I never did get to suck him as I longed to. He pulled on me until I was on my feet then his lips found mine again. We fell onto the bed, the soft mattress swallowing us with a sigh. His leg wedged between mine. Hard dick to hard dick we made out, humping each other like dogs, until he pulled back.
“I’ll need that ribbon,” he said, tugging it free then nudging me to my belly. I went willingly, placing my ass in the air and my forearms to the bed. “Mm, shit, Nate, talk about temptation. I don’t know if I should eat your ass or fuck it. What do you think?”
“Ugh,” I brilliantly replied. He chuckled then gave each ass cheek a quick peck. “Fuck me.”
“I’m negative and on PrEP,” he said as he licked a wet path up my spine, his pelvis coming to rest against my ass.
“Same. Negative that is,” I growled, pushing back against the hot, long cock nudging my balls. “Condoms and lube are in the nightstand.”
His breath hot on the back of my neck made me quiver. He then moved to the side, the drawer slid open, and I closed my eyes. I’d placed the two foot lengths of red silk rope in with the condoms and lubes. I heard Bishop pull in a long, unsteady breath.
“Maybe we don’t need that ribbon after all,” he said, his voice thick as molasses. “Is this for me to use on you? To tie you up with, cowboy?”
“Yes,” I croaked, my throat parched, my lips suddenly dry. “If it’s too weird for you or—”
“Oh, baby, this is perfection is what this is.” He moved around, his cock hitting my hip just as the soft satin rope slithered across my lower back. “Lay on your belly. Good, so good. Give me your arms.” I couldn’t seem to move fast enough. I lay on my belly now, my cock pinned between me and the cover. Shit. I forgot to get a towel. He pulled my arms behind my back, gently knotted the rope around my wrists, and placed my crossed hands on my lower back. “You look so good all trussed up. So trusting. You do trust me, yes?”
He ran his hands up and down my sides. “Yes, I do,” I confessed. It wasn’t an easy admission, but I did trust him. For some bizarre reason, I felt safe sharing this side of me with him. “Don’t make me regret being this open with you.”
He rained kisses down my back. “I’ll make sure your trust in me isn’t abused. I won’t hurt you I swear.”
I grunted like a feral hog and arched my back. “Someone wants cock. Is that right? You want my dick in your ass?” He moved around, settling his bare ass on my thighs. “I think you need a dick too. A big fat one…”
He patted my right buttock with his cock. I squirmed about like a worm, a horny as hell worm. My cock was dripping all over the coverlet, and I had stopped caring. He played a bit longer, rubbing his prick all over my ass as he talked. God above the things that he said. Who would have thought a nerdy paleontologist would say such nasty things? Not me. I gloried in his dirty talk, craved it, and then softly begged for it.
“Say that again,” I groaned into the sheets when he told me how hot the hair on my thighs was. I asked over and over as he worked two slick fingers between my cheeks and breached my hole. With him sitting on my thighs I couldn’t offer myself up to him as I yearned to do. It was fucking maddening and glorious all at once.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard. Goddamn but you’re tight. You think you can take my cock, Nate?” He worked his fingers in and out of me, the squelching sounds of his fingers working my ass and my huffs filling the bedroom.
“Yes, I can take it. I want to take it. Now, fuck me now! I’m so close.”
The condom wrapper fell to my back, two halves tickling down my ribs. His slippery fingers bit into my ass cheeks as he spread me open. Back arched, face buried in the bedding, eyes squeezed shut, the fat head of his dick found my hole. He pushed in, slow and steady, stopping to let me suck in air.
“Easy, baby, easy, yeah, shit that’s good. Breathe. Fuck but your ass is hot.” He buried himself to the hilt with a sharp thrust that rocked my world. I cried out as I came. Hot pulses of cum dampened the bedding and my belly. I rocked up and back, easing off his cock then coming back onto it, impaling myself as I pumped madly into the coverings. “Fuck,” he gasped, grabbing my hips as I trembled wildly. “So tight…going to give you what you want…Nate…shit. Yeah, milk my cock. Fuck!”
His roar of completion bounced off the walls. I moaned softly, enjoying the feel of his prick kicking inside me.
“Holy shit…Nate,” he gasped, his hands on my ass, pressing my cheeks together. I clamped around him, pleased to feel him shudder as he twitched and spewed into the condom. “Holy hell. Fucking A. Sweet Mother Mary. Shit, baby.” He melted over me, his lips coming to rest on the nape of my neck where he peppered my damp skin with small nips and kisses. “Ah God, your ass feels so good. So good…”
I lay there spent, coated in my own spunk, winded, feeling the first twinges of his lovemaking, and purred like my old barn cat.
“Sorry,” he whispered when I groaned not in pain but pleasure. His weight pushing me into the mattress as it stretched my arms a bit was sweet soft pain. “Let me undo these.” He quickly loosened the rope, his cock sliding out of me. He raised my arms over my head, his fingers working the tingling muscles. I sighed in pleasure, my ass tender as hell, my arms alive with pins and needles. “You okay? Do you need anything?”
He eased off my legs and moved to the side of the bed. I rolled to my side, smiled, and shook my head. His blue eyes lit up. He leaned down to capture my mouth. I threw my still prickling arms around his neck and wrestled him to the bed, my tongue sparring with his. I let him win the match.
“You talk too much even when you’re fucking,” I teased a moment later when we came up for air.
“Stop pretending like you didn’t like it. I heard you begging me to fill your ears with smutty talk while I filled your ass with cock,” he replied, pressing me back into the bed. I went to my back like a ragdoll, sniggering a bit when he rolled to his hip and into my wet spot. “Nate, you creamed the bed.”
I threaded my fingers into his hair, fisted it tight enough to make him wince, then led his mouth back to mine. I was punch drunk, desperate for another round, tender hole and tingly arms be damned. It had been so long, and he was so fucking toppy.
“Mm, shit, we’re never going to get to the custard at this rate,” he panted then threw himself off me to peel off the spent condom. “I need to take care of this.” He knotted the condom, gave me a quick peck on the nipple, then left my bed. He wobbled a bit on the way to the small half bath, chuckling as he went. “My knees are rubbery.”
“So is my ass,” I tossed out then eased my way up into a sitting position. My shoulders complained as did my asshole, but I ignored them both and stood. I found my boxer briefs on the floor and gingerly stepped into them. Then I yanked off the soiled bed cover, wadded it up, and crammed it into my hamper. Bishop emerged, linking his arms around me then resting his chin on my shoulder. I eased back into his embrace then gasped in mild surprise when a wet, warm cloth touched my belly.
“Let me wipe you up,” he whispered and so I let him clean the cum from my belly. He dropped the cloth to the floor then kissed a path from my shoulder to my ear. “Next time I want you on your back, hands tied to the bedposts, and your knees by your ears while I fuck you. Think you’d be into that?”
Oh fuck.
“Yeah, I’d be into that.” I turned around to stare into his eyes. Being about the same height was nice. “Are you into having me under you all the time?”
“Silly cowpoke.” He slanted his mouth over mine. We tasted each other for several minutes then he pulled back a bit. “I need custard to fuel me for round two.”
“It’s probably not going to be as good as it was when it was fresh from the fridge,” I replied, cupping the tight globes of his ass. His cock stirred a bit pressed between us as it was.
“That’s okay, I find that I prefer things with a little age on them.”
I nodded since words failed me and led him to the kitchen, his fingers meshed with mine.