Which was exactly what I wanted to do with her right now.

“Come with me.”

“What?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.

I cleared my throat and snickered. “To the restaurant. I’m going there anyway.” My eyes fell to her cleavage, then dropped to those long, long, legs of hers.

My cock stirred while I remembered how good they felt wrapped around my waist.

“Uh, that’s probably not a good idea.”

She was fucking right about that. I wasn’t sure how much control I’d have over my wandering hands if she was only a foot away from me in an enclosed space.

“We’re both adults here, aren’t we?”

Her head nodded, unsurely.

“Then let’s go,” I said, sweeping my hand toward my Jeep. “I’m sure you can handle five minutes alone with me, right?”

Geneviève tossed her hair behind her shoulder and made her way back toward me. I waited until she was near enough, then I inhaled deeply, enjoying her floral scent. It was heavier tonight, but still the same intoxicating scent.

I followed behind her, watching her ass the entire time we walked to my Jeep.

This was going to be one long night.

“And you both arrive together,this is fantastic,” Quentin said, clapping his hands together before shaking first Geneviève’s hand, then mine. He wore a light gray suit with a white shirt underneath.

No tie.

Never a tie.

I held out a chair, waiting for Geneviève to sit. “Thank you,” she said, her perfume again floating up my nose. Her hand swiped all those luscious, dark locks of hers over one shoulder. That left her tempting neck exposed.

This was going to be tougher than I thought.

Not that the drive over here had been a piece of cake. For all my talk about being an adult, all I could think about was how I wanted to lower her seat all the way back and—

“Beau, take a seat,” Quentin said, a curious look in his eye. I’d been standing here behind Geneviève, looking like an idiot.

“Sorry, Quentin, forgive me. I haven’t been sleeping well and I seem to zone out at odd times.” I tried to excuse my odd behavior.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Quentin asked, reaching for the bread the waiter had just set on our table.

I thanked the waiter, then looked at Geneviève—the very reason I wasn’t sleeping. “Oh, you know, I have my reasons.” I didn’t take my eyes off her the entire time I answered.

She looked away, seemingly uncomfortable with my gaze.

“That’s not great, Beau. But your team is doing phenomenal so far this year. A real winning team.” Quentin moved his hands in the air as he spoke, “A real underdog story for the ages. Everyone loves a good, ‘underdogs take it all’ kind of story.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Not sure about that, but we’re going to do everything humanly possible to see it through. The guys are working their asses off—on and off the ice. Hopefully we continue to see good results.”

He nodded enthusiastically, then took a mouthful of his drink. “And, Gigi, your team is doing great as well. I’ve noticed a few of the bigger stations are beginning to show more of the women’s games. It’s a fabulous thing to see. You’re really helping to break that divide, and I love it.”

She crossed her legs, showing even more leg as she did. “Thanks, Quentin. I’ve observed the same thing. It’s slow going, but I think we’re going in the right direction. The more airtime we can get, the more interest will follow.”

Quentin smiled widely at her. “Funny you should mention that, G. That’s exactly why I called you two here, tonight.”

I took a deep breath, having a bad feeling about what was going to spurt out of his excited mouth next.