.

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe.” Her smile was lopsided. “Probably. But for now, I’m going to Andrew, and you are going to bed.” She stood on tiptoes so that she could whisper into his ear. “And if you should dream about me, so much the better.”

He closed his eyes. He knew she would fill his dreams, as she had done every night since he came to the island.

“You will be mine, Mikey.”

She flashed him a knowing smile. “Perhaps. But not tonight.”

As she hurried down the hallway, Mikey hoped against hope that she didn’t look like she’d just climbed out of Loucas’s bed. Nanny Paxton was with Andrew, when she entered his room. And Bobby was there too. His eyes seemed to linger on Mikey for a moment too long, causing her to blush. She couldn’t have said it was because he harboured a crush on her, or if he could guess that she’d just been about to make love to their billionaire host.

Neither supposition mattered. Her eyes fell to Andrew, who was being hugged by Nanny Paxton. He was slowly calming down. Mikey moved over to Bobby. Whatever he’d thought when she walked in, his smile was kind, now.

“What happened?” Guilt made her more professional sounding than normal.

“Nightmare. And he’s wet the bed.”

Mikey nodded. His accidents were now only at night, but they were a sign that he was still extremely emotionally precarious.

“Why are you here?” She softened the question with a smile. Bobby did not usually attend to Andrew of a night.

He lifted his hand and tucked her hair behind her ear. A small frown was on his lips as he wondered why it was so messy, compared to its usual style. “I was awake. Reliving pleasant memories,” he murmured, for the benefit of her hearing alone.

More guilt frayed the edges of her equilibrium. Mikey knew then that she’d been seriously wrong to lead Bobby on. Though she had insisted to him that she wasn’t interested in a relationship, he had made his feelings for her clear. And she’d continued to spend time with him. She’d encouraged him, because she’d wanted to believe that they could be friends. Worse, she’d encouraged him because she’d wanted to believe he was the kind of man she could fall for. She’d turned him into a sort of science experiment.

She gave him a blank nod, hating that she was going to hurt him, and crossed the room, to Andrew’s bed. “I’ll make the bed, Nanny Paxton. He’s happy with you.”

Nanny Paxton nodded, easing the small boy into her arms and standing. Mikey was glad for the distraction of changing his sheets. Though, as she went to snap the first elastic corner into place, Bobby took the other corner, and moved it over the mattress.

“You don’t have to help me,” she demurred, not meeting his eyes.