“Gigi, as you just said, the more airtime,” he said, making air quotes when he said the last word, “you get is important for a variety of reasons.” Quentin looked from Geneviève to me, then back to her.

“You’ve noticed some of the guys have made deals with sponsors. Big money. Big, big, big money. We’re talking not just putting those two boys of yours through college, but the entire fucking block!” Quentin said, clapping his hands together.

We got a few sharp looks from the other patrons. “It’s been awesome news for them. We’re happy they’ve got such great deals,” I said, speaking for Geneviève as well.

He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. “Haven’t heard a fucking peep from anyone for you two,” he said, waggling his index finger between the two of us. “Not one peep.” His face was stern as he shook his head.

I cleared my throat and gazed over at him. “I’m sure something will pop up, eventually, Quentin.”

Quentin pushed his plate and silverware forward, making room for his arms. “Can I level with you, Beau? Gigi?” he said in an even, low voice.

Geneviève looked at me, her face holding a slight frown. Again, I answered for her. “Isn’t that why we’re here?” I said with a note of humor in my voice, but his face was dead serious.

He nodded. “You guys don’t exactly display—buyer confidence. If you know what I mean.”

I stared at him blankly, not understanding him at all. “I have no idea what you’re trying to say.”

Quentin exhaled, making a loud, huffing noise. “Beau, your baby mama drama is all over the fuckin’ place. One minute you’re on TV cuddling up to Sienna in the park, then the next minute you’re walking out of Gigi’s place half naked, making out with her on the balcony.”

My breath caught in my throat as I felt the blood drain from my face. I saw Geneviève’s hand clench into a ball on her lap.

“All of social media land is littered with, ‘Team Gigi’ and ‘Team Sienna’ T-shirts.” He turned to Geneviève and said, “Far more ‘Team Gigi’ shirts, so no worries there, kid.” Quentin winked at her.

I’d seen that shit on social media, the few times I’d been on. He was right, all my dirty laundry was constantly out there for everyone to see.

“The whole point of us being on the show was to get us publicity. Now you’re telling us it’s a bad thing?” I asked, beginning to feel more than frustrated with this whole situation.

“Beau, you want the good kind of publicity. Four year old twins popping up out of nowhere is one thing. But this back and forth between Gigi and Sienna—” he sucked in his cheeks and shook his head, “is a whole lotta not good. If a company is going to invest in a player, they need to feel reassured that he or she isn’t going to flake out on them. This whole, ‘will they, won’t they’ between you and Sienna is getting droll.”

I saw Geneviève grasp the edge of the table. “With all due respect, Quentin, I don’t know what all this has to do with me? Beau’s an adult, he can spend time with whomever he pleases. And I can do the same.”

He reached out his hand and briefly squeezed hers. “Kid, it has everything to do with you. We need to find a way to restore buyer confidence.”

“And what would you suggest?” she shot right back in a slightly agitated voice.

He nodded his head and gazed down at the table for a moment. When he looked back up, he said, “We need something big here. I’m not gonna lie. The way things look now, nobody’s going to touch either of you with a ten foot pole.”

I frowned and tilted my head, not liking the tone of his voice. “How big, exactly?”

“You and G moving back in together. Dump the baby mama drama. Keep the kids center focus—where they should be, obviously. But Sienna needs to be O, U, T—out, man.” He clapped his hands together, sliding his top hand off like a rocket. “As in not seen or heard.”

“Quentin, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Sienna is the boys’ mother. There’s no reason for her to be out of the picture, nor should there be,” Geneviève said, sitting forward on her chair.

Again, he shook his head. “G, you know I love you. But Sienna is an attention seeking, take-no-prisoners, kind of woman. This is not what Beau’s rep needs right now. He needs your fresh, clean, cool vibes.”

“We aren’t together anymore, Quentin. And now with the boys involved, I don’t think us faking a relationship again would be what’s best for them,” she responded, leaning back and lifting up her hair at the back. She did that when she was studying, and I always thought it was the cutest damn thing.

I would often sneak in a kiss on the back of her neck whenever she did it.

“G, we need to do something big. Not just you two moving in. I’m talking big, big.”

I’d had about enough of this. “Just say what you mean, Quentin.”

“Engagement ring. A big, huge, fuckin’ sparkler. All over social media. You guys kissing in a field somewhere, the boys smiling their adorable faces right beside you.”

At first, I didn’t understand his words. It was like he spoke a different language or something.

Then what he said hit me.