These two were seriously cute.

“Let us sit in the drawing room, shall we?” Angelique suggested with a big smile on her face.

Marcel said, “After you, ma chèrie.”

My heart sighed as I watched my two godparents who were obviously still so in love.

“Go, Martin,” Beau whispered harshly behind me.

I twisted my head around. “You go.”

He let out a low grumble. “Why are you so impossible?”

“Why are you?”

“Would you just go? They’re waiting for us.” He motioned toward the opened French doors.

“You go,” I said, obstinately, sounding more like a two year old than a twenty-two year old.

We both did.

“I swear to God, there can’t possibly be a more stubborn woman on the face of this earth than you,” he said, his hand sliding to the small of my back. The surprise of his warm touch took my breath away for a moment and I ended up walking beside him to the drawing room.

Marcel and Angelique were already sitting down.

Their eyes were glued to us.

“Take a seat,” Beau said to me.

I peered back up at him. “You take a seat.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he took a seat beside Marcel on one of the couches.

“You almost got hit by a bus?” Marcel asked Beau.

Beau nodded and said, “Kind of wishing I had at the moment.”

Laughter bubbled out of Marcel like I’d never heard before. His whole body shook as he nearly howled out loud. “Oh, mon fils, I feel your struggle,” he said, leaning over to pat Beau on the back. All Beau did was sigh.

Angelique began speaking in French—so we all followed suit—and said, “All right, all right, Marcel, we must discuss our predicament now with the children.”

Marcel stopped laughing.

I didn’t take that as a good sign.

Marcel began what felt oddly like an elevator pitch. “You know your godmother and I love both of you like our own children. We only want the very best in life for each of you.”

I nodded and saw Beau do the same.

A nice mix of apprehension and anxiety brewed in my stomach.

“There will be more sponsorship announcements this coming week,” Marcel said, looking first to me, then to Beau. “Neither of them are for you.”

Beau sat back further on the couch. “Quentin already informed us why we aren’t getting any sponsorships.”

“You don’t have much time left, Beauregard,” Angelique said in her elegant voice. “Each day you’re overlooked, is one more day gone.”

Beau’s jaw clamped shut, and he nodded. When he spoke, his eyes looked directly at me, “I’m well aware, Angelique.”