Loucas’s eyes widened with burning sensations. Surprise, pride, relief and excitement. Something else was there, too, something more complex, that Mikey didn’t understand. Something dark and afraid. She pushed it aside.
Mikey Jones had lived her whole life being sensible, being plain and being told how to feel. This man had shown her what her body was capable of, and she’d walk to the ends of the earth, over steaming hot coals, if he said it would feel good.
He lifted one of her hands to his mouth and kissed the soft flesh of her inner wrist. Then, he lowered it, and clipped a cuff in place. “Lie down.” His voice was thick.
She did as he said.
He slid the other cuff through the bed post, then, kissed her inner wrist and cuffed her. She pulled at her hands instinctively, but nothing moved. The bedpost did not rattle. Her hands did not give.
A tiny bead of worry sparked in her tummy, but Loucas moved over her before it could take hold.
“You teased me, before,” he said, straddling her, positioning his manhood tantalisingly close to her entrance.
“I...” she gulped. “I did?”
“Mmm,” he agreed. “When you were on top of me, moving, like this,” and he rotated his hips, so that his erection brushed against her entrance. “And like this,” again, he moved, but this time, he did to Mikey what she had done to him. He took her nipples in his fingertips, and rolled them, then massaged outwards, rubbing the generous curves of her breasts.
“Loucas,” she groaned. “That feels too good.”
He laughed softly. “Too good? How can anything feel too good?”
He was right. It might have been making breathing impossible, but she wouldn’t give up this feeling for anything.
“Besides,” he promised with a confidence she would later come to comprehend, “we have not started yet. You must decide what you want, Mikey. Until you tell me what you want, it will just be this.”
Again, she pulled at her hands. The instinct to touch him was too strong to deny.
He knew. He understood. He smiled at her. “That will come, Arnaki, if you wish it.”
Loucas moved away from her and Mikey called out in anguished frustration. She was about to demand that he tell her where the heck he’d gone, when she felt his fingertips squeezing the flesh at the top of her legs. He held her thighs and parted them, insistently, firmly, and somehow with reverence and awe.
Unexpectedly his tongue lashed at her body, and she cried out in surprise. The feeling was so foreign, and her awareness so strong, that she felt like a thousand little fireworks had just exploded in her feminine core. He drove her over the edge with his tongue, and as she released into a state of total sexual existence, her body writhed and twisted on the bed.
“Loucas,” she murmured drowsily, when she could speak once more. “I need you.”
“I think you do, Arnaki, but I am not going to possess you until you beg me.”
She tried to pull up so that she could see him, but the handcuffs made it impossible. “But... what...?” Mikey felt outraged, and terrified, because she couldn’t go on if she didn’t know what he felt like inside of her. Something cosmic had shifted for her, and it was as if this moment was what she had lived her life for. She was practical and she was pragmatic, but in Loucas’s bed, she was a mad woman.
“My little lamb... what if I do this?” He asked, flicking his tongue against her most private parts again.
Her body arched as sensation pulled her back down into the pit of sensual oblivion; a place where reason and doubt were not welcome.
She felt her climax building, but just as she felt ready to lose control, he withdrew his magical attention and straddled her again. He was so close that she could almost feel him. Almost, but not quite.
She didn’t want to beg. It went against everything she believed sex should be about. Namely, two people expressing mutual affection and respect. No one person should have the upper hand over the other. Certainly, there should be no begging. And yet... “Please, Loucas. I need... I need to feel you.”
He tilted his head back on a laugh. “You can do better, Arnaki.”
She pulled at her hands but they held firm. She thrashed her head from side to side. She was moaning the word please over and over again, and she didn’t know it. Despair and complete sexual abandonment were driving her wild. Loucas ignored the sense of remorse in his chest. So what if he’d done exactly what he’d promised himself he wouldn’t? He hadn’t wanted to turn Mikey Jones into another conquest, but
in the end, they were both getting what they wanted. So why did a wave of guilt spread through him?
With a frustrated sigh, he reached over and unclipped her handcuffs. “I want you to feel me,” he said, softly, kindly, wishing he hadn’t pushed her into the kind of sex he liked. She was not kinky. She was sweet. And he’d taken advantage of that sweetness.
His erection was thick and heavy between his legs. “Are you certain this is what you want?”
Mikey rubbed at her wrists. They were pink from where she’d pulled hard against the handcuffs, in a moment of unguarded release. “Don’t make me beg anymore,” she whispered, her eyes beseeching.