“No thanks, Jake. The only thing I need is to see him.”

Jake leaned back next to her. “You heard Bradley. It could be awhile. You look exhausted. Some coffee might help you stay awake.”

Starting at the moment her doorknob rattled, adrenaline and fear kept her body going. With both those things gone, exhaustion was settling in. “Maybe coffee’s a good idea. Make it the biggest they have. Put some sugar in it too. Maybe it’ll give me an extra little boost.”

“You’ve got it. Be right back. Call me if you want anything else.”

He started for the door. Allison’s ringing smartphone stopped him.

She’d shoved the device and her keys in her jeans pocket when she’d rushed out the door. Now she pulled it out and checked the screen. Trent. Was he calling with an update on Addie? She hadn’t received any updates from him or her dad, but would he call this late. Trent would want to share the news, but considering the time, she suspected he’d wait until a more acceptable hour. If not about the baby, he had only one other reason to call now. The police had informed Marta and Sal of what happened and they’d passed the information on to him. She’d never get out of telling her family everything, but she’d prefer to do it much later. Perhaps after she saw Rock and got a little rest.

“Are you going to answer the phone?” Jake asked.

“It’s Trent.”

“Do you want me to answer?”

“No, I got it.” Letting Jake answer would only postpone the inevitable. At least now she could tell Trent they were both alive and safe. “Hello,” she said.

“Where are you? What the hell is going on?” Trent didn’t pause so she could answer before he continued. “Are you okay? Marta called me hysterical. She said Rock was rushed to the hospital after being shot. I sent a car to drive her and Sal to the airport. Dad’s plane is waiting for them. The police didn’t have an update on his condition.”

When Trent stopped for a breath, she jumped in. “I’m fine and in a waiting room at the hospital. Jake is with me. Have you told anyone else?” No matter what, her dad and the rest of her family would worry, but perhaps they’d worry less if they knew she was okay.

“Thank God.” She heard him blow out a deep breath. “Only Dad and Abby. I needed to check on you before I called anyone else. And I didn’t want to tell Addie anything about Rock until I knew more.”

“He’s out of surgery and in stable condition. The doctor said the bullets didn’t hit any vital organs. I’m waiting to go up and see him.”

“That’s excellent news. But what the hell happened down there? Were you with him?”

“I’ll tell you everything later. I promise. Right now, can we just leave it at I’m okay and Rock will recover.” Telling her brother would mean reliving the night. She didn’t have it in her right now.

“You’re not hurt?”

“Honest. I don’t have a scratch on me. Rock made sure I stayed safe.”

Trent huffed. The protective big brother in him wanted all the answers tonight. “Okay, I’ll wait for the whole story. Call me when you get home and keep me updated on how Rock is doing. I need to call Marta before the plane leaves so they know Rock’s stable. She was wreck when I talked to her.”

She pictured the puddles of blood on her bedroom floor. She wasn’t sure she could ever sleep in there again. “Wait.” She needed some happy news. The birth of a baby qualified. “How’s Addie. Did she have the baby yet?” She’d lost track of how many hours ago her dad announced Addie started labor, but it sure seemed like a long time.

“Addie’s beat and the baby is asleep.”

Finally, she had something positive to focus on while she waited. “Well, do I have a niece or a nephew?”

“Nephew. Kendrick was born two and half hours ago. I’ll send you pictures later this morning. When you see Rock, tell him the news. I need to go.”

She understood Trent’s urgency. Once she received word on Rock’s condition, she should have tried Marta again herself. Rock’s parents deserved to know what was happening. However, she was pleased she didn’t have to do it. At some point, she’d have to talk to them, but right now she didn’t want to admit to them their son had almost died because of her.

“Did Addie have a boy or a girl?” Jake asked when she put the phone away. He’d moved closer while she spoke to her brother. Allison suspected Jake wanted Trent’s first born to be a boy too. Growing up, he and Trent had been like brothers. Less than a year apart in age, they’d been inseparable growing up until they’d gone to different universities. She could picture her cousin wanting his son, Garret, to have a similar relationship with his cousins.

“Boy. I’m sure James, Garret, and Kendrick will get into all kinds of trouble together,” she said, referring to Jake’s nephew who’d been born in the fall.

“Never,” Jake said and winked. “They’ll be well-behaved gentleman like Trent and me.”

From somewhere deep inside, laughter rolled up and over her and it took her several seconds to get it under control. “I needed that. Thank you.”

“Glad I could help. Do you still want coffee?”

Allison wiped the tears from her eyes, glad they were now tears from laughing instead of crying. “Please. Marta and Sal are on their way. I’m going to try to stay until they get here.”