He eyed her with an expression that looked almost dangerous. “Yes,” he hissed. “I knew what Chad Washington was capable of, Mikey, because in many ways, he was just like me.”
Something like anxiety clutched at her heart. “How? In what ways?”
He lifted a hand and traced the outline of her mouth, and Mikey sucked in a deep breath of surprise. A thousand nerve endings seemed to catch fire in her body.
“He liked women. Too much. He was no more capable of marriage and monogamy than I am.”
Desperation gnawed in Mikey. She told herself she shouldn’t care. She barely knew the man. Why should his self-character assassination upset her? Why should it feel like he was damning her future with the frank admission?
“Then why would he marry your sister at all?” Her voice came out cracked, wispy with breathlessness. He drew his finger lower, down to the cleft in her chin. Then, lower still, to the pulse point that was beating at her neck. His eyes were heavy as they followed its progress. She was still dressed as she had been for Athens. Now, she wished she was more covered up. Her flesh, exposed to his touch and scrutiny, was covered in goose bumps.
“I don’t know. Perhaps because I told him I forbade it.”
She closed her eyes, hoping to stem the tide of sensation that was making thought and speech almost impossible. “I know you are arrogant, Loucas, but surely you didn’t expect him to walk away from Helena just because you wished it?”
He dared to lower his finger still, to the valley between her breasts. Mikey knew she should object, but she didn’t. Her entire body was aching to lean closer towards him. Begging his hands to touch her all over. “It was the right thing to do. They both knew it.” He lifted his other hand and brushed it across one of her breasts. The nipple was sensitised, her flesh warm through the flimsy cotton of her shirt. His grin was laced with self-contempt, but Mikey didn’t see it, for her eyes were still shut. “But sometimes walking away and being noble isn’t as fun as giving in to what you really want.”
Her ice blue eyes opened in time to see his head descending, his intention clear. She lifted up on tiptoes and met his kiss full on.
“Self control is over-rated,” he murmured against her mouth, sliding his hands into the waistband of her shorts and squeezing her buttocks.
She moaned as pleasure swarmed her body. “I’ve never thought so before.” Mikey raising one leg and wrapping it around his strong body. Loucas lifted her easily, cradling her against his torso, her legs splayed around his back, his mouth pressed to hers as he moved them with ease to his bed. He let her fall in the center, and the last shred of his self-control properly snapped. Against the crisp slate colored bed linen, she was a vibrant creature of beauty.
He had restrained himself since that first meeting in Athens, when she’d come to him as the personification of fire and ice. Now, he wanted to see only fire in those eyes.
Mikey thought she might actually be having a coronary. Her heart was hammering so hard in her chest, her lungs were struggling to pump air, and her whole body felt weak and hot. “This is crazy,” she said breathily.
He flicked each button of his shirt open, his eyes not leaving hers. “Yes.” He agreed, conversationally, as though they were discussing the weather. “It is happening, though, Arnaki. Either go now or stay. It is your choice.”
Mikey’s tongue darted out and wet the edge of her lips. Her mouth was dry. “I thought you didn’t want this.”
His lips were wolfish in a small smile. “I always wanted this. I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“And you do now?”
“I have decided you can take care of yourself. So choose. Do you want to go, Mikey, and play things safe?”
Mikey bit down on her lower lip. Slowly, she shook her head from side to side. The chemistry between them demanded an answer. She could not resist him. Not for even one second longer.
Relief flooded through him. He lowered himself, bare-chested, and hovered with his body, just above her. She was shivering. He knew it was with lust. His face was only inches away from hers. His mouth so close to hers he could almost feel her sweet softness once more.
But he didn’t want her mouth. Not now.
He pulled at her shirt, roughly. Far more roughly than he’d intended. She was surprised. Her gasp cut through the air, then, she laughed. A ripple of amusement and pleasure, that his desperation was equal to hers.
A constant wonder. She never ceased to surprise him. He thought she might have been self-conscious. But no. Mikey, braless, beautiful, laughing on his bed. Some unknown emotion constricted his chest as he dipped his head down and took one of her breasts in his mouth. She bucked instantly. Her whole body lifted and smacked against his, as the heady sensations speared through her soul.
Now it was his turn to laugh. Forcing himself to be gentle, he unbuttoned her pants without lifting his mouth. No. Suckling at her breast had made him rock hard. His erection strained at his pants. He’d never wanted to bury himself in a woman more.
And so he did. He slid a single finger inside her underwear, taking a second to tease her entrance, before plunging into her moist core. Again, she bucked, and he smiled against her soft breast. He lifted his head only so that he could transfer his mouth to her other breast, and its dusky aureole. As he suckled and nipped at her flesh, he plundered her very soul, moving in time, creating a rhythm that was going to break her sanity. Yes. She was so close he could feel her frustration and her total surrender to sexual release.
“This is crazy,” she said again, as her hands gripped the bed coverings and held on, for dear life. She had no choice but to surrender to the inevitable. She whimpered low in her throat as the first wave of orgasm assailed her. Her fingers left the bed spread to run through his thick, dark hair instead, and then, to his shoulders. She dug her nails into his tanned flesh, as her moaning became louder, her keening a weapon of total seduction to Loucas. His body was taut with the need to have her.
He lifted his head, so that he could watch her face as she fell apart. Genuine and complete abandonment made his heart thump wildly in his chest. “You are exquisite,” he whispered, kissing her neck, tasting the fine beads of perspiration that had gathered.
Mikey couldn’t speak. She was shaking from the strength of what she’d just experienced. Her entire body was tingling. She stared at the ceiling, uncomprehendingly.
It was as though a huge light had been switched on in her head. So that was what sex should be like. She thought back to the few encounters she’d had in the past and almost cringed. Nothing had prepared her for the way her body could be driven, in the hands of an expert such as Loucas Aleksandros.