Only, Loucas was the worst possible man to be able to stir those feelings inside of her. In that very room, only moments earlier, he’d told her he wasn’t made for monogamy and relationships. And she’d rewarded his honesty by falling straight into bed with him.
He was smiling at her, running a hand over her flossy blonde hair. “So,” he said, his voice gravelly. “You have even more spirit than I anticipated.”
She arched a brow, still waiting for her heart to slow its demanding thumping. “Is that right?”
He made a guttural sound of accord. “This is going to be a very interesting night, Arnaki.”
“What does that mean?” She furrowed her brow. “You keep calling me that.”
He ran his fingers through her pale hair and gripped it in his palm. It was so soft. So fair. Just like her. “The literal translation is little lamb. It is what you have reminded me of since first we met. A sweet little lamb, too good for this world.”
“Ah, and I suppose you are the wolf who is going to burn my house down?”
He flashed her an irresistible grin. “I’d like to make your body burn, Arnaki,” he promised.
“You already have,” she whispered seriously.
“Can you have too much of a good thing?” He wondered, tugging on her hair with just enough force for her to pull her head back a fraction. He kissed her exposed neck, and she writhed beneath him, as pleasure built once more. “My little lamb, you have a hunger I yearn to explore,” he said with deeply voiced intent, as he lifted his head so that he could see her.
Mikey looked up into his darker-than-night eyes. Maybe it was the thunderstorm whirling around them, or the way he’d made her feel like a heathen sprite, or the way staring into his eyes made her feel as though she were floating through the chasm of space, but something overtook Mikey. She pushed at his shoulder, so
that he fell back against the soft bedding. She didn’t give him a chance to lift up on his elbows. She straddled him in an instant, wishing that her shorts and his pants weren’t providing barriers to their true coming together. But there was no way she could have sex with him. Not yet. Not now. He might have made her feel like a totally wanton woman of the world, but she wasn’t. It wasn’t that she thought sex always had to be shared by people who were in love. But certainly ‘in like’. Ideally dating seriously. And what she shared with Loucas Aleksandros certainly didn’t fit the bill.
Nonetheless, she ground her pelvis, feeling a thrill of feminine power when his eyes flashed wide and his mouth parted on a puff of desperate air. “My turn,” she simpered, lowering her head. She pushed her nerves aside and focussed on the feelings between them. She ran her tongue down the line between his pectoral muscles; flicking him, nipping him gently with her teeth. She ran her hands over his torso, letting her fingers capture his nipples and roll them.
His arousal was hard and strong, and she could feel it moving beneath her, as she tasted his body and felt his power between her legs. She had intended to drive him almost as wild as he had her, but she was simply stirring her own desires anew.
She lifted her head, and stared into his eyes. “I can’t sleep with you,” she blurted, then blushed, because she felt like a presumptuous ingénue.
He lifted his hips, so that she fell back down, landing hard against his chest. She laughed, despite the awkwardness of what she’d just said.
“This is your choice and I will leave you to make it,” he promised, kissing her lips and tugging at her shorts. They were still unbuttoned so they came away easily. And despite what she’d just avowed, she wiggled her hips to help him slide them down. “But before you do, let me ask you this. Do you want to sleep with me, Mikey?” He pulled her briefs away easily, so that she was naked on top of him.
“Do you want me, Mikey?” His accent was heavy, his eyes probing.
She felt a pulse beating inside her moist core. “I...” She squeezed her eyes shut. She wanted him more than she’d known it was possible to want or need another person.
“Not sure, hmmm? Perhaps there’s something I can do to help you decide.”
She opened one eye and peeked at his face. “I...”
He laughed. “I am quite certain you came to my bed able to speak more than one word.” He moved from beneath her easily, leaving her kneeling on the bed on all fours. She swallowed nervously. Could she really do this? She’d felt this pull towards him from the first time she’d met him. But that had not been long ago! How could her body have become addicted to his, and so fast?
She heard a noise and looked up. Loucas was standing, naked now, spectacularly naked, staring down at her. Mikey didn’t know where to look. His arousal was hard, and throbbing. But it was what he held that made her throat thicken. A pair of gleaming, heavy-duty looking handcuffs.
“Do you trust me?” He demanded, taking her hands in his and leading her to the head of his bed.
She looked at the handcuffs, and the sturdy wrought iron that stood against the wall and she swallowed nervously.
“I will not hurt you, Arnaki. I might be a wolf, and you a little lamb, but tonight, we are just this.”
She looked at the handcuffs once more.
“Do you trust me?”
As though a star had gone supernova and covered her brain in gold dust and magic, she nodded. “I do.”