He looked up from rinsing the fresh raspberries we’d adorn the custards with.
“Devon and I met in college. I’ve never really been one to date around.” I slid the cookie tray with the custards under the broiler, hunkered down beside the stove. I left the broiler door cracked so I could keep an eye on dessert. “He always seemed like a perfect fit. And he was. We were quite happy during college. Moved into together during my freshman year. He was a few years older than me, so he had a lovely duplex by the lake and was already working his way through the ranks at his first kitchen job. We had a small ceremony the summer after I moved in, a commitment ceremony, and life was all I had ever imagined.”
“Is that when you decided to adopt a child?”
“We didn’t adopt Kailey. Back then it would have been impossible for two queer men to adopt a child. We had to pretend we were roommates at any of his work functions, although most people saw through it rather quickly.”
“Right. Shit, that sucks.”
I shrugged, wishing like hell we’d have taken a different conversational route. “It was what it was.”
“So how did you end up with a daughter?”
“She was our natural child with a woman we were both close friends with. Marci agreed to carry and have the baby for us. It was all very secretive…the surrogacy and pregnancy. Lies upon lies to employers and governmental agencies, insurance companies, families. There were a few places in Chicago that would do the insemination for LGBT couples, clinics, but it was hush-hush of course.” The tops of the custards were bubbly and brown, so I removed them and placed the sheet pan on top of the stove and sprinkled them with sugar. “Can we talk about something else? I’d really like this night to be about new beginnings and not old nightmares.”
“Yes, of course. I’m sorry for prodding. I’m just naturally curious and you’re so damn austere that I just want to dig deeper and deeper.”
“I’m not a fossil though. Drop a few of those raspberries on top of the custard.”
He dropped five fat berries onto each bubbling custard then his sight found mine. “I am sorry. Anytime I get that gleam of discovery in my eye, slug me.”
“I’d much rather kiss you into silence.”
“Okay, that works and will be less painful.”
So I did, I kissed him over the custard. His response was heated and instantaneous. Hands roamed, tongues tangled, and the custard grew cold.
“Dessert,” I panted in between long, wet explorations of each other’s mouths. He said something that got lost in the crook of my neck as he feasted on my throat.
“Will come later,” he growled against my flesh. I rolled my hips, grinding my stiff cock against his. His lips roamed up my neck, resting beside my ear as he found my hands and pressed them to the wall he had me jacked up against. Then he leaned in. Hard. A small whimper burbled out of me. “I want to fuck you. Are you happy with that?”
“God yes,” I huffed, my hands flat to the wall, my cock leaking, my balls aching. “Do this…to me in bed.”
He nipped at my ear. I moaned. “You want me to hold you down while I destroy your ass? Is that what you want, Nate?”
Holy fucking hell.
Who would have guessed that the chill surfer bone dude was a foul-mouthed aggressive top? Surely not me but I could not have been happier.
“Say it, Nate.” He bit on my earlobe a little harder. The jolt of pain/pleasure brought me dangerously close to coming in my shorts. “Say what you want me to do to you.”
“Hold me down…while you destroy my ass,” I managed to cough out before his mouth slanted over mine. I kissed him ravenously. He met me stroke for stroke, his tongue plunging into my mouth as I hoped—no prayed—his dick would be plunging into my body soon.
“Let’s go to bed,” he said when we came up for air. He led me to my bedroom, steering me to the bed, where I stood as he slowly began removing the clothes I’d worked so hard to pick out. “You are beautiful.” He ran his palms over my chest. “So hairy. I love that.”
He stripped me bare, complimenting me all the while, touching and tasting each new bit of flesh he bared. He was a thorough lover, that chill attitude of his flowing over into how he made love. There was no rushing, no matter how I yearned for him to toss me down and fuck me. Nope, Bishop was truly all about the joy of discovery.
“Mm, I love the smell of your skin,” he purred as he knelt before me, his nose in the dark patch of curls around my cock. “Manly.” He rubbed his rough chin along the length of me then, his new whiskers short and scratchy. I hissed and bucked, leaving a trail of precum along his cheek. “Such a beautiful cock.” He kissed the head, his tongue darting out to clean off the new droplet beading up. One hand cupped my balls, and the other rested on my bare ass, his fingers pressing on the edge of my hole. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to go forward or in reverse. “Your ass wants me to finger it. It’s hungry for it. Tell me to finger your ass, Nate.”
“Yes, fuck yes, finger my ass while you suck my cock!” I think I may have yelled. He didn’t seem to care if I had. He held up another finger for me to suck. I suckled on his fingers until spit ran down his hand.
“You want it bad don’t you?” he asked. I nodded, breathless, his finger still in my mouth. He pulled them out with a pop then hurried to find my hole as he took my cock into his mouth. With a grunt of pleasure, he pushed the tip of his finger into my ass. I moved up then back, lost between the glory of his wet mouth and the two long fingers slipping into me. My hands threaded into his hair, tugging at the bun until the ribbon came undone. He released my balls and caught it as it slithered down his chest. Hot blue eyes met mine. “Tie this around your balls and cock.” I hurried to do as he asked. “Good, yeah, that’s good. Put your foot on the bed.”
No sooner did my toes touch the mattress and he had my balls in his mouth. I clamped around his fingers as he sucked one heavy orb then the other, the ribbon growing sodden when he began going from my cock to my nuts. I cried out when he hooked his fingers, rubbing over that cluster of nerves.
“I’ll come…stop,” I ground out. “I want…you inside me when…I come,” I confessed, my fingers fisted in all that thick, gold hair. He wet his lips, removed his fingers, and stood up. His mouth crashed down on mine. I pulled and yanked at his clothes, mad with want, frenzied with desire. When he was nude, I went to my knees. Precum dripped off his thick cock. I stuck out my tongue to catch it.
“Holy fuck that is hot,” he ground out, his hand coming to my face. With two fingers under my chin, he held me in place until that droplet slowly fell from his prick to my tongue. My eyes rolled back in my head as the taste of him exploded on my taste buds. “Okay, yeah, we need to get you on your knees.”