“Get in the Jeep!”

“I said, no! Now move or the bus is going to hit you!”

“Yeah, I’d say you’ve got drama all right,” the lady said as she nodded her head. “He your boyfriend?”

I looked at her and bit my lip. “Umm, it’s complicated.”

Her eyebrows raised and she said, “Looks like it.”

“Martin, I’m serious. Get in here!”

The bus started honking even louder as it made its approach.

“No! I’ll see you there!”

He threw his head back on the headrest again, but then he opened his door.

“What the heck?” I whispered to myself as I watched him stalk around the front of the Jeep. He opened the passenger door and stared at me.

“I can wait all night, Martin,” he said, leaning against the door and looking far too handsome for his own good. And for my own good.

The bus wouldn’t stop honking.

“Well, since you asked so nicely, Moreau!” I yelled at him as I started to walk to his Jeep.

“I’m writing down your plate number! No funny business, you hear me?” the lady said to Beau.

“Gotcha,” he said, then nodded at her while I slipped into the passenger seat. He slammed the door, shaking his head the whole time he rounded the hood and jumped behind the wheel. “Honest to Christ, Martin. There’s not one other person on the face of this earth who gets me as riled up as you do.”

I sneered at him after I buckled myself in. “Ditto, Moreau.”

Despite his enormous,obvious hatred for me, Beau still opened my door for me and helped me out. When he reached for my hand as I stepped out of his Jeep, I swore I felt a bolt of electricity run through me at our contact.

But as quickly as it was there, it left when he let go.

“Allo, my sweet children,” Angelique greeted us at the door, giving us cheek kisses and hugs galore. “I see you arrived together?” she said, hugging me for the third time.

“I had to drag her away from her homeless friends, but she finally agreed to let me drive her,” Beau said in a snarky voice that made me want to trip him.

I pushed away from Angelique. “Now you’re telling me who I can and can’t be friends with?” I glared at Beau.

“You were being stubborn.”

My jaw dropped open. “I was being stubborn? Who nearly got hit by a bus?”

“He stopped.”

“Because you refused to move!” I raised my voice, getting angrier by the second.

“No, Martin. You refused to move.” Beau leaned into me. I could smell his spicy, manly cologne.

“Children, children, it sounds like you’ve already had an adventurous evening,” Marcel said, chuckling. Angelique moved out of the way and allowed him to greet us.

“Ah, it’s nice to have us all under one roof again, oui, Marcel?” Angelique said to her husband as her arm folded around his.

He gazed down at his wife with all the love in the world. “Oui, my darling.” Then he gently touched his lips to hers.

I had to physically stop myself from saying, ‘Aww,’ just like my teammates would have.