He flashed his black AMEX at the door on their way out, adding a tip that was almost as large as the price of their meals, and then spirited her into the waiting limousine.

They didn’t speak.

The ride to his townhouse took only minutes, but the air seemed to spark with electrical current the entire journey.

Finally, the driver stopped the sleek, dark car.

Loucas was out of his door before the driver could open it for him. He held it open for Mikey, then pulled her against him, one arm clamped around her waist.

She had expected the last word in luxury, of course, but again, his Athens house shocked her. Its opulence was something she couldn’t fathom. Enormous, in the heart of the crowded city, with discrete furnishings that she knew must have cost a fortune.

It all passed in a blur, as, hand around her waist, he moved her through the first storey and up a flight of marble stairs, to another level of rooms. They were almost running by the time they reached his room, at the end of the tiled corridor. He shouldered the door open and pulled at her waist, grabbing her to him, kissing her desperately. He stepped out of his pants without breaking the kiss and then slipped her dress down, and disposed of her underwear. There was not a second to waste. He clutched her hips and lifted her, cradling him against his waist, wrapping her legs around his broad chest. He pushed her back against the cold wall of his room, not even bothering to switch the lights on, he entered her.

She moaned as her body welcomed him back, his length now a necessary component for living. He took her swiftly; their need was driven by animal instincts. They climaxed together, both a mess of limbs and sweat, need and fulfilment.

As his ability to breathe returned to normal, he carried her to his bed and placed her down, gently. He removed each of her shoes and placed them on the ground. Then, he switched on a lamp and took a small vial from his bedside table.

He straddled her, watching her face in the pale, golden glow cast by the lamp. He poured the oil into his palms, and then, beginning at her breasts, he massaged her body. He let himself feel every single part of her, as he had promised himself he would. And the longer the contact lasted, the more he wanted to touch her.

She sighed, her eyes were heavy.

“Sleep is not for you, tonight, Arnaki.” He warned, replacing the vial on his bedside table.

“I don’t want to sleep,” she promised. “And even if I do sleep, you needn’t be jealous. I only seem to dream of you, anyway.”

His grin was wolfish. “Good. I want to own your body in your dreams, too.”

He kissed her thighs, then ran his tongue up her side, towards her breasts. She groaned as he lashed one with his tongue. “You make me want to do nothing but this,” he ground out, needling her skin with his palms.

“Mmm, sounds good to me,” she groaned, as he slipped protection onto his length and entered her again.

“How do you do this to me?” She begged, grabbing a pillow and pulling it over her face. She screamed into it as her body felt like it was boiling into nothingness. She rolled her head from side to side. With each time they came together, her orgasms felt more and more intense.

Afterwards, he pulled her against his naked body and held her tight. He kissed her soft shoulder, and then looked down at her face.

“You are exhausted,” he observed, a grim frown on his face. Guilt stabbed him. “You should have said.”

“You had a little something to do with that,” she murmured, snuggling into him. “Was it really only this morning that you came back?”


“I was so angry with you.”

“Were you?” Though he had seen it in her eyes.

“Oh, you’d better believe it. I thought you’d run away from this. Worse, that you’d seen me talking to Bobby after our jog and fled to Athens instead of talking to me about it.”

Her voice was slow. She was nearly asleep. “Perhaps there was a small element of that,” he answered truthfully, running a hand through her hair. “I’m a busy man, Arnaki, and my job is demanding. But I would be lying if I said my workload was completely responsible for my absence. I knew... I knew I could not resist you, if I remained on Nisi Ourano.”

Her heart thudded with pleasure and understanding. “I’m glad you came back.”

“So am I.”

“I d

on’t like fighting with you.” Her eyelids were heavy. The drifted shut, her lashes long against her cheeks.

“No,” he agreed, watching as she fell asleep in his arms. He’d never done that with a woman – cradled her until she slept. It was definitely not a page from his usual playbook.