
Fog filled his head and cotton coated his mouth. Rock ignored both and opened his eyes. Sterile white walls and a small television mounted a few inches from the ceiling greeted him. A tidal wave of memories rushed back. Allison’s stalker had g

otten in the house. The bastard had been so close to harming her. When he’d seen the guy standing in her doorway, absolute fear had gripped him. Fear like nothing he’d every experienced before or wanted to again.

Where was she now? What about her stalker? Hunter, he’d heard Allison call him. He’d gone for the SOB’s carotid artery. Often that kind of injury killed a man. He hoped it had tonight. Hunter deserved death for the hell he’d put Allison through.

He tried moving in bed, but everything felt sluggish. Damn anesthesia. He hated the stuff. Took forever for it to wear off completely. Rock shifted his upper body again and winced at the pull in his side. He didn’t need to look. He remembered the shots Hunter got off. He wasn’t looking forward to when the pain meds wore off.

“You’re awake.” Allison walked in the room. She appeared pale and her hair looked like it hadn’t seen a brush in days, but she was walking and talking.

“If ya can call it awake. My head’s in the clouds.” He rubbed his forehead and watched her come closer. “How long have you been here?”

“Since the ambulance brought you in. But they just let me come up to your room.” She dropped a featherlight kiss on his lips before she pulled a chair over. “Your mom and dad are one their way.”


“I don’t know what that means, but I’m guessing you’re not happy they’re coming.”

“There’s no need for them to waste the money. I’m fine. You really didn’t need to call them.”

“When I called, they didn’t answer. The Providence police actually told them. And then Trent sent them down on dad’s jet. They should be here soon.” Allison took his hand. “But they needed to know, Rock. If the police hadn’t told them, I would have kept trying until I got them.”

“Mom doesn’t handle this kind of news well. She’s a tough woman, you’d think she would, but it’s just the opposite.” Any other crisis and his mom took control, but when it came to sick or injured family members, she fell apart.

“At least she knows you’re okay. Trent called and I filled him in on your condition. He passed the info on to your parents.”

It would help, but he’d still face some serious fussing over him. And he’d suck it up and deal with it like he’d done in the past. After all, it was his mom. “A doctor hasn’t been in yet. What did they tell ya?”

“Dr. Ford said the bullets didn’t hit any organs and that the one through your thigh missed the femur and the artery.”

Considering the fact he was awake and they were talking, he’d assumed the bullets hadn’t caused any life threatening injuries. Now on to more important matters. “Are you okay?” He recalled asking her the same question after his fight with Hunter and she answered yes. Honestly, he didn’t know if he’d actually asked or just dreamed he did.

She rolled her lips together and looked away for a moment. “He didn’t hurt me.” Her voice quivered a little. “I’m still shaken up though. And in shock. Hunter is Charles’s younger brother. He’s a junior at Georgetown University. He plays football and was talking about summer internships in my office. I just don’t understand.”

She kept referring to him in the present tense. He hoped the creep hadn’t made it. “Did he make it?”

“No, he was gone when the paramedics got there.”

What a shame.

“Maybe if I’d done something, he would’ve lived. I didn’t even try.” She sounded guilty, which angered him. Nothing had been her fault. “This sounds horrible, but I didn’t care. You needed me; that was all that mattered.”

“It’s not horrible, Ally.” Man, he wanted to wrap his arms around her and make the entire hellish night disappear. “I would’ve done the same. The scumbag got what he deserved.”

“I know.” Tears pooled in her eyes and he knew she’d lose the battle of holding them back soon.

“Everything’s over. You’re safe.”

She chocked back a sob and nodded, causing her hair to fall forward. “I was so scared you weren’t going to make it. Blood was everywhere and you got so pale.” She pushed her hair back behind her ears, revealing the tears, which fell down her face. “I love you and the idea of losing you—”

“Ya didn’t. I’m here. You’re here. Everything’s fine.” He tried to sit up more but the pain slowly inching its way through his body stopped him.

“You’re in pain, aren’t you?”

So much for not wincing. “Not too bad. Pain meds are just starting to wear off. Must be almost time for more.” This wasn’t the first time he’d suffered a gunshot wound. He knew the drill. Rather than focus on his condition or what she’d experienced, he changed the subject. “Did Addie have the baby?”

“Yep, earlier this morning. A little boy. They named him Kendrick. Trent promised to send pictures later today.” A little sadness remained in her voice, but she sounded much more like herself.