In fact, despite having gone through the motions of a typical date, nothing about this night had felt typical. It was as if a fairy had waved her magic wand and made everything over-bright and glowing.

“Sleep tight, princess,” he whispered, easing her onto the mattress so that he could move away from the bed. He showered, but his mind was trying to find a solution to the problem of Mikey’s departure. A week was not long enough.

He knew he would let her go, eventually. Because he just wasn’t cut out for ‘forever’ type arrangements. But to do so within a week was impossibly cruel to contemplate.

He ran the water over his back, until the beginning of an idea began to form. He knew Mikey was motivated most strongly by Andrew’s recovery. That was the one weapon he had at his disposal to get her to reconsider.

Some time in dusk’s infancy, when the inky sky was just beginning to blush with the day’s fire, Mikey’s eyes fluttered open. She stretched languidly against the heavenly sheets, and her body flexed with muscular pain. Inside and out, she felt like she’d worked out. And she had, she thought with a small, slow smile. She looked across at Loucas.

Fast asleep. In the pale light that was spreading through the room from his bedroom window, she could see his chest moving with an even rise and fall. His arms were thrust above his head, and most of his body was exposed from where the sheet had dropped away during the night.

Well, he wasn’t the only one who wanted to be in charge, she thought with a wicked grin. Gently, so she didn’t wake him, she crouched onto her knees. She’d never been very sexually adventurous, but what she had shared with Loucas gave her a new courage and curiosity.

Without it, she wouldn’t have dared take him in her mouth. It was the most intimate thing she’d ever done, but she wanted to tease him awake in the most seductive way possible. He hardened instantly, and throbbed as she flicked her tongue against his tip. Then, she licked his length. His harsh intake of breath alerted her to the fact that he was awake. Her pale blue eyes locked with his.

“You’re awake,” she murmured.

He groaned, not sure he could remember how to talk. Maybe he could get her to stay in the capacity of his speech pathologist. He watched as slowly, she ran her tongue along his length again, her eyes watching his as she did so. It was the sexiest damned thing he’d ever seen.

“Mikey,” he groaned, as again, she wrapped her mouth around him. He closed his eyes. Waves of sensation were building. Then, he did the stupidest thing he could have, and remembered her eating the sorbet the night before. “Arnaki, stop. I am finding it hard to control myself.”

“Good,” she said, slipping a condom out of its packet and sheathing him. Before he could react, she straddled him, taking him deep inside of her. She rocked on her haunches, moving to her own rhythm, answering the needs of her body as well as his. He dug his fingers into her hips. As she reached towards the stars, he watched her tilt her head back and cry out, and he took over, thrusting into her hard and fast, until everything he was spilled from his body.

“I have never been woken up like that before.”

“Good,” she said, again, her face covered in a fine film of perspiration.

Her legs were like jelly when she stood. “Did I hear you showering last night?”

He nodded, pointing towards the void in the wall. “Go ahead.”

Every inch of Mikey’s body felt strained and sore, but it was the best she’d felt, in her whole life. She couldn’t stop smiling. As the warm water from the shower pummelled her, she leaned against the tiled wall and grinned at nothing and no one.

It was how Loucas found her, minutes later. “I’ve been thinking,” he said, his expression filled with concentration.


“As difficult as you’ve made it,” he couldn’t help adding. Mikey’s grin deepened. “I don’t think you should go in a week.”

“You already said that, and I told you I have to.” But she didn’t. She just needed him to ask her to stay. To be with him.

“No.” He shook his head. “Our current situation aside, I’m employing you to help Andrew. And I’m not sure he’s ready to part with you yet. He needs you.”

How was it possible to feel such bliss and such pain at the same time? Andrew didn’t need her anymore. And if Loucas didn’t, she couldn’t stay. “Loucas, I know you are scared of being alone with him, but life needs to return to some kind of normal. And soon. He can’t get dependent on me. Or Bobby, or Mandy.” The physiotherapist had left earlier that week, and Andrew had coped fine. “We are just transient people in his life. Our purpose is to aid his recovery, not to become a crutch to his existence.”

“Don’t you want to stay with him?”

She wanted to stay with Andrew almost as much as she wanted to stay with Loucas. But she couldn’t. “I have a life back home, Loucas. I can’t put everything on hold for a patient who no longer needs me. There’s someone else to help now.”

“So that’s it? You move on, just like that?” He clicked his fingers in the air.

Mikey had to be strong. She switched the shower off and took the fluffy white towel he handed her. “Not just like that, no.” She dried her body and then towelled her hair.

“I don’t like it. Andrew will be upset.”

“Andrew will be fine,” she contradicted. Every time he used the boy as a reason to keep her on the island, her heart seemed to splinter apart. “Loucas,” she stalled his next comment. “I’m leaving in a week. Let’s not ruin this with another argument. I told you last night, I don’t like fighting with you. This is going to be one of the most amazing weeks of my life.”

He spun away from her, wondering what the hell had come over him. She was offering herself to him on a platter, for one week. That was about as long as he’d ever kept his interest in a woman, anyway, so what was the problem?